Sjóvinnsla á þorskalýsi / On-board liver oil processing
The project Sea processing of cod liver oil is about examining whether there is an operational basis for fish oil processing from cod climbing on board freezer and icefish trawlers. This includes a summary of all costs of processing as well as investment costs. The results were summarized in the income statement. In addition, the processing process of fish oil for human consumption was discussed and its market value was assessed. The results of the project indicated that it is not profitable to work only cod climbing on board trawlers, but it is more profitable to land it fresh. However, it is possible to increase profits significantly by processing all cod, saithe and haddock livers together and even more if all the meat is processed, including the liver. There is more profit from the processing of fish oil on board freezer trawlers compared to icefish trawlers, considering that icefish trawlers will generate income if they start producing fish oil on board. It is income from the liver that would otherwise be landed. This does not apply to freezer trawlers, but most of their liver goes into the sea today.
The task of this project is to explore whether there is an operating basis for processing cod liver into oil onboard freezer- and wet fish trawlers. This includes summarizing all costs in a profit loss account. The project also considers further refining of fish oil for human consumption and its market value. The results of this project indicated that it is not profitable to process only cod liver, as more profit is gained by landing the liver fresh. However, by processing liver from cod, saithe and haddock profits can be increased and even more if all the viscera including liver is processed as well. More profits are obtained from processing fish oil onboard freezer trawlers, compared to wet fish trawlers, considering lost revenue of previously landed liver. This does not apply to freezer trawlers as they do not utilize liver.
Magnea Karlsdóttir, Erwan Queguiner, Björn Margeirsson, Sigurjón Arason, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir
Supported by:
AVS R&D Fund (R 17 016-17), Technology Development Fund (164698-1061)
Sigurjón Arason
Chief Engineer
The effects of food container depth and coverage on the quality of superchilled rainbow trout
Fresh farmed fish is generally gutted and packed in a foam plastic box with ice for export in refrigerated containers. In view of the great development that has taken place in terms of supercooling and its positive effect on the quality of fish products, other more cost-effective and environmentally friendly packaging solutions have been examined, including insulated food containers. The main objective of the project was to evaluate the impact of different packaging methods on the quality of fresh rainbow trout. Gutted fish with a head was packed in a foam plastic box and insulated pots of different depths (29-60 cm). In addition to comparing different depths of pots, different embodiments of closing pots were also examined. Experimental fish were observed at the top and bottom of each tank. The pots were stored in a temperature-controlled environment at about -1 ° C and measurements were made after 8 and 13 days after packing. The fish packed in a foam box was either supercooled before packing or cooled in the traditional way with ice. This was done to assess the effect of supercooling on fresh rainbow trout. To assess the quality of the rainbow trout, microbial growth, texture and release in fillets were monitored. The results showed that the packaging solutions examined in the project had a relatively small effect on the total number of microorganisms, but there was no significant difference between experimental groups at the end of the storage period. In general, there was little to no difference between groups in texture and texture in fillets. On the other hand, the results showed that it is necessary to close the pots, but the type did not have a significant effect. Supercooling before packing had a significant effect on release. Fish that was cooled in the traditional way and packed in a foam plastic box with ice had significantly more release compared to when it was super-cooled and packed in a pot or foam plastic box without ice. The results show that there is no significant difference between foam boxes and pots of different depths compared to the quality variables examined in this project. They indicate that the transport of supercooled rainbow trout in pots is a viable option in terms of the stability of the raw material and the quality of the product.
The overall aim of the study was to explore the effects of different packaging solutions on the quality of fresh rainbow trout. Different packaging methods included expanded polystyrene boxes (EPS), insulated food containers of 29 to 60 cm depth with various combination of covers. Each container was split up into two groups, top- and bottom layer. Both fish chilled on ice and superchilled fish were considered. Microbial growth and sensory characteristics (fillet gaping, softness and elasticity) were used to evaluate the quality of the rainbow trout fillets after 8 and 13 days of storage at around -1 ° C. The different packaging solutions had no effects on the microbial quality of the fish. Moreover, no listeria activity was detected. Sensory evaluation showed minor differences between containers of different depths and / or EPS boxes, as well as between top and bottom layers. However, the presence of cover proved to be of great importance, but the type of cover turned out to be not relevant. The effects of superchilling before packaging on fillet gaping was evident in present study since fish packed in EPS box with ice resulted in more gaping than superchilled fish packed in EPS boxes and / or containers without ice.
