
Þörf á auknu norrænu samstarfi í humarveiðum til að tryggja sjálfbærni og arðsemi greinarinnar


Gunnar Þórðarson


Humarveiðar hafa verið bannaðar á Íslandi síðan 2021, vegna hruns í stofni hans. Mikið vantar upp á þekkingu á mælingu á stofnstærð humars og mikilvægt að bæta rannsóknir framtíðar. Liður í því var verkefnið NowLobster til að fá aðila frá hinum Norðurlöndunum sem stunda humarveiðar, fræðimenn, sjómenn, framleiðendur, embættismenn og veiðarfærasérfræðina, til að deila þekkingu og reynslu. Verkefnið var ekki síður hugsað til að fá breiðan hóp hagaðila til að ræða saman og skiptast á skoðunum og deila reynslu.

Vinnufundur var haldið á Best Western hótelinu á Kastrup við Kaupmannahöfn, dagana 13 til 14 maí 2024. Tuttugu og þrír aðilar frá Íslandi, Noregi, Danmörku og Svíþjóð mættu til skrafs og ráðagerðar. Fyrri daginn var farið yfir veiðar og vinnslu, veiðarfæri og ráðgjöf og stofnmat. Þeim degi lauk með kynningu á upphafi humarveiða við Ísland. Seinni daginn var meira um samtal fræðimanna, til að skiptast á skoðunum hvernig humarveiðum væri best stýrt til framtíðar, með sjálfbærum veiðum og hámarks verðmætasköpun í huga.

Niðurstaða vinnufundanna var að auka þyrfti rannsóknir á humri, með bættu samstarfi Norðurlandanna, og með þátttöku hagaðila greinarinnar. Mikið var rætt um þann skaða sem svart hagkerfi humarveiða veldur, en mikið er um að landað sé fram hjá vigt, og oft á tíðum með slæmri umgengni og lélegum gæðum. Finna þarf leiðir til að koma í veg fyrir þessa starfsemi. Ekki eru átök milli gildru-veiðimanna og þeirra sem nota botnvörpu, þar sem þessar tvær aðferðir eru notaðar við ólíkar aðstæður og samhljómur um að báðar aðferðir eigi rétt á sér. Brottkast er víða vandamál og eins meðafli, þar sem á sumum svæðum verða menn að losa sig við afla þar sem ekki má veiða hann eða landa. Niðurstaða vinnufundarins var að nauðsynlegt væri að stofna til framhaldsfundar þar sem þessar áskoranir verði ræddar, og miðað við að gera tillögur um stjórnun humarveiða áður en veiðibanni lýkur á Íslandi.

Skýrsla er nú komin út um vinnufundinn og niðurstöður hans, sem nálgast má hér.

Frekari upplýsingar má finna á heimasíðu verkefnisins


NorwLobster: Proceedings from a workshop on Norway lobster fisheries in the Nordic Countries held in Copenhagen 13th and 14th of May 2024




Gunnar Þórðarson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AG Fisk

There is considerable variation between countries how the species (Nephrops) is caught. Some countries rely largely on creeling (pot fishing) while bottom trawling is the common approach in other regions. Most common in Scandinavia is a combination of both systems, trawling in open sea and deep water, and pot fishing within fjords in shallow water. There are no considerable conflicts between the two groups.

There are pros and cons in both trap fishing and trawling for Nephrops. Both methods have some environmental impact, and both affect the Nephrops stock. Both methods need to respond to increased demands on awareness in environmental issues and sustainable fishing.

The effects of bottom trawling on potential habitat destruction were discussed. Recent developments in fishing gear technology were introduced and evaluation on future directions explored.

Common outcome from the meeting was a need for further research and lack of knowledge on stock assessment and biology. Another outcome was the need for all stakeholders to share information and increase cooperation in the future.

Participants agreed on the severity of the black market for Nephromas, and the damage it does for the value chain, and making stock assessment insignificant. Discharging is another important point regarding running an economical sustainable fishery.


Skoða skýrslu


Útrás Krakkar kokka: Aðlögun og prófun Verkefnis- og verklagslýsingar




Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir, Margrét Geirsdóttir

Styrkt af:

EEA Grants/Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants/Bluegrowth Programme


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Megin viðfangsefni verkefnisins BlueProject var verðmætasköpun úr vannýttu fisktegundinni „Sarrajão“ (Sarda sarda), sem finnst undan ströndum Portúgals. Þessi fisktegund er hinsvegar ekki markaðssett í dag til manneldis þar sem hún hefur töluvert magn af beinum og þykkt roð sem erfitt er að fjarlægja. Hins vegar er næringargildi sarrajão töluvert hátt.

