
Matís advertises for staff in the Westfjords and in Reykjavík

Matís advertises for several employees in the Westfjords and in Reykjavík. In the Westfjords, there is an advertisement for Aflakaupabanki's project manager, a specialist in specific measurements and a project manager in the field of processing technology.

There are also advertisements for two assistants in the microbiological laboratory and the chemical laboratory.

Further information about the jobs can be found here.


Live lobsters from Iceland draw attention to the fisheries exhibition in Brussels

Hundreds of live lobsters from Iceland, which were brought to the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels, Belgium, attracted a lot of attention from visitors to the exhibition.

The lobsters, which were caught in Hornarfjarðardjúpur, were first transported to the lobster hotel, which is run by Matís (Icelandic Food Research) and the East Iceland Entrepreneurship Center. There they were cooled before they were exported by Icelandair Cargo to Brussels. The lobsters were then transported to the booth of the company OOJEE. The lobsters are considered healthy in size but they are about 100 gr. to weight on average.

Fishing and transporting live lobsters from Hornafjörður is part of a pilot project by Matís, Frumkvöðlasetus Austurlands and Skinney Þinganes. It is funded by the AVS Research Fund.

The European Seafood Exposition exhibition in Brussels started last. Tuesday and ends today, April 26th. In fact, there are two exhibitions in the same place: the European Seafood Exposition, which shows seafood and Seafood Processing Europe with machines, equipment, services and other equipment for the fishing industry.

In the picture are fv: Guðmundur Gunnarsson, Matís, Ari Þorsteinsson, Executive Director of the East Iceland Entrepreneurship Center, and Karl Jóhannesson, OOJEE.


Vísindagarður in Sauðárkrókur is starting to work

Yesterday, the company Verið Vísindagarðar ehf. presented at an open meeting in Sauðárkrókur. One of the main goals of the Verse is to promote the development of the economy, strengthen research and study opportunities and increase value creation in collaboration with companies in the area.

At the introductory meeting, the Minister of Fisheries, Einar K. Guðfinnsson, said that Verið Vísindagarðar was a successful way of developing the economy in the area, especially in the food industry. He said that the ministry had made an effort to increase the number of specialist jobs at the ministry's institutions in the countryside, but that they had increased by the last 25 semesters and that a similar number was at least foreseeable. In his speech, the Minister emphasized the importance of increasing employment opportunities for university-educated people in rural areas, as well as study opportunities, and said that the establishment of Versinn Vísindagarður was part of that.

The company Verið Vísindagarðar ehf was founded earlier this year and will handle the operation of teaching and research facilities in the form of science parks in connection with Hólar University, Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands), FISK Seafood and other parties. The company aims for further development in this field by creating facilities and a platform for increased collaboration between the business community, domestic and foreign universities and researchers.

Vísindagarður is currently run in a 1,500 square meter building at Háeyri 1, where Hólar University has facilities for teaching and research in aquaculture, fish biology, marine and aquatic biology. Matís also has operations there for the company Iceprotein, which produces protein from fish cuts. The Minister of Fisheries said at the introductory meeting that Matís' participation in research and development work at Verin had, among other things, the aim of creating benefits for the business community and promoting further investment and job creation. The same applies to the activities of research institutes under the Ministry of Fisheries in many parts of the country.

Science parks, such as those that have been opened in Sauðárkrókur, have been established at numerous universities abroad because experience shows that such activities are a powerful way to strengthen settlements and communities with extensive university work in close collaboration with companies, institutions and municipalities.

Due to the great interest of those who come to Verin and others, there are already plans to significantly improve the existing housing; such as research facilities and additional work facilities for teachers, students and researchers.

Gísli Svan Einarsson has been appointed managing director of Versinn, having previously worked as a shipping manager at FISK Seafood in Sauðárkrókur. Gísli provides all further information by phone: 825 4409.


Introductory meeting on technology and science in Skagafjörður

Wednesday 25 April between 16-18 there will be an open house in the Verin-Þróunarsetrin by the harbor in Sauðárkrókur where various innovative projects that are being worked on in the area will be presented. The occasion is the establishment of a new company called Verið Vísindagarðar ehf.

The plant was formally opened th. March 7 last year in the premises of FISK Seafood by the harbor in Sauðárkrókur. The development center is a collaborative project between Matís, the University of Akureyri, the University of Iceland, FISK Seafood and Hólar University, and the Ministries of Industry and Fisheries jointly worked together. ISK 10 million for the project at the opening of the development center.

A special company, Verið Vísindagarðar ehf, has now been established to take care of teaching and research facilities in the development center.

Advertisement from Verin


Breasts, bone choking, potholes, seals? - No thanks!

Most cooking enthusiasts are familiar with it New cuisine or Haute cuisine, which became popular in France in the 1980s, with an emphasis on light and healthy food, such as plenty of vegetables and light sauces, instead of the traditional, heavy French cuisine with wheat sauces and accompanying cream. Now it's time for Nordic cuisine to renew its life.

