PrimeFish verkefnið snerist um framleiðslu sjávarafurða og hvernig bæta mætti samkeppnishæfni sjávarútvegsfyrirtækja á alþjóðamarkaði.
Markmið PrimeFish var að greina helstu ástæður og koma með tillögur að úrbótum sem stuðlað gætu að aukinni nýsköpun og samkeppnishæfni og hvetja vöxt innan greinarinnar.
PrimeFish var fjögurra ára verkefni sem fjöldi fyrirtækja, rannsóknastofnanna og háskóla tóku þátt í auk talsverðs fjölda hagaðila, s.s. sjávarútvegsfyrirtækja.
The PrimeFish project organised a workshop on competitiveness, marketing and value chain in fisheries and aquaculture in the CETMAR Foundation (Vigo, Spain). On the 6th of October 2017 international researchers on the fields of competitiveness, productivity and marketing will present a market-oriented prediction toolbox for the seafood sector (PrimeDSS).
Experts on fisheries and aquaculture economy of international research institutes as the Marine Institute (Canada), Matís (Iceland), University of Iceland, University of Pavia (Italy), Syntesa (Spain – Faroe Islands), TTZ Bremerhaven (Germany) and of the CETMAR Foundation will present the results of the project. The meeting will include dynamics to support interaction, review of results and dialogue among the participants.
Check the main highlights of the session and presentations here:
Deliverable 1.1. Guidelines for data collection methods, data names and types, and granularity
Deliverable 1.2. Data Management Plan
Deliverable 1.3. Guidelines for data analysis methods with link to collected data types
Deliverable 1.4. PrimeDSF methods compendium
Deliverable 1.6. Ethical clearance
Deliverable 2.2. Economic performance of selected European and Canadian fisheries
Deliverable 3.1. Description of value chains and input-output structure
Deliverable 3.2. Market institutional analysis
Deliverable 3.4. Report on evaluation of industry dynamics, opportunities and threats to industry
Deliverable 4.2. Qualitative research report
Deliverable 4.3. Report on the development of fish consumption and demand in France and Finland
Deliverable 4.5.Report on frequencies of consumer purchases
Deliverable 7.1. PrimeFish Website
Deliverable 7.2. Communication Plan
Deliverable 7.4. Dissemination Annual Report II
Deliverable 7.3. Dissemination Annual Report I
Deliverable 7.5. Dissemination Annual Report III
Conclusions of the workshop „Seafood Consumption in Spain“
The prospective and forecasting analysis done by PrimeFish at a glance