Aðkoma Matís að verkefninu var að styðja við að efla áhuga og fræðslu til næstu kynslóðar í átt að hollum og sjálfbærum matarvenjum í Portúgal. Þetta var framkvæmt með því að aðlaga verkefnis- og verklagslýsingu Krakkar Kokka (e. Kids Cuisine) sem byggir á skemmtimennt, og þá hugmyndafræði sem áður hefur verið þróuð, prófuð og innleidd í íslenskum grunnskólum (Krakkar Kokka: að almennari aðstæðum en þeim sem finnast á Íslandi t.d. hvað varðar þætti eins og loftslag og ræktunarmöguleika. Efnið var gefið út á ensku og portúgölsku, og hugmyndafræði Krakka Kokka innleidd í portúgalska grunnskóla.

Verkefnis- og verklagslýsing Krakkar kokka á ensku fyrir skóla, ásamt kynningarefni og leiðbeiningum er aðgengilegt á vefsíðu Matís: Verkefnið Blue Project (Bioeconomy, PeopLe, SUstainability, Health) var styrkt af EEA Grants/Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants/Bluegrowth Programme. Það var tveggja ára samstarfsverkefni milli Matís, GUIMARPEIXE – Comércio de Produtos Alimentares, SA, Portugal TINTEX Textiles, SA, Portugal UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO, Portugal INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE VIANA DO CASTELO, Portugal CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE ESPOSENDE, Portugal AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal, CCI og Portugal VISUAL THINKING – Digital Organization, Lda, Portugal.

The BlueProject aim was to increase value creation, the sustainable growth of the blue economy, scientific research, and literacy in Blue Economy, based on the Marine Resources available on the North Atlantic Coast of Portugal. The focus was placed on the fish species „Sarrajão“ (Sarda sarda), It is found by the Portuguese coast, but is not marketed today in Portucal for human consumption as it has considerable quantities of bones and a thick skin which is difficult to remove. However, its nutritional value is considerably high.

The main focus of Matis in the project, is to contribute to the engagement, education and empowerment of the next generation towards healthy and sustainable food habits in Portugal. This was done by adjusting the Krakkar Kokka (e. Kids Cuisine) edutainment concept, previously developed, tested and implemented in Icelandic compulsory schools (Krakkar Kokka: to more general situations compared to Iceland, e.g. regarding climate and agriculture. The edutainment material was published in English and Portuguese, and the Kids Cuisine concept implemented in Portuguese primary schools.

The Kids Cuisine Project and precedure description, introduction slides and guidelines are accessable via Matís website: The Blue Project (Bioeconomy, PeopLe, SUstainability, Health) was supported by EEA Grants/Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants/Bluegrowth Programme. It was a two-year collaborative project between Matís, GUIMARPEIXE – Comércio de Produtos Alimentares, SA, Portugal TINTEX Textiles, SA, Portugal UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO, Portugal INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE VIANA DO CASTELO, Portugal CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE ESPOSENDE, Portugal AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal, CCI and Portugal VISUAL THINKING – Digital Organization, Lda, Portugal.

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Saltfiskkræsingar: Saltfiskmánuður




Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir, Eva Margrét Jónudóttir

Styrkt af:

AG Fisk (Arbejdsgruppen for Fiskerisamarbejdet), NORA


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Til að styrkja stöðu saltfisksins, með sína löngu hefð, sögu og tengsl við norræn lífsviðurværi, er mikilvægt að efla virðiskeðjuna í heild sinni, frá framleiðendum og smásöluaðilum, til matreiðslufólks og neytenda. Markmið verkefnisins „Saltfiskkræsingar“ er að þróa nýja eða bætta tilbúna rétti sem byggja á hefðbundum saltfiski, og 16 þátttakendur frá Íslandi, Noregi og Færeyjum taka þátt í því. Hópurinn samanstendur af sérfræðingum í saltfiskvinnslu og gæðum, matreiðslu, matvælaframleiðslu, miðlun og ferðaiðnaði.

Í kjölfar vinnustofu verkefnisins sem haldin var haustið 2022 var unnið áfram með hugmyndir að saltfiskréttum og saltfiskvörum í samstarfi Gríms Kokks, Matís, Menntaskólans í Kópavogi, Íslenskra saltfiskframleiðenda, Klúbbs Matreiðslumeistara og Íslandsstofu, með það að markmiði að kynna saltfiskinn betur með áherslu á matvöruverslanir.