The Nordic Nordic Food, Cuisine, Food project was launched by the Nordic Council of Ministers in the autumn of 2006 and aims to promote and make the Nordic food culture more visible. The project aims to create a common understanding of Nordic ingredients and a vision for development in Nordic food culture. The project aims to strengthen the vision and create a tradition for the brand "New Nordic Foods", which is based on healthy and varied Nordic ingredients.

In some ways it can be said that "New Nordic cuisine" is based on a similar foundation as new cuisine, i.e. to develop Nordic values within Nordic food culture and traditions, cuisine, ingredients, tourism, health and hygiene, job creation, design and value creation in food production.

Establish co-operation between the Nordic countries on Nordic food and food culture activities. With the project, the Nordic Council of Ministers wants to support all kinds of activities that contribute to the positive development of Nordic food.

According to Emilia, the steering group has discussed measures to increase food exports and support domestic food production, as well as the need to define "New Nordic food" with regard to the different food traditions of the individual Nordic countries and create a positive image among the Nordic people. There is also a need to encourage innovation in Nordic food production and to promote home production in a district based on local ingredients. NNM means "new Nordic food" both as everyday food, banquet and export of food. Projects in the field of Nordic food production will be advertised in terms of cuisine and Nordic design and tourism.

The Nordic Council of Ministers has now advertised for the first grant applications or proposals for projects supported by NNM in 2007. Projects supported by NNM are for one year at a time and it is stated that NNM does not support research. The application deadline for project ideas is 11 May. Grants in the range of 100,000-500,000 DKK will be awarded, which means that a total of grants will be awarded for 8-10 projects in 2007.

The emphasis is on visibility and collaboration in the form of networks. The focus of these initial projects is on local production and distribution, cooking and cooking, and Nordic food design. Participants must be from at least three Nordic countries.

More information on the Nordic Council of Ministers' website


Eating farmed fish is a matter of conscience

Discussions about animal welfare and environmentally friendly food production have increased in recent years. The debate takes on various forms and is mixed in with various issues, as recent news from the UK about the pressure of whaling opponents on retail chains not to sell fish from certain Icelandic companies testifies.

This debate is actually a bit relative, as a large part of humanity can not afford to wonder whether the animals that are put to death have suffered or not before slaughter. Such questions of conscience are, therefore, first and foremost the luxury of rich nations. But these speculations are a fact nonetheless and will probably have an increasing impact on consumer behavior in important Icelandic markets in the coming years.

In aquaculture, emphasis has been placed on establishing various regulations regarding aquaculture, and one of the points of view that has been discussed is precisely animal welfare in aquaculture production. It is therefore important to examine whether different treatment of fish in relation to animal welfare actually affects the quality of the product. If that is the case, it could affect consumers.

In the autumn of 2006, an extensive study was carried out as part of the participation of the Fisheries Research Institute (now Matís, ohf) in the EU-funded SEAFOODplus project. The aim was to examine whether farmed cod, which were produced with special regard to animal welfare on the one hand, and on the other hand produced in the traditional way, had different quality characteristics. A consumer survey was also conducted to examine whether consumers had different tastes for these products and whether different information about the fire had an effect on how consumers liked the products.

In the latest issue. Rannísblaðið covered two of the members of the study, Emilía Martinsdóttir and Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, about the study. In short, the results indicate that if consumers did not know whether the farmed fish had been farmed with special regard to the welfare of the fish or not, they would have preferred farmed cod that were farmed in the traditional way.

It turned out, however, that when consumers received information about the farming methods, they preferred the fish that was farmed for the welfare of the fish and found it natural that fish that were farmed in such conditions were more expensive than traditional farmed fish.

These results suggest that food labeling and what information is given on the packaging is important for consumers. They also suggest that people not only use traditional senses when evaluating food, but also eat "with the heart."

Recently was also a discussion of this topic on the SEAFOODplus website

Article in Rannísblaðið


A specialist is wanted to work in Akureyri

Matís ohf. (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands) wants to hire an urgent and diligent specialist to work for the company in Akureyri. The application deadline is April 30.

Area of work:
The job involves overseeing research on pesticides in food and various other chemical research conducted by the company.

Qualification requirements:

  • University education in the School of Natural Sciences
  • It is desirable that applicants have work experience in chemical research
  • Initiative and independence in working methods
  • Agility in human relations
  • Ambition to succeed at work

    Applications with information about education and work experience, as well as recommendations, should be sent to Matís ohf., Skúlagata 4, 101 Reykjavík. Applications can also be submitted to the e-mail address

    The application deadline is 30 April 2007. It is desirable that the person in question can start work as soon as possible.

    For further information, contact Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir and Ásta Ásmundsdóttir, tel. 422 5000.


Matís' project manager position in the Westman Islands is vacant

Matís ohf. advertises for a project manager in the Westman Islands. The role of the project manager is to manage and work on projects on behalf of Matís ohf. in the Westman Islands. It is desirable that applicants have a technical or university degree in science or engineering.

