
Fish protein markets. Analysis of products on the market




Guðjón Þorkelsson, Þóra Valsdóttir, Guðrún Anna Finnbogadóttir, Sigrún Mjöll Halldórsdóttir

Supported by:



Guðjón Þorkelsson

Strategic Scientist

Fish protein markets. Analysis of products on the market

The report begins with a general description of proteins in the food market, ie. different types of proteins and market share. The main products with fish proteins are also described, i.e. fishmeal, fish protein concentrate, surimi, isolati, fish digestion, fish sauce, flavors, gelatin, dietary supplements and their health-related properties. Targeted diet with soy, milk and fish proteins is described. The main conclusions about the position of fish proteins in this market are: The use of protein isolates in injected and tumbled products will increase the economic, nutritional and environmental value with better utilization of raw materials in fillet processing. Also in the production of prepared seafood. There are still many problems that need to be solved. It would be possible to achieve considerably more value if it were possible to produce high-quality isolates from fatty pelagic fish. Despite indications of various excellent processing properties of fish proteins, methods of isolation and purification are less advanced than for vegetable and milk proteins. They can not compete with them as excipients in prepared foods. However, there is a good chance of developing more supplements from hydrolyzed fish proteins (VFP), for example to reduce blood pressure or to increase the body's protection against stress. Certain protein products can even be used to control appetite in the fight against obesity. In addition, there are products on the market to lower the glycemic index. The market for such fish protein products is not large but is likely to grow, and there are opportunities to use traditional production methods such as fermentation to increase the bioactivity properties of VFP and use them in products known to consumers. It is very likely that low-salt fish sauces and fish flavors with specially designed bioactive properties will be on offer in the future. However, this is partly due to the fact that the health claims are accepted. This requires extensive and costly research that will require both public bodies and companies to pay for.

A short overview is given for products and the market for food protein ingredients. The main types of fish protein products are described, that is, fish meal, fish protein concentrate and isolate, surimi, fish silage, fish sauce, fish flavors and gelatine. Food supplements with soy, dairy and fish proteins or peptides and their health-related properties are covered. The main conclusions for the future outlook for fish protein and peptide products are: Applying protein isolates as water binders in injected and tumbled products will result in greater additional economic, nutritional and environmental values by increasing the yield of raw materials in fish filleting operation and by using them in production of ready-to-eat seafood products. There would be an even greater economic advantage if pH-shift methods could be used to produce high-quality isolates from raw material that today is unfit for traditional processing. Fish protein ingredients cannot compete on price, size and quality with plant and dairy proteins on the functional ingredient market. Plant and dairy ingredients will continue to be a part of formulating ready-to-eat convenience fish products. More supplements from FPH can be developed to reduce high blood pressure but they will face heavy competition from other protein sources. The antioxidant properties of FPH can be employed in supplements and food products to enhance the antioxidant defenses of the body against oxidative stress. They can also be used as immunomodulators to enhance non-specific host defense mechanisms. Specific protein products can even be made to control food intake in the fight against obesity. The market for such products made from fish proteins is not big but it will grow and there are also opportunities for adapting traditional food processes like fermentation to enhance the bioactive properties of FPH and to use them in products that consumers already know. Low-salt fish sauce and fish flavors with tailor-made bioactive properties are likely the future. Sufficient scientific evidence must be produced if companies are to produce and sell products with health claims. Private companies, universities and other research organizations can work together on special hydrolysates or peptides but the cost might be too high for small companies, so a global collaboration may be needed in the interests of fisheries, fish processing industries and consumers worldwide.

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Oxidation in fish muscle - The role of phospholipids, proteins, antioxidants and the effect of boiling on oxidation in fish muscle




Rósa Jónsdóttir, Margrét Bragadóttir, Guðrún Ólafsdóttir

Supported by:

RANNÍS Research Fund


Rósa Jónsdóttir

Research Group Leader

Oxidation in fish muscle - The role of phospholipids, proteins, antioxidants and the effect of boiling on oxidation in fish muscle