Þróaðar voru vörur úr saltfiski og uppskriftir að saltfiskréttum innan verkefnisins og í samstarfi við Krónuna, voru vörurnar settar í sölu og uppskriftir að saltfiskréttum birtar á uppskriftasíðu Krónunnar í mars 2024. Niðurstöður voru svo kynntar á vinnustofu verkefnisins í Færeyjum í maí 2024. Bæði saltfiskvörur og uppskriftir fengu mjög jákvæðar viðtökur, og vonir standa til að hægt verði að bjóða upp á saltfiskkræsingar í íslenskum matvöruverslunum til frambúðar. Það er þó á brattann að sækja, þar sem baráttan um hillupláss matvöruverslana er hörð, og erfitt getur verið fyrir smærri framleiðendur að fjárfesta í fullverkuðum saltfisk í því magni sem þeim hefur staðið til boða hingað til. Nauðsynlegt er að auka sveigjanleika og efla samvinnu innan saltfiskkeðjunnar til brautargengis saltfisksins innanlands, umbylta ímynd hans og orðspori.

Skoða skýrslu


100% fish in the Great Lakes region – Cisco (Coregonus Artedi) full utilization




Cécile Dargentolle, Jónas Viðarsson

Styrkt af:

Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP)


Cecile Dargentolle


This report presents a comprehensive biotechnical analysis of fillets and byproducts (heads, bones/frames, and skin) from Cisco (Coregonus Artedi) harvested in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Conducted by Matís for the Conference of Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP), the study aims to identify higher-value alternative uses for Cisco byproducts.

Key findings include:

  • Whole Body Mass Balance and Proximate Composition: Detailed analysis of fillets, heads, bones, and skin.
  • Amino Acid and Hydroxyproline Content: Evaluation of amino acid content in heads and hydroxyproline content in skins and scales, with scales showing notably high hydroxyproline at 2.45 g/100g protein.

Utilization Alternatives

  1. Protein Isolate and Fish Oil from Heads: The heads showed significant amino acid content, making them suitable for protein isolate production and fish oil extraction.
  2. Gelatine Production from Skins and Scales: High hydroxyproline levels indicate potential for high-quality gelatine production.
  3. Protein Hydrolysates from Viscera and Roes: Though promising, these transformations require substantial investment and adequate raw material supply.

Conclusion and Recommendations This initial identification of utilization alternatives highlights the potential for value-added products from Cisco byproducts. Further analysis and feasibility studies are recommended to optimize and implement these alternatives.

Skoða skýrslu


Matvælaráðherra heimsækir Matís á Hvanneyri

Starfsstöð Matís á Hvanneyri er að Hvanneyrargötu 3 og þar eru tveir starfsmenn með aðstöðu. Byggingin er stór og deilir Matís henni með fjölbreyttum fyrirtækjum og stofnunum á svæðinu. síðastliðinn mánudag heimsótti matvælaráðherra starfsstöðina.

Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir ásamt aðstoðarmanni sínum, Pálínu Axelsdóttur Njarðvík átti fund með Evu Margréti Jónudóttur og Margeiri Gissurarsyni, starfsfólki Matís auk starfsfólks frá Landi og skógi og Matvælastofnun. Ráðherra hefur nú þegar heimsótt höfuðstöðvar sinna stofnana og fyrirtækja sem heyra undir ráðuneytið en er nú á ferð um landið að heimsækja aðrar starfstöðvar. Rætt var um starfsemi á svæðinu, þau verkefni sem fengist er við um þessar mundir og ýmis framtíðartækifæri.

Við þökkum þeim Bjarkeyju og Pálínu fyrir ánægjulegan fund.

Ritrýndar greinar

A critical review of the edible seaweed Palmaria palmata (L.) Weber & Mohr and its bioactive compounds in the “omics” era

The red alga Palmaria palmata (“dulse”; Palmariaceae, Rhodophyta) has been used as food since the fifth century, especially in the North Atlantic region. Dulse is a good alternative to cereals due to its high nutritional profile. A critical review based on scientific and grey literature of dulse bioactive compounds and their activity identified key knowledge gaps. The review synthesis emphasizes the importance of species delimitation, microbial community characterization and multi-omics in the research of P. palmata. Recent advances and uncertainty in delimitating P. palmata are introduced in a phylogenetic context, and recommendations are given for future phytochemical studies. We refer to the concept of “seaweed holobiont” as the functional entity encompassing the seaweed and its associated microbiota, and call for action to characterize the microbial communities, since their interactions with the environment and seaweeds are important in seaweed well-being and postharvest quality changes (e.g. microbial spoilage and degradation of algal matrices). Finally, we discuss the status and trends of using multi-omics to address important research questions of P. palmata, and to help us understand the source, biosynthesis and function of its bioactive compounds.

