The project Natalie, funded by Horizon Europe for around 15 million EUR (2.2 billion ISK), works on the development and implementation of new solutions for adaptation to climate change. Natalie's project duration is 5 years in collaboration with 42 participants located all over Europe.
The project will work on a new approach to nature-based methods, NBS (e. nature-based solutions), to track the effects of weather disturbances caused by climate change. Eight countries will work on the implementation and development of a new approach to assessing the impact of exploitation as well as weather disturbances in their coastal areas. There are five countries, including Iceland, who come to verify these new implementations.
Matís' share in the project is according to above, to verify new developments regarding the assessment of the effects of climate change on coastal areas and their ecosystems, as they are the backbone of our Icelandic coastal communities. Work will be done, among other things, with the resilience and solutions of coastal areas related to their utilization as well as the effects of weather disturbances.
The project is overseen by the International Office for Water (OiEau) in France.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe program under grant agreement N° 101112859