The aim of the project was to increase the understanding of the effects of oxidation in fish muscles, which reduces the taste and nutritional value of fish. The effects of added natural antioxidants or antioxidants were assessed to improve the stability of fish products and thus increase the possibility of using fish in prepared dishes. A phospholipid model from cod was used to examine the effects of stimulants (hemoglobin from cod and char) and inhibitors in the liquid phase from capelin and Icelandic algae. The effect of boiling and added anti-corrosion substances on the taste properties and the formation of a so-called heating taste in boiled fish mince was also examined. The effect of oxidation on membrane phospholipids and proteins in the fish muscle model and in the fish mince during heating and storage was measured by sensory evaluation, color measurements, conventional evolution measurements (TBA), gas spectrometry measurements to identify volatile odorants and electrophoresis capillary capillary peptile and amino acids that affect taste and bioactivity. The relationship between these factors was examined to explain and better understand the oxidation process in fish muscles and the factors that limit the shelf life of prepared fish products. The main negative effects of oxidation on fish quality were the formation of odorants, mainly aldehydes, which are fatty acid degradants. Membrane fat in lean fish can therefore have a significant effect on the taste quality of prepared foods, despite being in small quantities. Oxidative stimuli such as blood in the flesh and boiling led to faster oxidation, which shows that with proper bleeding and mild heat treatment, oxidation could be limited and the taste quality of fish could be better maintained. In addition, oxidation can be reduced through the use of antioxidants. Measurements of the antioxidant activity of capelin broth in a fish muscle model showed that variable external factors such as seasonal fluctuations and the treatment of capelin raw material can affect the antioxidant activity. A novelty in this project is a basic study of the effects of capillaries and algae, as well as changes in the decomposition products during welding, which have a direct effect on the taste quality of the product. Research in this area is being continued in new projects that focus on better looking at natural antioxidants from capelin and algae, as well as their health-promoting effects.

The aim of the project was to study the effect of heating on oxidation of phospholipids, and the role of antioxidants in fish muscle to influence sensory quality and nutritional value. A phospholipid model from cod was used to study the effect of pro-oxidants (hemoglobin from cod and trout) and antioxidants in aqueous fraction of capelin and in seaweed extracts. The effect of heating and the addition of antioxidants on the sensory quality and the development of warmed-over-flavor (WOF) in fish mince were also studied. The development of degradation compounds in washed cod model system during storage and heating was studied by sensory analysis, color measurements, traditional lipid oxidation analysis (TBA) and gas chromatography analysis to identify volatile compounds. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was applied for the analysis of peptides and amino acids that influence the sensory quality and bioactivity. The correlation between these analyzes was studied to better understand the oxidation processes in fish muscle and to explain factors reducing the shelf life of ready-to-eat fish products. Quality defects related to oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and formation of volatile compounds like aldehydes contributing to rancidity and color changes were enhanced by pro-oxidative effects of blood and cooking. Membrane bound phospholipids are therefore of concern as precursors for off flavor and quality defects in lean fish despite of low fat content. Capelin broth appeared to have antioxidant effects in fish model system whereas press juice from whole capelin exhibited pro-oxidant effects. The outcome of this project is increased knowledge on oxidation in fish muscle to underpin the development of healthy and tasteful fish products of high sensory quality and nutritional values fulfilling the needs of consumers. Continued studies have been established in new projects to further characterize the antioxidant properties and possible health effects of capelin and seaweed extracts.

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Comparison of insulation of tanks with experiments and heat transfer models




Björn Margeirsson

Supported by:

Promens Dalvík ehf, Matís ohf

Comparison of insulation of tanks with experiments and heat transfer models

The aim of the project was to investigate the insulation value of three types of fish tanks. The pots were either insulated with polyethylene or polyurethane foam and of two sizes, 400 and 460 L. In two experiments, the temperature rise of water in the pots was monitored with a time with the initial temperature of the water approx. 4 ° C and ambient temperature approx. 18-20 ° C. The increase in temperature was also assessed using computerized heat transfer (CFD) models. The effect of forced airflow around the pot (forced heat transfer) was assessed by comparison with the heat condition in free heat transfer (in heat). The study showed that there is a considerable difference in the insulation of different pots and the pots came out differently depending on whether it was free or forced heat transfer. The results of measurements and heat transfer models for calm pots were well matched, but the model for wind pots needs to be improved. In further research into the insulation value of the pots, frozen fish should be used instead of water to further mimic the actual situation.

