
What is the value of sensory evaluation and consumer science? "Interactive" online conference 27-28. April 2021


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Project Manager

The title of the conference is "What is the Added Value of Sensory and Consumer Science?". It will, among other things, discuss the dissemination of information obtained from sensory evaluation and consumer research. The emphasis will be on scientific results and their usefulness and their dissemination to industry as well as society.

Examples of how sensory evaluation and consumer research have been important in research, product development, a sustainable society, education, etc. will be examined. Professionals and scientists who work with sensory evaluation, quality issues and consumer issues in the field of food and other consumer products, get the opportunity to meet in online worlds and compare their books. The conference is also ideal for strengthening connections and opportunities in the Nordic region. Sensory assessment, such as quality assessment, and consumer issues are important links in the work carried out in companies that produce and sell consumer goods.

The Nordic Sensory Workshop is a Nordic conference that has been held approximately every other year. Due to Covid-19, the conference was postponed last year and was scheduled to take place in Gothenburg, Sweden. However, it was decided to hold the Nordic Sensory Workshop electronically this year, 27-29. April 2021. The conference will be hosted by experts in the field of sensory evaluation and consumer research in the Nordic countries, and will also take turns hosting the conference. This year, RISE (The Swedish Research Institute) is in charge of management with assistance from Nordic partners in Iceland (Matís), Norway (NOFIMA), Denmark (Teknologisk Institut) and Finland (VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland).

You can register for the conference until April 15.

Here is a leaflet about the conference.

More information about the conference can be found on the event's registration page here.

Further information is provided by Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, specialist at Matís (


Challenges and results of Icelanders in further processing and processing of marine products for export from Iceland

Jónas R. Viðarsson, Director of Value Creation at Matís, gave a talk at the Knowledge Center in the Westman Islands on 25 February, entitled "Challenges and the success of Icelanders in further processing and processing of marine products for export from Iceland". 

In his presentation, Jónas discussed developments in fish processing in Iceland and sought to answer the question of whether Icelandic companies can approach consumers to a greater extent than hitherto or whether they are doomed to be primarily raw material producers for foreign parties. Jónas took some examples of prices of exported products from Iceland and then finished products out of the store. He reviewed the amount of raw or unprocessed fish exported from Iceland in 2020. Jónas also took some examples of Icelanders' export experiments on finished seafood and considered various reasons that could possibly explain why full processing in Iceland is not greater than she is. He considers various factors as possible reasons why full processing is not greater in this country. In addition, examples were taken of production units abroad that are owned by Icelanders, as the factories are in most cases close to the markets.

At the end of his talk, Jónas briefly discussed some well-chosen fisheries-related research and innovation projects that Matís has been involved in, related to further processing or full processing. Both projects that have been successful, as well as some that have not been successful. Jónas discussed the importance of reviewing both projects that had been successful and projects that had not been successful.

A recording of the talk and the slides can be found on the website of the Knowledge Center in the Westman Islands here.  


Icelandic goat products are suitable for food

At the moment, you can find a variety of discussions and lively discussions about goat breeding on various news and social media. The trigger for this was a comment with a rejection that was received by the applicant in the Food Fund, but he was the only applicant among the goat breeders in Iceland. The review has received considerable attention because of it is considered to be a sign of prejudice and ignorance of commentators on the state of goat breeding in this country today.  

The Icelandic Goat Breeding Association has been in operation for 30 years, but the association's role is to promote the protection and breeding of the Icelandic goat population and look for ways to improve the utilization and increase the value of goat products. The Icelandic goat population is considered to be in danger of extinction as there are only almost 1500 animals. Riða, which came up in Skagafjörður last autumn, took its toll on the stock, in addition to which sheep disease prevention lines also apply to goats. There has been considerable inbreeding in the stock, but this poses a risk to the future of the stock. It is therefore important to increase the number of stocks and one of the key prerequisites for this is to develop as many goat products as possible. materials for goat farmers and the general public. The key conclusion is that the products of Icelandic goats are well suited for a variety of foods that are healthy and have a variety of uniqueness. At Matís, leaflets on this subject were compiled, e.g. a leaflet on the quality of goat products in all kinds of foods. Reports on goat products have also been published, for example on nutritional value of goat products and the uniqueness of Icelandic goat products with an emphasis on the countless possibilities for product development and production.

When it comes to goat products, there are many interesting products. Dairy products, meat products, steaks (yeasts), skins and yarns are among them and some products have gained popularity around the world. For example, goat cheese is considered a special delicacy in many countries and has also become widespread in Iceland, in Italy goat milk ice cream is popular and in Poland sweets are made from goat milk. The goats themselves provide so many opportunities in tourism as they are known for their pranks and special looks. The fashion sector can also process goat products, both clothing and items.

