Þessi skýrsla var unnin fyrir Fiskistofu. Markmiðið var að taka saman upplýsingar varðandi slóghlutfall, vinnslunýtingu og verkunarnýtingu fyrir eftirfarandi bolfisktegundir: þorskur, ýsa, ufsi, steinbítur, keila og langa.
Slóghlutfall og nýtingarstuðlar fyrir bolfisk eru mjög mismunandi eftir árstímum, stærð fisks, veiðisvæðum, hráefnisgæðum, afurðum o.s.frv.
Að jafnaði er slóghlutfall og nýtingarstuðlar bolfisks í hámarki í aðdraganda og yfir hrygningartímabil.
Tag: Stroke rate
Measurements and utilization of slag
In the project, cod caught off the south coast of Iceland was gutted ashore. The fish was measured and weighed before and after gutting so that its slaughter ratio could be calculated over the year. Each organ was also weighed to see the quantity and proportion of each organ in the cod slug. Following these measurements, data are available from independent parties that show the slaughter rate of cod over two seasons. With the aim of increasing the value of landed catch, the utilization of sludge was looked at and experiments were made where fertilizer was made from the sludge in three different ways and the types of fertilizer were tested and compared. In addition, such treatment was compared with plants that were only watered with water and plants that were watered with synthetic plant fertilizers that are on the market today.
In this project cod was caught on the south coast of Iceland and gutted at shore. The fish was measured and weighed before and after gutting to calculate it's rate of guts for the whole year. Also every organ was weighed to see the guts combination. With the aim to increase the value of landed material experiments were made where fertilizer was created in three ways, it was tested and compared with each other and plants that were only irrigated with water and plants irrigated with plant fertilizer that are on market today.