Smart tagging opportunities to increase traceability and share food information (Smart Tags)

Project title: Smart Tags

Partners: VTT, University of Warsaw, University of Reading, AZTI, 2ouxMatok, Ku Leven, Maspex

Research Fund: EIT Food

Initial year: 2020

Service Category:



Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

The Smart Tags project lasted one year and was intended to identify opportunities created by smart tags to disseminate information to consumers. Smart tags are tags that can store and share information that traditional tags cannot, for example by changing color, providing product temperature information, sharing traceability information and / or referring to websites that store information that is unique to an individual product or batch.

The project is divided into six work components, ie. 1) Project management, 2) analysis of the smart brands on the market and their use in the food industry, 3) analysis of the needs and expectations of consumers and other stakeholders for smart brands, 4) analysis of, and proposals for, new service opportunities related to smart brands. Where 19 implementations of improved service were presented, 5) tests of selected solutions proposed in previous work components, 6) dissemination.

The Smart Brand project was defined as a dissemination project, where the main goal was to gather and share knowledge about smart brands. It is safe to say that these goals have been achieved, as about 6,500 people had directly contributed to the project through interviews, focus groups and consumer surveys, in addition to which over 60 thousand people have visited websites with information from the project.

Although this project is now complete, it is clear that further research and innovation will take place in this area. The participants in the project are therefore grateful to have had the opportunity to work on this very exciting project and will no doubt continue that work.