It is clear that the products of Icelandic goats are well suited for food as well as for various value creation. There is every reason to continue research, ideas and development work on a variety of products, both in the near and distant future.


Cookbook for system change - Nordic innovation methods for sustainable food systems

Recently, a rather unconventional cookbook was published by the Nordic Council of Ministers, in which Matís was involved. In the book entitled Cookbook for system change - Nordic innovation methods for sustainable food systems discusses the important systemic changes that need to take place to facilitate innovation in food systems so that we can address the societal challenges facing the world. 

The book contains instructions and some ingredients such as a traditional cookbook, such as a template for the development of interventions, instructions on how to take the first steps and parables about interdisciplinary projects. These ingredients can then be used to create custom recipes for changes and improvements.

The cookbook is mainly intended for innovative institutions in each country. Its content strongly encourages targeted decisions in the innovation environment to strengthen the food systems of all areas that benefit people, communities and the planet as a whole. The book also sheds light on how individuals, entrepreneurs and grassroots researchers can influence the system as a whole. 

The book can be found in Pdf. form here: Cookbook for systems change - Nordic innovation strategies for sustainable food systems


The food factory

Matís operates a so-called food workshop. The food factory is in fact a kitchen and processing facility with a variety of equipment, appliances and utensils available so that it is possible to carry out a variety of food processing in the facility. Processing may take place provided that it has obtained the required operating license or certification.

One of the entrepreneurs who has worked on her projects at Matarsmiðjan is Eva Rún Jensdóttir at Cooking Harmony  

The company Cooking Harmony founded Eva Rún, together with her daughter, in charge of her production of gluten- and lactose-free pastries and groceries in 2016. However, she was no newcomer to cooking and baking without these ingredients. For a long time she had worked systematically to find a solution to the illness and allergic reactions that her daughter was experiencing. She was hidden in an improved diet. With a background in business, she saw an opportunity in the production of the pastry and food she prepared for her daughter and family, first that people from various backgrounds were interested in being able to easily get good gluten- and lactose-free food. Eva used the advice and facilities in Matís' experimental kitchen to begin with and then moved the production to her own premises.

At first, it mainly produced pastries, which were then sold on a large scale in various bakeries and cafes. Many people choose gluten- and lactose-free foods over others of their own free will, while others do so according to medical advice, for example due to food intolerance. The products from Cooking Harmony, however, do not give up on the "traditional" and "ordinary" products when it comes to taste, texture and quality. All products are produced on site and processed from scratch from high quality raw materials to ensure that they stand the test of time. For example, they produce their own butter to achieve the right taste in cream on cakes and when making caramels and similar delicacies.

As the popularity of gluten- and lactose-free products has increased, Eva has expanded its holdings at the same time. She now sells her products in various stores and you can buy bread and buns, cakes and cookies from Cooking Harmony in many places. She recently opened a restaurant and café in Bæjarhraun in Hafnarfjörður, in addition to which she has a catering service that offers a variety of banquets for all occasions, gluten-, lactose-free and some are completely milk-free and / or vegan.

More information about Cooking Harmony can be found at their website.  


Múlinn cooperative house - Matís' new building in Neskaupstaður

Transportation has begun at Matís' office in East Iceland. The four employees who work there are currently moving to a new building that has been named Múlinn samvinnuhús, but it was taken into use at the end of the year. 

This is a 900 square meter building by Nesbakki in Neskaupsstaður. The building, which partly housed the retail space, has been overhauled and an extension that accommodates a variety of commercial activities. The building is divided into an office cluster that will be used by many companies and institutions, in addition to which specialized laboratories and open spaces are under the same roof.

Matís will use a specialized laboratory for microbiological and chemical measurements as well as office space.

Múlinn samvinnuhús is owned by Samvinnufélag útgerðarmanna Neskaupstaður or SÚN and in addition to Matís are some of the companies that have secured facilities in the house Advania, Austurbrú, Deloitte, Hafrannsóknastofnun, Náttúrustofa Austurlands, Nox health, Origo, Rannsóknarstofa fyrir örveru- og línamjóllingar, Stapi Trackwell.


New Head of Public Health and Food Safety

Today, February 11, is International Women's Science Day. It is therefore appropriate to shed light on one powerful scientist and introduce a new director of public health and food safety at Matís, Dr. Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir.