AVS R&D Fund (R 17 016-17), Technology Development Fund (164698-1061), The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund (185693- 0091)
Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir
Sensory evaluation manager
The effects of food container depth on the quality and yield of superchilled and iced Atlantic salmon
The aim of the project was to compare the quality of farmed salmon, which was frozen and supercooled, and stored in different packaging solutions. Different insulated pots (32, 42 and 60 cm deep) and EPS boxes were used to transport and store the farmed salmon. Quality was examined after 4, 10 and 14 days of storage in supercooled conditions, where water loss, texture, boiling efficiency and sensory evaluation factors were assessed. Water loss on supercooled salmon was significantly more in deeper packaging compared to shallower packaging after 10 to 14 days of storage at -1 ° C. Frozen salmon stored in EPS lost less water than supercooled salmon in EPS, probably due to inaccurate temperature control during supercooling. Sensory evaluation, texture measurements and boiling efficiency showed little difference between salmon stored in different depths of packaging. Icebergs were more visible in frozen salmon stored in deep pots compared to EPS boxes. Discharge was more visible in frozen salmon compared to super-chilled salmon. The results do not exclude the use of deep tanks for the transport and storage of fresh salmon, but do not specify the maximum size of packaging. The size and volume utilization of packaging affects water loss and transport costs. Supercooling can have many benefits for manufacturers and consumers, but it is necessary to have good control of the supercooling to ensure its effectiveness.
The aim of the study was to compare quality differences of farmed Atlantic salmon, both iced and superchilled, that was stored in different sized packaging solutions. Different sized insulated containers (32, 42 and 60 cm deep) as well as EPS boxes were used to transport and store the fish. The quality was evaluated after 4, 10 and 14 days of storage, where drip loss, texture, cooking yield and sensory evaluation were performed. Increased container depth significantly increased the drip loss of superchilled salmon during 10 to 14 days storage at -1 ° C. Iced storage of salmon in EPS resulted in less drip loss compared to superchilled salmon stored in EPS, most likely due to uncontrolled superchilling conditions. Sensory evaluation, texture analysis and cooking yield did not reveal any major differences between salmon stored in containers of different depths. In case of iced salmon, pressure marks were more prominent with increased depth of containers. Gap was more noticeable in iced salmon compared to superchilled salmon. The results did not rule out the use of large insulated containers, but they do not specify the maximum recommended depth of containers intended for salmon packaging. The size and volume of packaging containers affect drip loss as well as transportation costs. Superchilling of fresh foods can have many benefits for producers and consumers but a controlled and optimized superchilling process is needed to ensure its effectiveness.
Recently, there has been considerable discussion about the situation of Icelandic farmers, especially sheep farmers, and it was very good, for example. news on RÚV earlier this week. Low product prices and a difficult operating environment mean that many farmers do not make ends meet with the current system in this country.
In this light, it is important to look at what the peasantry itself can do and no less what the Icelandic government can do to ensure that farmers have a better opportunity to conduct their business in a lucrative and sustainable manner. There are various things that can be done that do not have to cost the Icelandic state anything, such as changes in the Icelandic legal and regulatory environment.
Farmers have long called for more liberal rules regarding home slaughter and the processing of valuable products on farms. Domestic slaughter is permitted today, but it is not permitted to sell or distribute products from the animals that have been slaughtered at home. A new concept, micro-slaughter, is home slaughter that is relatively small in scope, but valuable products may be sold and distributed to the public. This will create considerable income opportunities for farmers, not least because tourists who visit Iceland are very interested in buying products directly from farmers. In order for changes in the laws and regulations that allow this to take place, it is very important that a risk assessment is carried out. The consumer should always enjoy the benefit of the doubt, so it is important to get information about the potential dangers involved in allowing micro-slaughter at home on a farm with distribution or sale in mind. In fact, such slaughter is already allowed in Germany, for example, with good results.
Matís has throughout the years supported farmers in farmers' efforts for innovation, and numerous projects have been carried out with financial support from various public funds.
Examples include:
To ensure the quality of the meat:
Effects of breeding and treatment before and after slaughter on the quality of lamb. In collaboration with LBHÍ; RML and H.Í (and SLU).
Advice on proper handling from the mountain at the table of consumers to ensure the quality of the meat.
Product development and increased value of mutton:
Development of raw and fermented sausages from mutton
Advice for the Sheepmeat Marketing Council
Product development as part of the innovation of the Nordic bioeconomy
Approach to the construction of a handicraft slaughterhouse at Seglbúðir
Licensing, quality manual, internal control and establishment of companies
Teaching at LBHÍ
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - Quality and processing of livestock products
Farmers' Department - Home processing
To ensure consumer safety
A study of the levels of polycyclic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs) in traditional smoked ham
The amount and effect of processing factors on the amount of polycyclic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs) were studied. The measurement method was changed so that it became more reliable, faster and more efficient. The concentration of benzo [a] pyrene (BaP) and ∑PAH4 in slices of ham was in all cases below the maximum levels in EU Regulation (EU) 835/2011. There was no difference in the concentration of PAHs in ham from meat processing plants and from small producers. The risk of contact with PAHs in ham can be reduced by smoking for a short time, cutting off the surface of the meat before consumption and by filtering the smoke with gauze. The composition of the smoke source and the smoking method had the greatest effect on the variability in the concentration of PAH substances in ham.
The food landscape
Matís is currently working on a project that involves mapping the Icelandic food landscape in a web-based form. This means that a complete list of primary production in Iceland is prepared and will be called Matarlandslagið in Icelandic and EatIceland in English. The register will show the number of primary producers and their distribution around the country graphically on the web and it will be possible to categorize them according to various variables and view further information about each of them. The food landscape web will be up and running soon.