The aim of the project was to investigate the insulation capability of three types of fishing tubs. The tubs were either insulated with polyethylene or polyurethane foam and of two sizes; 400 and 460 L. In two experiments water temperature inside the tubs was monitored with initial water temperature ca. 4 ° C and ambient temperature ca. 18-20 ° C. The water temperature was also simulated in computational fluid dynamics models (CFD models). Influence of forcing air flow around the tubs (forced convection) was evaluated by comparison to free convection. Considerable difference was found between insulation capabilities of the different fishing tubs. Forced convection had different effects on different tub types. A good congruity was between experimental and CFD results for tubs in no wind, but some improvements should be done for the CFD model for tubs in wind (forced convection). In further research on insulation capability of the tubs iced fish should be used instead of water in order to resemble practical situations.

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Co-operation agreement between Matís and Matvælastofnun signed

On March 27 last. A co-operation agreement on the implementation of tests and safety services was signed by Matís for the Food Administration.

The main purpose of the agreement is, on the one hand, to ensure the Food Administration's access to the laboratory's security services, which will be given priority in the event of foodborne illness. On the other hand, the agreement should ensure, as far as possible, that Matvælastofnun can fulfill its legal role of supervising food or supervising other parties, in order to ensure the safety and quality of food.

Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís, and Jón Gíslason, CEO of Matvælastofnun, signed the agreement.


Liver enzyme treatment for canning is promising

Matís is currently running a preliminary project on enzyme treatment of the liver before canning in collaboration with the canning factory Ice-W ehf in Grindavík. The aim of the project is to increase the profitability of canning of liver by lowering production costs and increasing the quality of products.

This will be achieved by developing and testing technology that removes membranes and ringworms on the surface of the liver with enzymes. Preliminary results are promising.

Most people who have worked in fish processing know that fish carry parasites and the best known of these are ringworms, which is a collective name for nematodes (Nematoda) in fish. They are fishing in Icelandic waters and are a problem for the fish processing industry, because they need to be cleaned of fillets. Such fish fall in price due to defects caused by cleaning and fillet utilization decreases. Ringworms also cause damage to markets, which are less sensitive to ringworms. A few years ago, it was estimated that the cost of deworming 200,000 tonnes of cod was ISK 650 million. kr.

ringworms in cod climbing

As previously stated, the first results of the project, which is funded by the Rannís Technology Development Fund, are promising, as the number of ringworms in the liver has been reduced by 80%, and the membrane has been significantly softened. The purpose of removing or softening the membrane surrounding the liver is to provide a better and more even dose in cans and increase utilization, as well as the resulting optimization of the processing process.

It is hoped that this method will significantly increase the efficiency of this process. An application has been made for continued funding to work further on this issue.


New web dedicated to consumers launched

At a meeting in Þjóðmenningarhúsið this morning, March 14, Björgvin Sigurðsson, Minister of Commerce, opened the portal Leiðakerfi neytenda, which is a common portal for all types of consumer affairs, regardless of which party handles the matter. The portal was opened on the occasion of Saturday 15 March being International Consumer Day.

On the new web ( consumers can access information and examine their rights, receive assistance in submitting complaints and refer cases, where appropriate, to the Complaints Committees or other decision-makers - regardless of the time of day! It is worth mentioning that there is a special category on the portal dedicated to food, and Matís is somewhat relevant.

At the meeting, Einar K. Guðfinnsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, also spoke about the Nordic food health label, and consumer spokesman Gísli Tryggvason presented the possibility and benefits of using legal authority for magistrates to seek redress in consumer disputes with sellers of goods and services.

One of Matís' main areas of focus is dealing with issues related to public health and food security. One of Matís' four areas is dedicated food safety. The division is divided into three divisions:
Chemical research, microbiological research and finally consulting and databases.

Matís offers a variety microbial and chemical measurements for clients and own research projects.

Matís provides information on food safety on its website. The results of research projects on food safety are presented in reports and articles on the website. Recent reports on marine safety (08-07, 44-07, 52-07), Risk Assessment (17-7) and Acrylamide (01-08).

You can also search for information on nutrients and heavy metals in The ÍSGEM database on Matís' website. In risk assessment, it is necessary to have information on both nutrients and contaminants such as heavy metals and to weigh the effects of these substances.

