
NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

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Nordic Council of Ministers

NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study

The risks related to plastic on the bioeconomy are not only biological, toxicological and chemical, but also societal and economical. Influence of tainted opinion on the Nordic environment or Nordic production could influence tourism, marketing and general wellbeing. The aim of the NordMar PlasticRISK project is to evaluate the diverse impact and main socioeconomic risks related to marine plastic pollution on the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries using Iceland as a case study. Two of the main industries in Iceland, the fishing industry and tourism, are heavily dependent on the bioeconomy as well as clean and pristine environment. Economical risks, followed by tainting the environment with visual plastic debris and macroplastic as well as unclear status of microplastic, is estimated to be high due to increased environmental awareness of consumers and tourists, where the main focus of tourist arriving to Iceland is to experience pristine environment. Several actions are suggested such as to evaluate and improve the Icelandic system for recycling of used fishing gear, evaluate further marketing options and value of advertising low and responsible plastic use in these two main industries and increase education on environmental issues in the School of navigation. 

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NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study. Executive summary.




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

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Nordic Council of Ministers

NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study. Executive summary.

The risks related to plastic on the bioeconomy are not only biological, toxicological and chemical, but also societal and economical. Influence of tainted opinion on the Nordic environment or Nordic production could influence tourism, marketing and general wellbeing. The aim of the NordMar PlasticRISK project is to evaluate the diverse impact and main socioeconomic risks related to marine plastic pollution on the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries using Iceland as a case study. Two of the main industries in Iceland, the fishing industry and tourism, are heavily dependent on the bioeconomy as well as clean and pristine environment. Economical risks, followed by tainting the environment with visual plastic debris and macroplastic as well as unclear status of microplastic, is estimated to be high due to increased environmental awareness of consumers and tourists, where the main focus of tourist arriving to Iceland is to experience pristine environment. Several actions are suggested such as to evaluate and improve the Icelandic system for recycling of used fishing gear, evaluate further marketing options and value of advertising low and responsible plastic use in these two main industries and increase education on environmental issues in the School of navigation. 

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Actions for sustainable bioeconomy in the West Nordic region




Þóra Valsdóttir, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

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Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA)


Þóra Valsdóttir


Actions for sustainable bioeconomy in the West Nordic region

The purpose of the West Nordic Bioeconomy Panel is to identify common key issues of importance for the West Nordic region, identify opportunities, advice industry, governments and the public, as well as promote common key issues and policies. The West Nordic Region includes the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland. The goal is to suggest a sound strategy for the West Nordic region in order to maintain and strengthen its bioeconomy, as well as to communicate that strategy. The West Nordic Bioeconomy Panel was identified as an action in the final report “Future Opportunities for Bioeconomy in the West Nordic Countries” (Smáradóttir et al, 2015). The work of the West Nordic Bioeconomy panel is being funded by the Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA). Further information can be found at This document outlines the following identified five strategic priorities and proposed related key actions by the West Nordic Bioeconomy panel and stakeholder platforms, with the aim of enhancing innovation and long term sustainable value creation within the regions bioeconomy.

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Nýsköpun smáframleiðendur – Nordbio




Þóra Valsdóttir, Óli Þór Hilmarsson, Ólafur Reykdal, Guðjón Þorkelsson, Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson

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Atvinnuvega- og nýsköpunarráðuneytið


Þóra Valsdóttir


Nýsköpun smáframleiðendur – Nordbio

Markmið með verkefninu var að fylgja eftir og styðja frekar við smáframleiðendur í kjölfar nýsköpunarverkefna sem unnin voru undir NordBio, formennskuáætlun Íslands í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni 2014-2016. Meginmarkmið nýsköpunarverkefnanna í þágu smáframleiðenda var að hafa bein efnahagsleg áhrif í gegnum nýsköpun og verðmætasköpun í norræna lífhagkerfinu og styrkja þannig svæðisbundinn hagvöxt. Unnið var við 17 nýsköpunarverkefni. Reynslan af verkefnunum er að þekking og þjálfun er nauðsynleg til að hugmyndir raungerist og til að gera framleiðendum kleyft að fullnægja öllum kröfum um matvælaöryggi. Nordbio nýsköpunarverkefnin hafa sýnt að notkun „nýsköpunarinneignar” getur verið áhrifarík leið til að hvetja til nýsköpunar, yfirfærslu þekkingar og tækni til að auka virði lífauðlinda. Sýnt þykir full þörf sé á að bjóða styrkveitingu af þessu tagi fyrir smáframleiðendur og frumkvöðla til að hvata nýsköpun og leysa krafta hugmyndaflugs úr læðingi. Mikill akkur yrði af því að koma á fót sjóði sem stuðlað geti að nýsköpun í anda Nordbio verkefnanna.

The aim of the project was to follow up on and support further small-scale producers that participated in innovation projects as a part of the Nordbio programme, the Icelandic chairmanship programme in the Nordic council of ministers 2014-2016. The overall objective of the innovation projects was to have direct economic impact through innovation and value creation in the Nordic bioeconomy and thereby strengthen regional and economic growth. 17 innovation projects where carried brought forward. The projects have displayed that knowledge and training is essential for ideas to be realized and to enable manufacturers to meet all food safety requirements. The Nordbio innovation projects have manifested that using „innovative voucher“ can be an effective way of encouraging innovation, knowledge transfer and technology to increase the value of biofuels. There is apparently need to offer small producers and entrepreneurs funding of this kind. Establishment of fund under the same format as Nordbio functioned with innovation vouchers can enable increased value creation trhough innovation.