Designers 'and farmers' dates
The meeting of designers and farmers was an innovative project of the Iceland Academy of the Arts, in collaboration with Matís, where product designers and farmers were brought together with the aim of developing food products of the highest quality.
The research project was based on interdisciplinary collaboration where the design team and the farm work with Matís experts, chefs and Innovit. In the process, a lot of effort is put into creating a strong uniqueness and overall experience for the product.
Barley is an ancient grain that is suitable for cultivation in northern areas. Barley offers increased sustainability in agriculture and food production.
Consumers and not least tourists are looking for local products, origins and history. Food manufacturers are looking for uniqueness, products that stand out from the crowd. Barley can serve this purpose.
Matís is working on the project "Sea processing of cod liver oil ". The aim of the project is to examine the feasibility of processing liver in high-quality cod liver oil directly after processing on board.
The advantage of this processing compared to land processing is that the raw material could not be fresher than directly after fishing, as opposed to land processing which more often than not has to work with 3-4 days old raw material. This could also allow freezer and icefish trawlers to get higher prices for the liver.
The project runs from June to September 2018 and is funded by AVS.
A new article was published in the international scientific journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences. It states that parasites were confirmed in imported dogs and cats in Iceland in the years 1989 - 2017.
The import ban on dogs was lifted in 1989 and then the import of dogs and cats is allowed if the conditions for health and isolation are met for a certain period. From 1989 until the end of 2017, 3822 dogs and 900 cats were imported to the country.
The animals have come from 67 countries on every continent. A search for parasites revealed one or more species of parasites in 10.6% dogs and 4.2% cats, and pests were found on arrival in the country in 0.2% dogs and 0.2% cats. A total of 18 species of internal parasites and six species of vermin have been found in or on imported pets. It is believed that six of them (nematodes and five species of vermin) have been transmitted to domestic dogs or cats with pets that were still infected when the isolation ended. Two or three of the species seem to have gained a foothold in Iceland, but it is believed that three of them have been eradicated.
There will be a varied selection from Skagafjörður's food box, such as hen eggs, honey, shark, herbs, pesto and freshly grown vegetables as well as all kinds of fish and meat to name a few.
The farmers' market, which has been in Pakkhúsið in Hofsós this summer, will take place at the big gathering Sveitasælan in the riding hall Svaðastöðum in Skagafjörður from 10–17 on Saturday 18 August.
The project is a pilot project run by Matís, in collaboration with farmers and producers in Skagafjörður. Sveitasælan is an agricultural exhibition and farmers 'festival, says Rakel Halldórsdóttir, a consultant at Matís who established the farmers' market this summer.
The program will be the most impressive and everyone should find something suitable. These include the zoo, the theater group Lotta, Gunna and Felix, the Puppy Squad, hot dogs, a shepherd dog show, a calf show, a ram show / ram show, and a machine and company show, not to mention the Farmers' Market which has attracted attention in many places.
The restaurant will be run by the Kiwanis Club Freyja, but all proceeds will go to good causes in the local area.
The project Metamorphosis is nominated for the EIT Innovators Awards 2018
Recently, EIT (The European Institute and Innovation and Technology) the projects and individuals who were nominated for the EIT Award this year. It focuses on projects that promote innovation with innovative products, projects and services that address international challenges such as climate, energy, food and health. This year's nominations include the Metamorphosis project led by Birgir Örn Smárason at Matís.
The Metamorphosis project is working to turn organic waste into valuable raw materials for use in aquaculture feed. Lack of protein-rich feed has called for new solutions to meet growing industry demand. More than half of all fish species are now farmed and it is likely that production will double in the next 15 years. Studies have shown that insects are very suitable in the production of feed for fish, but many species of insects have the property of being able to convert organic waste into a diet rich in fat and protein. The project focuses on the development of new feed materials made from insects that could be used to respond to the growing protein deficiency in Europe in a sustainable way.
The award ceremony will take place in Budapest on the fourth of October at the EIT's annual Entrepreneurship Seminar, INNOVEIT . There are a total of 41 nominations and they consist of the main pioneers and pioneers in Europe in sustainable development.
Changes in the new volcano have not been studied anywhere else in the world but on Surtsey. Matís' participation in the collaboration revolves around research into the settlement of organisms, especially microorganisms.
Matís' scientists were among a group of scientists who went on the second of two expeditions to Surtsey in the summer of 2018, and the results are now being processed, but the data will be used for various studies.
The expedition examined, among other things, how a microbial community is formed and develops in the rock far below the earth's surface at high temperatures, up to 80 degrees.
The Surtsey Nature Reserve was approved by the United Nations World Heritage List in 2008. Great care is taken not to disturb the Surtsey ecosystem during the research. All parties involved in the project have been given detailed instructions regarding the preparation and the conditions there to ensure a minimum of disruption on the eve of being allowed to land on Surtsey.
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