Matís runs the website Seafoodnet in English on the safety of marine products. The website contains information on contaminants in seafood, reports, promotional material and links to information in other countries, especially the Nordic countries.


Article about the FISHNOSE project in Food Chemistry

An article was recently published in the journal Food Chemistry on the results of the EU project "Fishnose". The authors of the article are Rósa Jónsdóttir, an employee of Matís, Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, Erik Chanie and John-Erik Haugen.

The Fishnose project focused on the use of an electric nose to assess the quality of smoked salmon and involved developing / adapting an electric nose from the company AlphaMOS in France to evaluate smoked salmon, ie. whether he had begun to be damaged. Sensors in the electric nose detect substances in the air, which are formed in fish during storage and cause a malodorous odor. Matís' (formerly IFL) participation in the project consisted, among other things, of defining the quality of the product in terms of chemical content and stability, where microorganisms and chemical degradation were measured. Sensory evaluation studies were performed in parallel.

It is necessary to know well the composition of volatile substances when storing salmon, but Matís (formerly IFL) has specialized in gas analysis of volatile odorants. Volatile substances are formed, among other things, by decomposition and damage to food. They cause a characteristic odor of freshness (aroma) while the raw material is being used, but later the smell of spoilage or odor during the storage period. The electronic nose can quickly detect these substances and thus evaluate the quality of the product.

The results of the project revealed that the most characteristic odor of smoked salmon is caused by the substance guaiacol from smoke as well as volatile substances that are formed during the breakdown of fat. The characteristic substances were also 3-methyl-butanal and 3-hydroxybutanone, but they cause a sweet odor and are formed due to microbial degradation during storage. Other characteristic substances such as furan substances from smoke, destructive substances (eg ethanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-butanone and acetic acid) and fat degradants (eg 1-penten-3-ol, hexanal, nonanal and decanal) were present in although in some quantities but did not have as great an effect on the smell. These major odorants proved to be better at explaining the quality characteristics of smoked salmon than conventional chemical and microbiological measurements, and the article in Food Chemistry discusses this.

The project was a CRAFT project run by the European Union, but it is a project that aims to encourage small companies to participate in research and development work. The Icelandic company Reykofninn participated in the Fishnose project and was responsible for providing raw materials for research and helping to define the quality of the product. Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, a former IFL employee, was the project manager in the project, but in addition to her, Rósa Jónsdóttir worked on the project.

It is worth mentioning that the presentation of the results of the project received the Göpel award at the international conference ISOEN2005 in Barcelona.

The following articles have been published from the project:

Rósa Jónsdóttir, Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, Erik Chanie, John-Erik Haugen. Volatile Compounds Suitable for Rapid Detection as Quality Indicators of Cold Smoked Salmon (Salmo salar). Food Chemistry 109 (2008) 184–195. Read the article

Haugen J., Chanie E, Westad F, Jonsdottir R, Bazzo S, Labreche S, Marcq P, Lundby F., Olafsdottir G. 2006. Rapid control of smoked Atlantic salmon quality by electronic nose: correlation with classical evaluation methods. Sensors and Actuators B, 116, 72–77.

Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, Eric Chanie, Frank Westad, Rósa Jónsdóttir, Claudia R. Thalmann, Sandrine Bazzo, Saïd Labreche, Pauline Marcq, Frank Lundby, John-Erik Haugen, 2005. Prediction of Microbial and Sensory Quality of Cold Smoked Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar ) by Electronic Nose. J Food Sci 70 (9): S563-574.

Olafsdottir G, Chanie E, Westad F, Jonsdottir R, Bazzo S, Labreche S, Marcq P, Lundby F, Haugen JE. 2005. Rapid Control of Smoked Atlantic Salmon Quality by Electronic Nose: Correlation with Classical Evaluation Methods. In: Marco S, Montoliu I, editors. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, ISOEN2005, Electronic Department, Physics Faculty, Barcelona University, Barcelona, Spain. p 110-114.

The project has also been introduced poster at conferences.


Matís and H.Í. advertise courses for doctoral students in August

From the 17th to the 24th of August 2008, a course called Interplay of sensory evaluation, consumer and marketing factors in product development (Integrating sensory, consumer and marketing factors in product design). The course will be held in Reykjavík.

The aim is to utilize information on sensory evaluation, consumers and market factors in product development.