Ritrýndar greinar

Influence of hot-smoking on the stability of fresh and frozen–thawed deep-skinned Atlantic mackerel fillets during cold storage

Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught during the summer months in Icelandic waters after intensive feeding is rich in lipids and, thus, sensitive to lipid degradation. Recent studies have led to improved cooling and handling on board, ensuring high-quality raw material. However, studies on the development of high-quality products for human consumption are lacking. The study aimed to investigate the effects of hot-smoking on the physicochemical, microbial, and sensory quality of deep-skinned Atlantic mackerel fillets during chilled storage (1 ± 0.6°C). In addition, the quality of smoked mackerel from frozen–thawed fillets (9 months at −25 ± 1.8°C) was compared to that of fresh-smoked fillets to evaluate the possibility of the industry being able to provide smoked fillets throughout the year, despite the short fishing season. Brining and hot-smoking reduced total viable counts and inactivated Listeria monocytogenes. Hot-smoking positively affected the sensory attributes of the fillets and sensory quality was largely maintained for at least 21 days of chilled storage. Although slightly lower sensory and texture scores were obtained for frozen–thawed smoked fillets, they remained within acceptable limits throughout the period of cold storage. The shelf-life of smoked Atlantic mackerel deep-skinned fillets stored at 1°C is, therefore, assessed to be at least 21 days. Well-fed Atlantic mackerel is suitable for developing high-quality and stable smoked fillet products from both fresh and frozen–thawed raw materials.

Ritrýndar greinar

Biorefining of Brown Seaweeds Catalyzed through Innovative Enzyme Processes

The current expansion of seaweed farming to North America and Europe can be a cornerstone in a new “blue bioeconomy” in the Northern Hemisphere. In this domain, the focus of R&D efforts is on creating value-added products through new biorefining processes for valorizing the unique polysaccharides of seaweeds. Apart from direct consumption of seaweeds as food—particularly in the Asian cuisine—commercial seaweed products are primarily natural hydrocolloids used to make viscous suspensions and gels, but new valuable products exerting bioactivity are coming into focus. This recent development rests on targeted, gentle extraction and modification of the seaweed polysaccharides using tailormade bioprocessing enzyme technologies. Since brown seaweed cultivation is rising in the Northern Hemisphere, this article provides an overview of recent advances and prospects in brown seaweed biorefining.

Ritrýndar greinar

Vegan spread applications of alternative protein from torula yeast: product development and consumer perception

Alternative protein sources are gaining attraction in food industry and consumers. Proteins obtained by single-cell organisms, such as torula yeast, are of enormous interest, as they are highly scalable, efficient, and sustainable, and the production costs are comparably low. Nevertheless, proteins obtained from yeasts are still mostly known and studied for feed applications, despite their nutritional, functional, and sensory benefits for various food applications. Testing consumer acceptance of products, especially products containing alternative proteins provides insights into, e.g., market success, consumer perception, and optimization potential. In this study, the development of two vegan spread powders, high in protein and containing torula yeast as an alternative protein source, is introduced. The result of food product development using torula yeast were “Leberwurst”-style (14.7% protein) and a “Balkan”-style (9.7% protein) spreads both meeting the criteria “at least 20% kcal from proteins of total product kcal” and thus claimable as “high-protein.” The application of the alternative protein from torula yeast within the final products was studied by a consumer acceptance test (n = 123) within three different countries (Germany, Iceland, and Sweden). Consumers also rated their trust in food production actors, the food industry in particular, and their willingness to try new foods. Overall, both spreads received acceptance values in the range of “like slightly.” It is noticeable that the consumers liked the spread “Balkan style” more than “Leberwurst”-style. The background variables revealed higher neophobic characteristics of Icelandic consumers compared with Swedish or German consumers. However, German consumers felt transparency, and communication was missing, but Icelandic consumers, in general, had more trust in the overall food value chain. This knowledge allows for the development of strategies that address cultural-specific barriers and capitalize on cultural values that promote openness to culinary innovation. The identification of cultural variations in consumer preferences emphasizes the need for customized approaches to product development and marketing. These findings could have implications for businesses and policymakers in understanding and catering to the preferences and concerns of consumers in these respective countries. Businesses might benefit from emphasizing transparency and improving communication strategies. This could involve providing clear information about the sourcing, production, and other aspects of the food value chain.