Ásta Heiðrún graduated as a chemist from the University of Iceland in 2008 and then began a master's degree in collaboration with Matís and the University of Iceland, but the project consisted of researching different chemical forms of arsenic in fishmeal.

Ásta Heiðrún began her doctoral studies at the University of Aberdeen in the autumn of 2010 and graduated in early 2014. Ásta quickly showed talent in the field of research and information dissemination. She has received various grants to attend conferences and events around the world. Ásta's research during her doctoral studies became a collection of 6 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters that were published during her studies and 3 articles that were published following her doctoral dissertation. Ásta's research was primarily concerned with developing methods for the analysis of different chemical forms of arsenic. 

In recent years, Ásta has, for example, led a European research project aimed at examining the methane emissions of cows after algae feeding, and she is also in charge of strengthening safety in Matís' working environment.

Ásta is a powerful scientist and very advanced in the field of chemical analysis, but her work has not only had an academic impact but also on regulations and their implementation, in addition to which the research results have been disseminated to a very wide group and thus reached scientists, stakeholders and the public. Ásta's interest in research is constantly shifting to the field of climate change, which is one of the biggest challenges facing the world.


The scientific journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences has been published

The 33rd volume of the journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences for the year 2020 was published recently and can be found in electronic form at 

The journal, formerly called Búvísindi, is published at least annually and the articles published there are in English. This time, eight articles were published on a variety of topics, all related to life sciences, as well as an editorial, where the importance of having a scientific journal like this open and accessible to the public so that it is possible to utilize information collected through research. The articles are as follows:

  • Parasites in chickens in Iceland then and now
  • Effect of fat admixture in dairy cows' feed on the utilization and chemical content of milk
  • Sheep breeding organization in Iceland with emphasis on maternal characteristics
  • Use of a seedbed for revegetation in moorland. Isotope measurements and the effect of geothermal gas on measured soil respiration in warm areas in the South
  • Relationship between bacterial communities and soil properties on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
  • Impact of environmental factors on annual growth (annual latitudes)Betula pubescens) and pine (Sorbus aucuparia) in the East
  • Impact of different grazing weights on young larch forest

Icelandic Agricultural Sciences is the only journal in the field of life sciences in Iceland that meets the requirements for international peer-reviewed scientific journals according to ISI (e.Institute of Scientific Information) standards. The editor-in-chief is Björn Þorsteinsson, professor at the Agricultural University of Iceland, who is responsible for the publication Agricultural University of IcelandForestry Research Station at MógilsáMarine Research Institute, Marine and Water Research and Consulting InstituteUniversity of Iceland Laboratory of Pathology at KeldurMatís ohfLand reclamation and Agricultural Advisory Center


Are you interested in working on an exciting master's project in food science or nutrition?

There is an advertisement for a student in a master's project

Matís is leading a new project on improved quality, shelf life and less waste in the value chain of Icelandic vegetables, which is funded by the Food Fund for one year.

Opportunities exist for a larger domestic market share and vegetable exports. The quality of the vegetables harvested by farmers can be better preserved by reforming the entire value chain to consumers, but this requires a concerted effort. The opportunities are also there, special growing conditions in Iceland and a cool climate offer to maintain the high quality of the crop.

We are looking for a master's student in the project, which focuses on research into the shelf life of vegetables. The project can be 60 or 90 credits.

The project will be limited to one or a few types of vegetables and can focus on simulation experiments to predict shelf life in order to maximize quality and reduce waste. Proposals should be made for improvements in the value chain of vegetables.

The project can start now as early as February 2021. The scope of the project will be defined according to the number of credits (60 or 90 credits).

A grant of ISK 1 million is available, which is performance-related.


Ólafur Reykdal, Matís (, phone number 4225098)

Dr Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Matís and the University of Iceland (, phone number 4225079)

Professor Guðjón Þorkelsson, University of Iceland (, phone number 4225040)

For more information, please contact:

Ólafur Reykdal


Phone number: 4225098


Presentation of grants and possibilities of the fund system and its support for research and innovation in the food industry


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

On Thursday, 4 February, a special presentation will take place at the Breið Innovation Center in Akranes on grants and possibilities for a fund system in connection with research and innovation in the food industry.

Jónas R. Viðarsson, division manager at Matís, will give the presentation, but Matís has worked with a number of companies and institutions on all kinds of innovation projects and their financing. Funding opportunities in food development funds and the assistance that companies can receive in the process will be reviewed.

The presentation will take place, as previously stated, at the Breið Innovation Center in Akranes, on Thursday 4 February at 12:00. Interested parties are asked to send a confirmation to