
Do we fish on the dishes of the future?

The growth of aquaculture in Iceland has been slower than one might expect Icelanders to play the same role in food production from fish products as they have done so far. Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, division manager at Matís, believes that further research and development work is needed to strengthen aquaculture in Iceland.

According to forecasts in recent years, the demand for fish products and seafood will increase significantly, but it is clear that fishing for wild fish will not meet that demand if things go as planned. Therefore, there are hopes for aquaculture and that farmed fish will meet increased demand.

"Aquaculture has grown rapidly worldwide, but Icelandic aquaculture has not been the same," says Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Director of Processing, Value Added and Farming at Matís. He says that Icelanders have earned less than 2% of the world's catch of fish, but Icelanders only grow about 0.01% of the world's total aquaculture production. "If Icelanders want to play the same role in food production from fish products here as they have so far, it is clear that a lot of work is being done," says Arnljótur, adding that Icelanders have hoped for much more powerful aquaculture in Iceland than has been the case. "Whether the focus is on food security in the Arctic or the safety of the food produced here and sold around the world, it is obvious that Icelandic aquaculture must grow. Therefore, research in the field of aquaculture and its development in this country must be carefully considered. Arctic charr that has so far supported aquaculture in Iceland is a small species in a global context, "says Arnljótur.

Long live the first model

Arnljótur says that when building a fire, there are many things to consider and it is important to apply high-quality professional work methods at all stages of the farming process. "Many factors, including the fitness of fish, depend on their genotype. There are indications that the development of the first stages of farming can yield benefits in the later stages, and therefore the first type of farming must be carefully considered, as the perfection of fish can be seen early in life. In order to maximize the profitability of aquaculture, the vigor of the fish must be carefully considered and efficiency must be considered, especially in feed preparation and feeding. "

Exponential growth not default

"It was a time when forecasts for aquaculture in the future seemed to be based on exponential growth, but now the forecasts of the National Association of Aquaculture Centers are based on a more conservative assessment, i.e. forecast, high forecast and low forecast. Although Icelanders do not expect two hundred times more aquaculture production by 2030, it is clear that there are opportunities for increased aquaculture in Iceland. Farming of exotic species can be a source of income for society, especially since centuries-old species produce products that are sold at high prices, such as sea urchins or Senegalese flora. Similarly, quality salmon can create currency, although our victory is hardly won over quantity, quality can yield value. The entry of new parties into Icelandic aquaculture, such as Fjarðarlax, Arnarlax and Stolt Sea Farm, promises that Icelanders can gain a foothold in the fish farming sold in well-paying markets. "

In Arnljót's opinion, new and great victories can hardly be achieved in aquaculture without strong research and development work. The same applies to both fire and fishing, the more important thing is to get the highest price for everything that is produced, rather than putting too much effort into quantity. It is important to keep this in mind as it looks like the scope of aquaculture in the Westfjords will sooner or later equalize the scope of Westfjords fishing for wild fish.[1] "By providing funds for research and development, it is possible to work systematically to adapt aquaculture to Icelandic conditions, which are not entirely comparable to the farming conditions of our competing countries."

Research and development are key

People are constantly looking for better solutions and turn to rocks, large and small, both domestically and abroad, to increase, improve and improve aquaculture. We have many examples of research and development work that has appeared, for example, as results in Matís reports as well as peer-reviewed academic articles, and are used in teaching aquaculture at Hólar University, and have been implemented in the work of the Marine Research Institute. The results of such research have, however, not least benefited aquaculture companies and led to rationalization and added value in their operations. Recent examples of this type of work can be found, for example, in a specific indication of where further research is needed regarding the fatty acid composition of feed for fatty fish.[2] SINTEF and others' analysis of the possible development of Nordic aquaculture by 2030 can also be mentioned.[3]

 From the report of Trond Rosten et al. Perspectives for sustainable development of Nordic aquaculture. [4] Matís was one of the participants in the PABAN project. The picture shows important areas for the growth of Nordic aquaculture.


Why is no Icelandic product among the best?

Interview with Pál Gunnar Pálsson, who has followed the development of Icelandic consumer products from fish. But few such products are on offer and even fewer in exports. Why have Icelanders almost exclusively established themselves as raw material producers?

