
The food factory

Sauerkraut for gourmets

Matís operates a food workshop, which is in fact a kitchen and processing facility with a variety of equipment, appliances and utensils available, so it is possible to carry out a variety of food processing in the facility. Processing may take place provided that it has obtained the required operating license or certification.
Two of the entrepreneurs who have worked on their projects in Matarsmiðjan are Dagný and Ólafur at Súrkál for gourmets.

The couple Dagný Hermannsdóttir and Ólafur Loftsson are behind the project, but Dagný has been making sauerkraut since 1984. Her interest in this type of food increased year by year, until 2017 when they founded the family company Huxandi to manage the production, which had become considerably larger. . Today they pickle all kinds of vegetables and Dagný has also held a number of courses in making sauerkraut and published a book about this delicacy.

In making sauerkraut, which is an ancient natural way of storing vegetables, fresh vegetables are fermented by fermentation. Special anaerobic conditions are created so that lactic acid bacteria that are in the vegetables from nature start a fermentation process and in a few weeks it acidifies. The only ingredients in the products are vegetables, salt and spices, but they are full of vitamins, nutrients and beneficial bacteria. Sauerkraut for gourmets is unpasteurized and therefore alive, which means that in the production process the vegetables are never heated so that the beneficial bacteria remain alive. With this processing method, the vegetables become easier to digest and strengthen the intestinal flora, but are also foods that are raw, vegan and keto.

This family-owned company has successfully produced all kinds of sauerkraut and its side products, such as Karríkál, Kimchi and various sour drinks. The sauerkraut can be eaten in many ways and can be placed on top of burgers or sausages, in salads, in vegetable or bean dishes, on top of bread or in soups. Sauerkraut for gourmets is considered exceptionally good and three products from the brand have received an award in Askin, the Icelandic Championship in food crafts.

More information about Sauerkraut for gourmets can be found on their website


Hacking Hekla - Creative solution tournament in the South

Hacking crochet in collaboration with SASS and Nordic Food in Tourism invites creative locals in the South and other Icelanders to spend the weekend working with ideas and projects that "update" the area. The winning team of Hacking Hekla 2020 wins ISK 150,000.

Hakkaþon, or solution tournament, is an innovation competition where people come together and create solutions over a short period of time - usually around 24-48 hours. Solutions are a great platform for anyone to share experience and knowledge and work explicitly on a business idea or project. Hacking Hekla is the first solution tournament for the countryside that travels around the country and builds on ideas that are created along the way.

The goal of Hacking Hekla is to bring to the fore the powerful entrepreneurial work that takes place all over the country and at the same time activate creative thinking and innovation. Hacking Hekla's guiding principle is to create a strong network between entrepreneurs and supporters in rural areas, as well as to connect the entrepreneurial scenes in rural and urban areas in Iceland.

Towards a sustainable future with food-related innovation

The first Hacking Hekla will take place in the South from the 16th to the 18th. October in good cooperation with the Association of Southern Municipalities and Nordic Food in Tourism. Nordic Food in Tourism is a Nordic co-operation project, led by Matarauð Íslands and carried out in collaboration with Íslenska ferðaklasann and Matís, which aims to draw attention to the values inherent in local food production and cuisine for both locals and foreign visitors. At the same time, the focus is on increasing the emphasis on sustainability in food production and tourism, so that a balance between growth and protection is maintained. The theme of Hacking Hekla 2020 is "Towards a sustainable future with food-related innovation" and participants will be encouraged to think about the theme from different angles; transport, tourism, nature conservation, regional raw materials, food production and consumption. The outcome of the solution may be a digital solution, product, service, project, software, hardware or marketing campaign.

As the state of society due to Covid does not offer meetings, the event will take place online. In order not to lose the mood in the South, about ten pioneers in the area were visited by a cameraman and the videos will be shown through the solution tournament. Other lectures and lectures will also be accessible to everyone and streamed on Hacking Hekla's Facebook page, so it is ideal to follow there even if you do not participate in the solution tournament itself.