According to Emilía Martinsdóttir, head of the Matís Processing Department, and one of the organizers of the course, the purpose of training doctoral students is to use sensory evaluation methods and consumer surveys in product development, innovation and marketing. The task of the course will be to produce a healthier version of a product that is already on the market. A healthier product can be, for example, a product with a lower content of saturated fat or salt.

Lecturers will be international experts and every day there will be lectures with practical exercises to shed light on the subject. Emilia says that the course is
an excellent opportunity for Nordic doctoral students and other students in this field.

See the advertisement for the course in Icelandic

Course description in English

Information can also be found on the website NordForsk


ÍSGEM in the renewal of life expectancy

The Icelandic database on the chemical content of food (ÍSGEM) is a database that stores both information on the chemical content of food on the Icelandic market and exported food and raw materials. The database is stored on Matís' website and is currently being refined.

The reason is that the database programs have become old and it is time to build a new program and reorganize the presentation of the data in accordance with international developments. This will be of great benefit to all work with the data and their utilization. Publishing the data on Matís' website will be easier than before and saves time. Users of the data will benefit from improved access to it.

Meeting on ÍSGEM 7 March 2008On March 6-7, Anders Møller from Danish Food Information met with Matís employees to discuss improvements to the ÍSGEM database program. Anders has for many years been one of the leading experts in Europe on the development of food databases. Ívar Gunnarsson, a computer scientist at Hugsjá, took part in the meetings, but he has worked on the ÍSGEM program.

In ÍSGEM you can search for approximately 900 foods and find information on each type. It contains, for example, information on the energy value of each type of food or more specifically kilocalories, fat in food, protein, carbohydrates and added sugar. In addition, information on supplements, such as vitamins and minerals. ÍSGEM is therefore suitable for those who want to stick to it or avoid certain substances, such as the amount of salt or sugar in their food.

The database provides the public as well as the business community with information on food composition and is an essential tool for the food industry and food control, for nutrition research, teaching, catering of large kitchens and advice on a healthy diet. The data is used in programs that calculate how much people get from the various nutrients. Matís offers the Matarvefinn calculator on its website.

At Matís, measurements are made of the chemical content of food for the ÍSGEM database and data are also collected from domestic and foreign parties. ÍSGEM was a prerequisite for participation in the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) network of excellence on the chemical content of food and ways to disseminate the information through databases and online.

Pictured are from left: Björn Þorgilsson, Matís, Ívar Gunnarsson computer scientist, Anders Møller from Danish Food Information, Ólafur Reykdal and Cecilia Garate, from Matís.


DNA microchip technology used in species analysis of fish

The results of a multinational study on whether DNA microchip technology can be used in species analysis of fish have now been published in the journal Marine Biotechnology. The authors of the article include Dr. Sigríður Hjörleifsdóttir, Dr. Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson and Dr. Viggó Marteinsson, who are all Matís employees.

Research groups from eight European countries worked on a study funded by the EU and completed in 2006. Little is known about species variability, changes in the proportions of individual species and the functioning of marine ecosystems. The main reasons are that sampling and analysis are often problematic. It is difficult to identify many marine organisms at the egg and larval stage, animal and plant life and microscopic benthic animals. Microscopic analysis is extremely time consuming and requires a great deal of expertise. Species analyzes based on DNA analyzes are constantly gaining ground and are well suited for such analyzes, as it has been found that they can be very powerful.

As stated earlier, the subject of the study was to examine whether DNA microchip technology could be developed to identify fish species. Species-identified genes (16S rRNA) from mitochondria from fish from European waters were used. Eleven important fish species were selected in the prototype of the microchip. Short probes were designed from 16S rDNA sequences from 230 individuals from 27 fish species. The pairing of 16S rDNA fragments from the eleven species with a mixture of corresponding microarrays on the microchip revealed that this technology is particularly suitable and is sufficiently specific. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the 16S rRNA gene is well suited for designing short probes that can be used to distinguish between fish species.

This gives good hope that in the future it will be possible to develop a fish chip ("Fish Chip") with sensors for approx. 50 important fish species, which could speed up and increase the reliability of species analyzes of fish and fish products. Such a chip could also be used for research in the ecology of the ocean, in fisheries management and for tracking and classifying fish products.

Read the article