In connection with the Brussels Fisheries Exhibition every year, awards are given for innovations in various categories of seafood such as retail products, products for commercial kitchens and restaurants, convenience products, innovations in retail packaging, originality and for a solid product line. Winning an award at this exhibition is considered a desirable recognition, which attracts considerable attention and facilitates subsequent marketing. Páll Gunnar Pálsson at Matís has been following this competition for many years. He says he does not mention having seen an Icelandic company located in Iceland nominated for an award, and in light of that one can wonder why we did not rank among the best in innovation and product development.

"In Iceland, there is actually relatively little processing of products that can be called" value added products ", we have for some reason stuck in raw material processing for foreign large buyers, who use our raw materials to produce desirable consumer products where the origin of the fish is no longer visible," says Páll Gunnar.

"Some people claim that Icelandic seafood is the best in the world and sells itself more or less themselves, but we who have worked in the business know that this is not the case. There are large groups of people who put a lot of effort, from fishing to the market, to ensure that buyers and later consumers get first-class products on their plate. Behind our success in selling and marketing Icelandic fish is tireless work, research and product development. We have achieved enormous success in the handling of catch and processing of raw materials, where the main emphasis is on quality, efficiency and utilization. The technologicalization of fishing and processing is unique and, as a result, one may ask why there are no Icelandic brands in the consumer goods market or why we are not producing consumer goods to a greater extent in this country than is actually the case. "

Icelandic fish sold under foreign brands

But despite the fact that few consumer products are in production in this country at the moment, there was a considerable amount of production of retail packaging here in previous years. Páll Gunnar says that most of it, however, was poorly processed products, usually almost only pure fish, in fillets or pieces. "Unfortunately, the situation is that most of this packaging has left the country and the fish is mostly packed in larger units as raw materials in factories abroad or for large users such as canteens and restaurants. Undoubtedly, there is reason to believe that with this we are maximizing the profitability of the fishing industry, and it may be more cost-effective to leave factories abroad for assembly and packaging where the origin of the raw material disappears. "

Why have Icelanders not mastered the production of valuable consumer goods for the domestic and foreign markets? Is there no interest in Icelandic raw materials, are we too far from the markets or have we fallen asleep at the price and as a result suffered from considerable value creation?

The problem is neither distance nor customs

"It is often mentioned that we are too far from our main markets, but it now hardly stands up to scrutiny when companies from SA-Asia and America can be seen winning prizes in connection with the exhibitions. One argument for our poverty in the processing of marine products is that when composite products are processed in this country, we end up in customs and as a result do not face price competition. Almost all Asian and American countries have better agreements than Iceland with the European Union, but if that is the case then you really need to spit in your palms and avoid being cleared out of European markets, "says Páll Gunnar and adds:" In those three During the decades I have worked in the Icelandic fisheries sector, I have been involved in many projects related to the processing of consumer products for foreign markets, many of these projects were extremely successful and we often managed to build strong and good relationships with buyers. We managed to meet the market's strict requirements for quality, but what turned out to be more difficult was to ensure the right quantity at the right time as the fishing pattern did not always match the needs of the market, but it always started in the end. "

"The biggest enemy in this effort to produce consumer goods turned out to be price and exchange rate developments. When it comes to producing consumer goods that should be on store shelves at the right time and at the same price for the long term, long-term contracts need to be made. Prices in stores abroad are not changed unless this is taken into account and it is impossible to export Icelandic exchange rate fluctuations. Buyers can understand that it is difficult to always have the right species in the right quantity at the right time, because raw materials from wild fish stocks are being obtained here, but when it comes to requests for price changes due to changes in the Icelandic króna, we do not meet the same understanding. “

The graph above shows the price of loose frozen cod fillets in 1 kg. packaging at a large company in Germany, but the sales price of this product has not changed since January 2009 to the present day and costs 16.95 € / kg, but based on Icelandic krónur, the price has fluctuated by tens of percent. So it is obvious that production in this country at such a variable return price is not simple.

Icelandic raw materials have an advantage

Is it then possible to conclude that the currency is our accelerator? "There is a lot to think about when drawing big conclusions and not everyone agrees that the currency is our main enemy in this matter, as the Icelandic króna is certainly not the only one responsible for the fact that Icelandic seafood is not seen among them. the best when it comes to product development and innovation for the consumer product market. But instead of being ashamed of why we do not have products and companies among the best in the consumer goods market, it would be better to ask what we need to do to get there. And we also wonder if it is interesting and economical to produce products that are considerably more valuable than what we are doing today. Certainly it is not done without additional costs, because with added value you have to add costs, investment, additional raw materials, wages, etc., but it is also needed in the factories abroad, so why not here, where the fresh raw material is available. "

But is this expedition worth anything, is the uniqueness of Icelandic seafood real? "Having access to fresh raw materials should be able to create a considerable advantage over those who have to rely on frozen raw materials of varying quality, a connection to the source and the positive aspects that Iceland has to offer should not be damaged either."

