
Saltfish delicacies: Saltfish month




Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir, Eva Margrét Jónudóttir

Supported by:

AG Fisk (Arbejdsgruppen for Fiskerisamarbejdet), NORA


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Project Manager

To strengthen the position of saltfish, with its long tradition, history and connection to Nordic livelihoods, it is important to strengthen the entire value chain, from producers and retailers, to chefs and consumers. The aim of the project "Saltfish delicacies" is to develop new or improved ready-made dishes based on traditional saltfish, and 16 participants from Iceland, Norway and the Faroe Islands are involved. The group consists of experts in saltfish processing and quality, cooking, food production, media and the travel industry.

Following the project's workshop held in the fall of 2022, work continued with ideas for salted fish dishes and salted fish products in collaboration with Grím Kokk, Matís, Menntaskolin in Kópavogur, Icelandic salted fish producers, Klúbbs Matreiðslumestar and Íslandstofa, with the aim of promoting salted fish better with a focus on grocery stores.

Salted fish products and recipes for salted fish dishes were developed within the project and in collaboration with the Crown, the products were put on sale and recipes for salted fish dishes were published on the Crown's recipe page in March 2024. The results were then presented at the project's workshop in the Faroe Islands in May 2024. Both salted fish products and recipes were very positively received, and there are hopes that it will be possible to offer salted fish delicacies in Icelandic supermarkets permanently. It's an uphill battle, however, as the battle for grocery store shelf space is fierce, and it can be difficult for smaller producers to invest in finished salted fish in the quantities that have been available to them so far. It is necessary to increase flexibility and strengthen cooperation within the salted fish chain to pave the way for salted fish domestically, to revolutionize its image and reputation.

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