Main projects:

- overseeing day-to-day operations, project acquisition and planning

- collaboration with companies and individuals on projects

- work on projects related to research and development in the field of food

- mapping opportunities

- present projects and opportunities in the environment

Applicants must have initiative and independence in working methods, good command of English and Icelandic and agility in human relations. It is desirable that applicants have a technical or university degree in science or engineering.

Applications with information about education and work experience, as well as recommendations are sent to Matís ohf, Skúlagata 4, 101 Reykjavík.

The application deadline is 2 May 2007. It is desirable that the person in question can start work on 1 June 2007.

For further information, please contact Guðjón Þorkelsson,, and Ragnar Jóhannsson,

Matís ohf is a new public limited company owned by the state, which has taken over the operations of the Fisheries Research Institute, Matvælarannsókna Keldnaholt (MATRA) and the Environment Agency's Laboratory. The purpose of the company is to conduct research and innovation in the field of food for the benefit of the economy, public health and food safety.


Find money in catfish processing

There are significant financial and environmental benefits to utilizing fish meat or protein lost in catfish processing. The value can amount to hundreds of millions of ISK based on that 60 thousand tons annual production of fresh and frozen catfish products. According to a study by Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands), Brims and Toppfisk, less organic matter is released into the environment by utilizing fish meat or protein in the processing.

The study, entitled "Unused protein in wastewater from fish processing", describes an assessment of water consumption and protein loss during filleting and skinning in catfish processing. It states that if it is assumed that about 1% of raw material weight is lost during filleting and skinning, this corresponds to about 1,200 tonnes of fillet products compared to 60 thous. tonnes of annual production of fresh and frozen catfish products. The value can therefore amount to 120-500 million ISK per year, depending on whether the fish mass is priced as marlin or more valuable products for human consumption. It should be noted that various factors can affect the loss of fish meat during processing, such as the condition of raw materials and processing equipment, but its variability was not assessed.

The study found that the water consumption was about 0.5 l / kg of product during filleting and comparable water consumption during skinning when based on the processing of 2 kg of fish and 50% processing efficiency. The water was filtered with several sieves of different roughness (0.25-1mm). With coarse filtration (1mm) most of the blood vessels could be separated and straightened, but the finer the filtration, the whiter and more homogeneous the fish mass became. By isolating dry matter from wastewater, it is possible to increase the value and improve the utilization of seafood, while at the same time promoting more environmentally friendly production methods. Of course, some effort has to be put into isolating the proteins, but with relatively simple filtration equipment, a significant amount of the proteins that are now destroyed in the effluent of fish processing plants could be achieved.

Fillets of cod evaluated

The project was carried out by experts from the Fisheries Research Institute (now Matís ohf) in collaboration with Brim and Toppfisk funded by AVS Fund.


Happy farmed fish - Matís participates in an international project on fish welfare

Matvælarannsóknir Íslands (Matís) and Hólar University take part in an extensive European project involving research into the welfare of fish in aquaculture.

The goal is to define what causes stress and discomfort in fish. 60 research groups from over 20 countries are participating in the project, which lasts for 5 years. The research project is part of the European Union's COST program, which provides around ISK 10 billion for research. The project manager of the research project is Professor Anders Kiessling at the University of Ás in Norway.

Dr. Þorleifur Ágústsson, project manager at Matís, and Dr. Helgi Thorarensen, at Hólar University, sits on the board of the project. Þorleifur says that new research indicates that fish experience pain like birds and mammals, although it is not clear whether there is a similar feeling of pain as in higher vertebrates. He says that in order to study how fish experience their environment, it is necessary to elicit a biological response with stimuli and study the effects.

"Because fish do not have the ability to indicate pain or discomfort with sounds and / or facial expressions, it has mainly relied on changes in behavior as well as trying to assess stress responses."

Pollutants affect stress

Þorleifur says that stimuli that cause stress are transmitted through nerves that are connected to sight, hearing, the sense of smell and the senses that sense changes in water pressure. Environment or conditions that fish do not tolerate, such as too high a density, too high / low oxygen level, unfavorable salinity, high levels of carbon dioxide (affects blood acidity) also affect the nerve messages that reach the brain and cause stress. Pollutants (natural or man-made) also have a very strong stress effect on fish.

Farmed cod

"Stress in fish is therefore an extremely complex phenomenon, but in short, it can be said that a physiological change occurs in stressed fish from being in rapid growth in good health to being a sick fish with a low life expectancy," says Þorleifur.

Þorleifur says that it is clear that in aquaculture there are many problems waiting to be solved that are related to research on fish welfare. "It is very important to strengthen such research, not least in Iceland where cod farming is growing rapidly, because the conditions here by nature are completely different from those known in neighboring countries - Icelandic conditions therefore need Icelandic solutions."

More information can be found on the project's website: