On Tuesday, June 6, Matís' successful seminar on the future of food production in Iceland took place in Harpa's Norðurlósasal. A recording of the seminar is now available below.

Photographs: Anton Brink
Photographs: Anton Brink
The focus will be on sludge from aquaculture and research in that context. The workshop is organized by the project Microorganisms for aquaculture sludge enrichment which is led by Matís and worked in collaboration with Sjávarklasan and Samherja fish farm.
Board of Directors:
Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson
June 6, 2023 – from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
Harpa's Northern Lights Hall
It is clear that the future of food production in Iceland includes great challenges but also great opportunities. We need to ensure that there is enough safe and healthy food for everyone. We need to reduce the negative environmental impact of food production and promote sustainable use of land and sea so that the resources can continue to serve future generations.
The web application was developed in the project New solutions in the work of food labeling but it was funded by the Food Fund. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Association of small food producers / Direct from the farm. Matís has worked with the association for many years, so it was clear that there was a need to facilitate the work on food labeling. The web application is supposed to speed up and simplify the work on food labeling, as it is possible to work with both ÍSGEM data and your own data. It is very important for small producers to keep track of information about all raw materials. The web application comes with a detailed manual on how to use the application and other information needed for food labeling. Programming work was done by the company Hugsjá ehf.
The web application can be accessed here.
Instructions for using the web application can be found here:
Páll Gunnar has over the years put together a number of manuals on food processing of various kinds and is a wealth of knowledge on these topics. The website is accessible at fishurogkaffi.is.
Ascophyllum nodosum contains many valuable compounds, including polyphenols, peptides, and carotenoids that have been shown to exhibit biological activities. These compounds are not a priority ingredient in seaweed meal products for the current users. Hence, the aim of the study was to investigate the chemical and bioactive characteristics of A. nodosum as affected by seasonal variation and evaluate the potential benefits of alternative processing and the utilization of side streams for product development. The analysis of raw materials, press liquid, and press cake from alternative processing and the commercial seaweed meal at different harvesting periods indicated that the chemical composition is linked to the reproductive state of the algae. Phenolic content and ORAC activity increased following the seaweed's fertile period, making alternative processing more promising in July and October compared to June. Several valuable ingredients were obtained in the press liquid, including polyphenols, which can be used in the development of new high-value bioactive products. The suggested alternative processing does not have a negative effect on the composition and quality of the current seaweed meal products. Hence, the extraction of valuable ingredients from the fresh biomass during the processing of seaweed meal could be a feasible option to increase the value and sustainability of seaweed processing.
Recently our Swedac accreditation has expanded to allow the accredited use of the MALDI-TOF biotyper to confirm Listeria monocytogenes. The technology allows the laboratory to confirm Listeria monocytogenes and this is therefore a significant step forward in the speed of species identification of living bacteria. The aim is to expand the laboratory's accreditation to use this rapid technology for species identification of more disease-causing bacteria, and that process is well advanced.
Further information:
Basic Principles of Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
The project's contribution will be to make the latest knowledge on vegetable packaging available to interested parties in Iceland. The project has built up knowledge that will be shared with the vegetable sector. It will be possible to make decisions about the best solutions based on product quality and environmental protection. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Horticultural Farmers at the Farmers' Association of Iceland and the Gardeners' Sales Association. Part of the project was work on the assessment of the carbon footprint of several horticultural farms, but the results are presented in another forum. Although this report focuses specifically on vegetables, the topics have general appeal and those planning to package other types of food should benefit from the report. It is hoped that the project will lead to progress in food packaging and pave the way for new types of packaging materials.
Last January, we did an audit of Matís' equal pay system, but Matís was first certified in January 2020, and we have therefore worked according to an equal pay system for three years. This is the first time a re-certification audit has been carried out on the Matís equal pay system and we are happy to announce that the Matís equal pay system has now received a new certification that it meets the requirements of the standard ÍST 85:2012, in accordance with Article 7. regulation no. 1030/2017, on certification of equal pay systems of companies and institutions based on the standard ÍST 85, cf. provisions of law no. 150/2020, on equal status and equal rights of the sexes.