Our Projects
Service category
Research Fund
Soil improving biomaterials
Aquaculture sludge, which contains leftover fish feed and waste, is a major concern when it comes to aquaculture. The project…
Utilization of side streams of a water treatment plant for the production of brine for fish processing
Vinnslustoðin hf. has set up a water treatment plant that produces drinking water from the sea. During that production…
VAXA ACTION Impact Nutrition Program in Tanzania
Children and women in Africa are most at risk of malnutrition with serious consequences. One…
UltraSpirulina as Claim Enabling Ingredient with Active Vitamin B12, Iron, and Protein for Functional Foods
Markmið verkefnisins er að þróa framleiðsluferla og vörur sem innihalda einstaka uppsprettu á lífaðgengilegu B12…
Development of micronutrient supplements from spirulina
Markmið verkefnisins er að þróa fæðubótarefni rík af næringarefnum úr spirulina (Spirulina plantensis). Stefnt er…
Environmental impacts and energy transition in the Nordic seafood sector
Seafood is generally a climate-efficient and nutritious type of food. Consumers, however, are often confused...
SOS – Enzymatic production of oligosaccharides from seaweeds
The goal of the project is to develop a method for the production of oligosaccharides from macroalgae (seaweed, kelp, salt, etc.)….
Diversity of thermophilic viruses in Icelandic hot springs. Genome-wide and genome-wide studies
Matís takes part in the THERMOPHAGE project, which involves studying viruses in microbial ecosystems...
How can nature-based solutions counteract the effects of climate change in Europe?
The Natalie project funded by Horizon Europe for around EUR 15 million (2.2 billion…
Carbon footprint of Icelandic Food
The project, the Carbon Footprint of Icelandic Food (KÍM), was awarded a grant from the Food Fund last year. summer The aim of the project is…