The workshop "Why saltfish?" was held on September 28, 2022. The goal of the workshop was to share knowledge from various sources, and look for ways to strengthen the position of saltfish in the domestic market. The workshop was attended by about 40 people, culinary students, chefs, producers, marketers, and last but not least, the Minister of Food, Svandís Svavarsdóttir.

Short presentations were given by Matís experts on the history, culture, effectiveness and dewatering of salted fish. Also about the knowledge and attitude of consumers towards salted fish and its consumption in Iceland. The sensory properties of salted fish were presented, and attendees had the opportunity to taste and compare two types of salted fish and two types of salted fish. MK culinary students then presented their ideas behind salted fish dishes, which were served on the table. After that, we worked in three groups, each of which took on a topic of discussion: "What is salted fish - can we call salted fish salted fish?", "How do we reach the young people?" and "How can the product range be increased?"
The results of the workshop showed that it is important to distinguish between what is truly salted fish on the one hand and salted fish on the other. Salted fish, usually lightly salted or overnight salted, does not have the same characteristics as salted fish, which is finished with salt and brine and then dry-salted even for weeks, which gives this product unique properties such as the characteristic flavor and firm texture, after dewatering.
It seems that there are endless opportunities and opportunities for the saltfish. However, we need to pay better for the way of salted fish to the Icelandic market. Saltfish should really be for us Icelanders, on a par with what parma ham is to Italians, at least.

The workshop was held in the building of the Menntaskól in Kópavogur, in collaboration with Matís, Grím Kokk, Klúbbs Cultreiðslumeista, Menntaskól in Kópavogur and Icelandic saltfish producers. The workshop is part of the project Saltfiskkræsingar (e.g. Trendy Cod) that Matís oversees, and which NORA and AG-Fisk (Arbejdsgruppen for Fiskerisamarbejdet) on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers have provided funding for.
Vinnslustöðin hf and KG Fiskverkun donated salted fish to the workshop.

Find out more about the project Saltfiskkræsingar, by clicking the button below:
Cover photo of saltfish: Lárus Karl Ingvarsson