Icelandic products have made their mark on foreign markets

Páll Gunnar says that the increase in value takes place as the share of fish in the final product decreases and the convenience of the consumer increases. He says that value creation will be not least when it comes to jobs in production, product development and marketing. "It is a great pity that we have not been able to maintain and further develop the small package processing that was started in this country in the eighties of the last century. Millions of units of consumer packaging were being produced for some of Europe's most well-known brands. "

"In recent years and decades, we Icelanders have invested heavily in a variety of research on the handling and primary processing of marine products, but we have invested very little if any in research on foreign consumer products, we need to know the expectations of consumers who eventually eat our fish. we pursue strong product development and innovation. We can not continually improve utilization or increase productivity and the quantity we are so fond of watching will not become much more, it needs to increase the path of processing and knowledge of the needs and expectations of consumers. There is a lot of talk about the food country Iceland and there are probably many opportunities ahead of us in that field, but how are we going to make that vision come true? "

It will not be enough to just look at what we can do to produce more, we must invest in knowledge, product development and marketing and last but not least to ensure Icelandic products access to foreign markets, the distance from crowded consumer markets alone is quite a big enough threshold even though we are not building more and bigger ones.


Bacteria that are harmful to health are hidden in many places

Did you know that water spray can harbor Legionella bacteria, which are responsible for causing Mumps? This is uncommon in Iceland, however, as Matís has now begun measurements for Legionella bacterial infections.

In the field of Measurement and Dissemination, new measurements of Legionella bacteria in water have begun. The bacterium is transmitted by a very fine suspension from water pipes or water tanks into people's lungs and can cause serious diseases such as Hermann's disease. Cases of airborne vaporization are known from steam and humidity sources in vegetable tables in supermarkets or from hot tubs, but infections most often occur in warmer climates where cooling towers and air conditioning are widespread. In Iceland, one to ten cases of Legionella infection per year have been diagnosed, either of domestic origin or after staying in hotels abroad, but by law Legionella infection is a notifiable disease to the Directorate of Health and if infection is suspected, the risk of infection and origin must be investigated by sampling.

In Iceland, there is a generally low risk of the bacterium spreading, as there is little accumulation of water in tanks. Where this happens, however, it is important to take care of hygiene and clean the tanks regularly.


Comparison of packaging methods for bulk storage of fresh cod loins / Comparison of packaging solutions in foam packaging for storage of cod products




Hélène L. Lauzon, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Eyjólfur Reynisson, Björn Margeirsson

Supported by:

Promens Tempra ehf, Umbúðir og ráðgjöf ehf


Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir

Sensory evaluation manager

Comparison of packaging methods for bulk storage of fresh cod loins / Comparison of packaging solutions in foam packaging for storage of cod products

The main objective of the experiment was to compare packaging solutions for fish in terms of quality deterioration and product temperature during storage, which is similar to the conditions for export and distribution. The objectives were to compare cold storage of products packed (1) in 5-kg units in (H1) ship or (H2) air boxes; (2) in 3 ‐ kg units in (H3) airbags compared to H2; (3) with CO2 mats (H4) to reduce microbial growth in 5 kg units stored under 93% vacuum in EPS boxes. The results show that the lifespan of H1 was shorter, but there were smaller quality changes among the other groups. However, the freshness was longest and the lifespan of H4, which compares with slower TVB-N and TMA formation and microbial growth due to CO2 formation as well as lower product temperature. The fastest microbial growth was measured in H3 after 8 days of storage. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of TVB-N and TMA values, which were highest in H1 and H3. Drip was at least half as high in H4 as in other groups.

The overall aim of the storage study was to compare the quality deterioration and temperature profile of cod loins differently packaged in expanded polystyrene boxes and stored under conditions mimicking distribution. The purpose of the study was threefold; to compare chilled storage (1) or 5 ‐ kg bulk fish packaged in sea freight (H1) or air freight (H2) boxes; (2) of 3 ‐ kg (H3) or 5 ‐ kg (H2) bulk fish packaged in air freight boxes; (3) with the use of CO2 ‐ emitting pads (H4) as a mean to slow down bacterial deterioration of cod loins (5 kg) packaged under partial vacuum and stored in EPS boxes. The results clearly indicated that group H1 had a shorter shelf life as it developed spoilage characteristics faster than the other three groups. Less difference was seen between the remaining three groups but group H4 retained its freshness slightly longer than groups H2 and H3. This can be explained by the CO2 present and the lower mean product temperature. More advanced microbial spoilage was detected in H3 group compared to H2, as shown by higher microbial counts in H3 being though insignificant. No significant differences were observed after 8 ‐ day storage in TVB ‐ N and TMA content of the four groups, despite the higher levels measured in H1 and H3. Drip loss was at least two times higher in H4 than the other groups.

Closed Report

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Pollution monitoring in the marine environment around Iceland 2011 and 2012 / Monitoring of the marine biosphere around Iceland 2011 and 2012




Hrönn Jörundsdóttir, Natasa Desnica, Þuríður Ragnarsdóttir, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir

Supported by:

Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources & Ministry of Industries and Innovation

Pollution monitoring in the marine environment around Iceland 2011 and 2012 / Monitoring of the marine biosphere around Iceland 2011 and 2012

This report presents the results of an annual monitoring project funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, as well as the Ministry of Industry and Innovation. The purpose of this monitoring is to fulfill Iceland's obligations under the Oslo and Paris Agreements (OSPAR), as well as the AMAP (Arctic Monitoring Assessment Program). The data are part of Iceland's contribution to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) database. The Marine Research Institute collects samples and Matís oversees the preparation of samples and measurements of trace elements in the marine environment. The samples are measured at Matís and at the University of Iceland Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Various inorganic trace elements and chloro-organic substances were measured in cod caught in Hafró's annual spring rally in March 2012 and in mussels collected at 11 locations around the country in August / September 2011. Monitoring in the marine environment around Iceland began in 1989 and samples are collected once a year. for a year and worked according to international sampling instructions. The data is collected in a database, the report provides overview images for some of the materials monitored. Cadmium is regionally higher in Icelandic mussels compared to mussels from other countries. The results show changes in the pattern of chlorine organic matter in mussels collected near Hvalstöðin in Hvalfjörður in September 2011. The concentration of chlorine organic substances increased in 2009 and 2010 but decreased in samples from 2011 and has become comparable to the concentration measured before 2009. The concentration of DDEs is however, it was higher than before 2009. There were no visible changes in the concentration of these substances at the mussel collection point at Hvammsvík in Hvalfjörður or at any other collection site around the country that was studied in 2011. It is important to monitor these changes in the pattern of chlorine organic matter in mussels. in the monitoring project in the coming years to see how they change. A detailed statistical analysis of the data is in progress, i.e. Scientific methods can be used to estimate the increase or decrease of pollutants in the marine environment in Iceland.

This report contains results of the annual monitoring of the biosphere around Iceland in 2011 and 2012. The project, overseen by the Environment Agency of Iceland, is to fulfill the OSPAR (Oslo and Paris agreement) and AMAP (Arctic Monitoring Assessment Program) agreements. The project was funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources as well as the Ministry of Industries and Innovation. The data obtained is a part of Iceland's contribution to the ICES databank ( The collection of data started 1989. Matís is the coordinator for marine biota monitoring and is responsible for methods relating to sampling, preparation and analysis of samples. The samples were analyzed at Matís and the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Iceland. Trace metals and organochlorines were analyzed in cod (Gadus morhua) caught in March 2011 and in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) collected from 11 sites in August / Sept 2011. Marine monitoring began in Iceland 1989 and the sampling is carried out according to standardized sampling guidelines. Changes were observed in the organochlorine concentration patterns in blue mussels collected year 2011 at the sampling site Hvalstod in Hvalfjordur. The concentration of organochlorines increased in the years 2009 and 2010 but decreased in the samples from 2011 and is in line with the concentration of organohalogens in mussels before 2009. No noteworthy increase in organochlorine concentrations was however observed in blue mussels obtained at Hvammsvík in Hvalfjordur nor any of the other sample sites studied year 2011. These results need to be followed up in the annual monitoring of the biosphere around Iceland next year to see if this change in contaminant concentration pattern continues. A thorough statistical evaluation is on ‐ going on all the available data from this monitoring program to analyze spatial and temporal trends of pollutants in the Icelandic marine biosphere.