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Greining lífhagkerfis Snæfellsness – Áhrif nýsköpunar og uppgötvana / Bioeconomy Assessment – The Impact of Innovation and Discoveries




Birgir Örn Smárason, Íris Mýrdal Kristinsdóttir, Ragnheiður Sveinþórsdóttir, Arnljótur B. Bergsson

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Snæfellsnesbær, Stykkishólmsbær, Grundarfjarðarbær


Birgir Örn Smárason


Greining lífhagkerfis Snæfellsness – Áhrif nýsköpunar og uppgötvana / Bioeconomy Assessment – The Impact of Innovation and Discoveries

Markmið verkefnisins er að styrkja þekkingargrundvöll vistvænnar þróunar og stuðla þar með að bættri nýtingu hráefna úr lífríkinu á og við Snæfellsnes með aukna sjálfbæra verðmætasköpun, einkum m.t.t. næringarefna og þarfar til fóðrunar fiska, að leiðarljósi. Verkefnið var unnið með stuðningi sveitarfélaganna á Snæfellsnesi, Snæfellsbæjar, Grundafjarðarbæjar og Stykkishólmsbæjar. Verkefnið var greint í fjóra verkþætti. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar benda meðal annars til þess að mikilvægustu forsendur fyrir nýtingu frumkvöðla á náttúrauðlindum komi til af þekkingu á umhverfinu, áhrifum af staðsetningu þeirra, þekkingu á ákveðnum svæðum og möguleikum þess, auk kunnáttu viðkomandi frumkvöðuls. Hvatinn er afleiðing utanaðkomandi þátta eins og verðmætasköpunar, vöruþróunar, ástríðu fyrir hreinni framleiðslu og minni sóun, ásamt áhuga á sjálfbærri, lífrænni framleiðslu. Reglugerðir reynast bæði vera hvati og hindrun fyrir frumkvöðla þar sem þær vel útfærðu og ströngu virka vel en aðrar sem ekki eru jafn vel ígrundaðar standa í vegi fyrir sjálfbærum aðgerðum. Sjóðir og styrkir spila ekki stór hlutverk í nýtingu tækifæra, hins vegar treysta frumkvöðlarnir á eigið fjármagn, þeir þróa vörur sínar hægt og nýta úrræði frá fyrri framleiðslu og þróun.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the knowledge base of ecological development and thereby support the improved utilization of raw materials in and around Snæfellsnes with increased sustainable value creation, especially regarding nutrients and feeding farmed fish as a guiding principle. The project was carried out with the support of the municipalities in Snæfellsnes, Snæfellsbær, Grundafjörður and Stykkishólmsbær. The project was described and separated into four work packages. The results of this research indicate, among other things, that the most important prerequisites for the use of natural resources by entrepreneurs are the knowledge of the environment, the effects of their location, the knowledge on specific areas and their possibilities, as well as the skills of the relevant entrepreneur. The motivation is the result of external factors such as value creation, product development, passion for cleaner production and less waste, along with an interest in sustainable organic production. Regulations are both incentives and obstacles to entrepreneurs, where the well-executed and strict regulations work well but others that are less well-founded stand in the way of sustainable operations. Funds and grants do not play a major role in the utilization of opportunities, on the other hand, the entrepreneurs trust on their own financial resources, they slowly develop their products and make use of resources from previous production and development.

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Nordtic Conference Report / Ráðstefna um Norræna lífhagkerfið




Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir

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Þóra Valsdóttir


Nordtic Conference Report / Ráðstefna um Norræna lífhagkerfið

Ráðstefna um Norræna lífhagkerfið var haldin 25 júní á Hótel Selfossi. Meðan á formennsku íslenskra stjórnvalda í Norræna ráðherranefndinni 2014 hefur staðið hefur lífhagkerfið verið miðpunktur norrænnar samvinnu en Nordbio er stærst af þremur áhersluatriðunum á íslenska formennskuárinu. Meginmarkmið NordBio er að styrkja Norræna lífhagkerfið með því að hámarka nýtingu á lífrænum auðlindum, takmarka sóun og örva nýsköpun, styrkja þar með Norræna lífhagkerfið. Nordtic ráðstefnan var haldin í tengslum við árlegan fund norræna ráðherraráðsins í sjávarútvegi, landbúnaði, matvælum og skógi (MR-FJLS). Um 100 gestir frá öllum Norðurlöndunum tóku þátt í ráðstefnunni. Ráðstefnugestum var boðið sérstakt bragð af nýsköpun norðursins er niðurstöður úr nýsköpunar og matvælaverkefnum, innan NordBio, voru kynntar og smakkaðar. Verkefnunum var stýrt af Matís.

Conference on Nordic Bioeconomy and Arctic Bioeconomy was held on June 25th at Hotel Selfoss in Iceland. During the Icelandic chairmanship in The Nordic Council of Ministers in 2014 bioeconomy has been at the center of Nordic cooperation, as NordBio is the largest of three programs under the Icelandic chairmanship. The main objective of NordBio is to strengthen the Nordic Bioeconomy by optimizing utilization of biological resources, minimizing waste and stimulating innovation thus bolstering the Nordic Bioeconomy. The “Nordtic” conference was held in connections with an annual meeting of the Nordic Council of Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MR-FJLS). Around 100 people from all the Nordic countries participated in the conference. The conference participants were offered a special taste of innovation from the high north as results from food production projects, innovation projects under NordBio led by Matis, were presented and tasted.

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