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The export value of grayling products increases by 300 million

A new regulation on grayling called for new markets and processing methods that have been quite profitable and job-creating. Utilization has also improved significantly, but in Iceland only roe was used, which amounts to about 30% of the total weight of the fish.

In 2010, the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture issued Regulation No. 1083/2010, which obliged fishermen to bring all grayling catch ashore after 2011. But until then, only the roe had been caught and the rest thrown into the sea. Before the law came into force, it was clear that there was no large market in Iceland for grayling. But with the great entrepreneurial initiative of recent years, it had been possible to build a market for grayling in China, where the National Association of Small Boat Owners and the export company Triton played a key role.

The price of grayling is rising

To improve knowledge of this underutilized species, Fiskvinnslan Oddi in Patreksfjörður and Matís applied for a grant from the AVS Fisheries Research Fund for the project "Improved utilization of grayling products". In the project, samples were taken from fishing areas from Skjálfandi and west and south from all the way to Faxaflói. This gave a comparison of grayling from different fishing areas as well as information on chemical and nutrient content as well as information on contaminants such as heavy metals. This is the basic information to sell your product and find a new and exciting market. Research was conducted at Matís laboratories at Vínlandsleið in Reykjavík.

China is a good market for grayling, as it is transported there by whale and all, but in that context it should be noted that the eggs are about 30% by weight of grayling and the whale with head and tail about 55% and of that the fillets are only 14% of its total weight. However, gutting for the Chinese market is different from traditional gutting and requires more complex handling and better working conditions than are generally the case in small fishing boats. Fishing and processing for the Chinese market have yielded value and new opportunities are created in many coastal settlements for production and export, in addition to which changed methods of gutting call for processing in a country that has been job-creating. It is admirable how well fishermen have responded to these changes by shifting their working methods to decades and adapting to the changes. Prices for grayling have been rising and are a good boon for grayling fishermen and create value in coastal areas.

Do not meet demand

Since 1989, the National Association of Small Boat Owners has collaborated with interested exporters, processors and, last but not least, Matís in developing processing methods and exploring markets for grayling products. Grásleppukarlar has followed on the sidelines with a positive attitude, including payment to the LS development and marketing fund that was used for these matters. The soil for change was therefore fertile and the harvest was plentiful, as can be seen in the current season with a 300 million increase in catch value from grayling fishing, which is mainly explained by the export of salted grayling roe. The export value in 2012 amounted to just over 2.3 billion, and it can therefore be assumed that the grayling will return more than 2.6 billion to the national economy in 2013. Market conditions are good and the outlook is good as it is still not possible to meet Chinese market demand.


Pesticides in school meals killed children

In food production, pesticides are often used, which are supposed to promote a better harvest and prevent damage caused by weeds, fungi and pests. Regulations are supposed to protect consumers from consuming these substances, but despite this, 22 children are now selected after consuming contaminated food.

Recently, sad news came from India. But in that country, 22 children had died after eating school meals. In India, it is estimated that about 120 million children are malnourished, but efforts have been made to counteract this with a food campaign called the "India Mid-Day Meal program". It is intended to ensure that children across the country receive at least one hot meal a day in the country's schools.

The diet plan has long roots, but it began in 1925. In general, the project has been a great pleasure, but in many cases it is the only hot meal of the day and is even the only thing they are allowed to eat every day. The quality of the food, however, varies from region to region. In the poorer parts of the country, the food and living conditions around the food are often lacking. Hygiene is often lacking and storage conditions are poor, which causes insects to make their home in the food supply. There is little or no control by the government over the food on offer. After all, there have been serious cases of food poisoning in the country's schools, which have most often been attributed to uncleanliness.

Contaminated frying oil

There are now 22 children in the selection after eating a meal at a school in Bihar province and 28 children are seriously ill. The meal, which consisted of rice, potatoes and soybeans, is believed to contain monocrotophos insecticides, which are generally dangerous to humans and especially children and can cause serious illness or even death, even if consumed in small amounts. An investigation into the incident has revealed that the poison entered the food with frying oil, which was used for cooking. The oil had been stored in bottles that previously contained insecticides.

Pesticides such as this particular insecticide are substances used in the cultivation and storage of foods such as fruits, vegetables and cereals, to reduce or prevent damage caused by weeds, fungi and pests. Pesticides are usually divided into four categories according to their use, ie. insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and stimulants (control plant growth). Certain rules apply to the use of pesticides during the growing season, eg how long it takes from use until harvest. In addition, certain rules apply to which pesticide residues (ie residues of pesticides or their metabolites, degradation or imaging substances) may be measured in different foods and in what quantities. Proper use of pesticides in the production and storage of food should ensure that little or no residue is found in ready-to-eat foods.

Matís screens for pesticides

In Iceland, we comply with EU regulations on the maximum permitted residues in food. Strict rules also apply to the use of such substances and many substances that were previously used are now banned, including the substance monocrotophos, which caused the illness and death of Indian children. Here in Iceland, fruit and vegetables are screened for pesticides, Matís takes care of that for the Icelandic Food Administration (MAST), which is an official supervisory body. Today, Matís scans for 63 pesticides in domestic and imported fruit and vegetables, if pesticides are detected above the permitted maximum, a certain process is initiated, which always leads to increased control and can lead to recall.

At the moment, a project is underway at Matís called "Safe Foods" which aims to build up our equipment to be able to increase research and follow-up with foods that are in production and sale in this country. But one of Matís' statutory roles is to improve food security in Iceland, which is the basis of all food production. Food quantity and food security are useless if the food to be consumed is not safe.

Let's reduce the risk - clean the fruit

Despite the fact that there are few examples of dangerous food additives on the market in Iceland, everyone should dedicate themselves to cleaning fruit and vegetables well before use, in addition to which it can be good to rinse well with dry products such as rice. In this way, we reduce the likelihood of consuming unhealthy additives, which can be avoided completely late as they also ensure that we get a fresh product that grows fast enough to meet demand.


Do you want to promote your product abroad?

The Særimner festival will be held on 8-10. October in Sweden. This year's theme is Nordic food creation and registration has been opened for those who want to promote their products and take part in the Swedish food production championship.

Særimner is a true festival for those who are involved in small-scale food production in one way or another, it will be held from the 8th to the 10th. October in Sweden. This year, the theme is "Nordic food creation" related to the project "New Nordic Food". There, small producers will meet to present their products, share their experiences and get to know other products. It will also be possible to taste other people's products and offer them, if people want to promote their products.

The conference will also feature numerous lectures and seminars related to food production in one way or another. For example, the future of Nordic food creation will be discussed, with politicians invited to speak. There will also be a seminar on fish processing before, Nordic berries and storage methods, food and trade, in addition to which Brynhildur Pálsdóttir will talk about the project "Farmers 'and Designers' Meeting", in which Matís participated. Advice will also be offered to small producers who want to further develop their products. It is therefore clear that anyone interested in small-scale food production can find something to their liking at the conference.

Swedish food production championship

At Særimner, the Swedish Championship (Food) in food production will be held for the 17th time and this time it will be open to competitors from the Nordic countries. There will be competition in 5 main categories which are: meat products, fish products, dairy products, baked goods and products from berries, fruits and vegetables. Under each main category are various product categories. This year there will be several new and exciting product categories such as lactic acid vegetables, mustard, pastries and food innovation. A number of judges, experts in their field of food, judge the competition, which takes place in front of open tents. There is a lot to win because the products that win prizes in the competition get good attention which will facilitate their marketing. All competitors receive reviews of their products from judges, which helps in the further development of the product. Iceland's representative in the judging panel will be Óli Þór Hilmarsson, meat industry master and specialist at Matís.

The festival is intended for everyone who is interested in food creation. It is an important platform for a network between small producers, imaginative and exciting, in addition to which it undoubtedly strengthens small producers in its production.

Registration for Eldrimner began on May 6, but registration is open until September 13. After that you can register for a higher registration fee. Everyone is free to join and we encourage everyone who works in this field or is interested in showing up.

Further information about the festival can be obtained from: Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, and Óli Þór Hilmarsson,

Særimner website:


3X Technology signs with HB Grandi

Matís' long-term partner recently signed an agreement with HB Grandi, which lays the foundation for an arrangement on board icefish trawlers for the future.

3X Technology has now concluded an agreement with HB Grandi on the design, construction and implementation of a complete solution for processing decks on board Helga María AK, but as is well known, Helga María has completed her last fishing trip as a freezer trawler and will be released as an icefish trawler after changes. The solution is based on research, measurements and product development that has been carried out in collaboration between Icelandic fisheries companies, Matís and 3X Technology in recent years.

Jóhann Jónasson, the company's managing director, says that the collaboration with Matís has been crucial: “Our collaboration and the firm conviction of the staff of Matís and 3X Technology that the future and main opportunity of the Icelandic fishing industry lies in building on quality production is to deliver this, because companies like HB Grandi is of the same opinion and they look to the future with the aim of delivering excellent and consistent quality to their customers. "

An agreement like this matters

"HB Grandi is without a doubt one of the most powerful companies in the country and therefore this agreement is a great recognition for our excellent cooperation. It is more than a year since this project with HB Grandi began and this phase is very dear to us and many employees from these three companies have put their hand to the plow and created this result ".

Jóhann thanks Matís for the collaboration and says he looks forward to continuing the collaboration, as it has given the company both wings. "The processing deck on board Helga María is one of the most advanced that we at 3X have come across in an icefish trawler and will lay a strong foundation for future arrangements on board such vessels".

Product differences

"Earlier this winter, we sold 3X Technology to an Icelandic salted fish manufacturer, Fiskkaup, ROTEX equipment on board the liner and net vessel Kristrún RE-177, but Fiskkaup sells salted fish to Italy, among other places. Their Italian customers were satisfied with the products before but are now very happy, they say that the fish now has a brighter tone than before. It all supports each other, although we did not easily see a difference in the fish when it was taken home, it is whiter when it comes on the market, it is as it turned out when the fish, the raw material, was measured at Matís and their results measurements indicated that there was a difference between fish that were treated in the traditional way and fish that went through our ROTEX ship solutions ".

Matís sincerely congratulates 3X Technology on the course!

 Computer drawing of Rótex processing tires


"Nobody makes gold out of shit"

Today, Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, director of Matís, handed over to Einar Kristin Guðfinnsson, Speaker of the Althing, 63 copies of the booklet "The importance of good handling of fish", which Matís recently had reprinted.

Fisheries are close to Icelanders, as the fisheries sector has been one of the country's basic industries and a rich source of income. It is therefore not surprising that most people have an opinion on the fishing industry, and especially MPs. In discussions about the fishing industry, however, it is seldom discussed what matters if the value of the products is to be processed, that is, the importance of good handling of fish from the time it is pulled from the sea, so that the quality of the fish can be preserved. Quality is the basis of value.

It was therefore considered appropriate to hand over to the members of the Althingi the booklet: "The importance of good handling of fish", which was reprinted this summer by Matís. The booklet addresses in particular the five most important aspects of the treatment of freshly caught fish; bleeding, gutting, washing, hygiene and cooling. Extensive knowledge of the importance of good fish handling is important for everyone, no less for those who discuss fisheries management than those who fish.

The Speaker of the Althingi is pleased with the gift

Einar Kristinn Guðfinnsson, Speaker of the Althingi and former Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, received the brochure on behalf of Althingi members. He was very pleased with the initiative and said: "This is a much needed and good initiative on the part of Matís. Good raw material handling provides even more opportunities for the Icelandic fisheries sector and can contribute to greatly increased value creation. Our fisheries management system encourages good utilization of the raw material. Those who utilize the fishery resource have a certain amount at their disposal, and as a result, incentives are created for fishermen, fishing companies and fish processing to create as much value as possible from limited catch quotas. Their interests therefore lie in managing the resource well, maximizing yields. We have also seen that value creation per kilogram given has increased remarkably in recent years. That does not change the fact that it can be done even better. "

"We are far from reaching any limits. The opportunities are many, such as improved catch management from fishing until the fish has become a finished product that is sold on a demanding market, but also in all kinds of by-products that were not utilized but have now become of great value. It has been interesting to follow developments in this field as well as the collaboration of scientists and those working in the field. We always keep in mind that good resources are not a check on value creation, but how they are used. "

Food security is the basis of food security

At Matís, great emphasis is placed on innovation and the valuable increase in seafood, but it is clear that the basis of all food production is good raw materials and if the intention is to maximize product prices, it is clear that the handling of raw materials must be as good as possible, or as Sigurjón Arason Matís' chief engineer, has said: "no one makes gold out of shit", which are truly true words. Therefore, it is of little importance to have enough food if it is not fit for human consumption.