Hacking The Hekla solution arose from Magdalena Falter's doctoral project, which is researching entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas. She was joined by an experienced project manager, Svava Björk Ólafsdóttir, who has over six years of experience in the support environment for entrepreneurs and has, among other things, managed a number of solutions. They have also worked closely with Arnar Sigurðsson, who is also an experienced player in innovation, but he is developing Hugmyndaþorp, which is a digital platform that is a kind of co-creation solution. Hacking Hekla 2020 will take place to a large extent in that forum. It can be said that the Hacking Hekla team and Arnar are themselves in innovation, as the development of the platform takes place in parallel with this first Hacking Hekla solution.

The solution tournament is for everyone who wants to think in solutions and solve problems and challenges found in the South. Participants do not have to have experience or have previously participated in a solution competition or other entrepreneurial work. Everyone is welcome and this is a great way to promote creative thinking and train in the process of implementing good ideas. All information and the program can be found on the SASS website, where registration is also required. The project is funded by Íslandsbanki and Atvinnuvegur and the Ministry of Innovation. 


Do you want to get to know the kitchen of the future in virtual reality?

We at Matís are currently working on an educational project called Future Kitchen and the target group is young people, from 12 years of age up to forty. The project is a collaborative project of progressive companies, institutions and universities in the field of food in Europe and is supported by EIT-Food under the European Union. Among other things, the project aims to make short virtual reality videos about technological innovations, new science and food innovation that increase our ability to feed the growing number of people in the world in a sustainable way for the future. 

Would you like to help us achieve our research goals?

If your answer is yes, we would like to ask you to watch 1 to 2 short Future Kitchen virtual reality videos (about 3 minutes long) and then answer a short questionnaire afterwards (1-2 minutes). Our goal is to obtain information on young people's attitudes towards new food options and new technologies in the field of food production. The questionnaire is a general opinion poll and is non-personally identifiable (if you are under 18 years of age, you need the consent of a parent / guardian to answer the survey).

You can watch the virtual reality videos (in virtual reality glasses, on your computer or on your phone) on Matís' YouTube page under the Future Kitchen playlist. Scan the QR code of the attached image with your phone, or click on this URL:

And then answer the questionnaire by scanning the QR code in the attached image with your phone, or clicking on this URL:

Thank you very much for your contribution to the European project Future Kitchen.


Young people's consumption of energy drinks gives rise to action

At the request of the Food Administration, the Risk Assessment Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Innovation has investigated whether the consumption of caffeinated energy drinks has a negative effect on the health of young people in 8th-10th grade. bench. 

The committee's conclusion is that the consumption of Icelandic young people is considerably higher than has been seen in previous research and gives rise to measures to minimize young people's consumption of energy drinks that contain caffeine and prevent negative effects on their health.

Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, division manager at Matís, was in charge of project management for the risk assessment and worked with the risk assessment committee of the Ministry of Industry and Innovation.

More information and the main results can be found in news from the Food Administration.

The report can be accessed here.

An interview with Helgi Gunnlaugsdóttir and Dóra S. Gunnarsdóttir, director of consumer protection at Matvælastofnun in Bítin á Bylgjan this morning, about the implementation and results of the study.


Workshop on the value chains of sea urchins in the North Atlantic

An international workshop on sea edema will be held on Thursday (October 8) under the auspices of the Nordic co-operation project Holosustain. Matís takes care of the organization of the workshop, which takes place entirely online.

Fishing, processing, research, products and the market will be discussed. The studio is divided into two sessions. The first is entitled "Fisheries status and Aquaculture" where the current situation is examined. The second round is called "High-added value product opportunities" where opportunities in connection with sea edema are discussed. The program ends with a discussion.

Here you can access the workshop's program.

For more information Ólafur H. Friðjónsson at Matís.


Web courses in the development of new business ideas in the food sector

From October 23 to November 13, Matís and the University of Iceland, in collaboration with the Finnish Innovation Center, the University of Cambridge and PAS IARFR in Poland, will hold online courses in training university students in the development of new business ideas about food.

This is a special online course for university students on new product and business ideas for foods that are both environmentally friendly and intended for consumers with special individual nutritional needs.

The course is estimated to take 45 hours, which is divided into 15 hours of teaching and 30 hours of group work under the guidance of experts (equivalent to 2 ects). Participants will get to know:

  • Eco-friendly innovation in the food sector
  • Food and innovation related to the nutritional needs of individuals
  • Foods and innovations in information technology (digital disruptions)

They receive training in working together in interdisciplinary groups

  • development of business ideas
  • making business models
  • to present and convince a group of judges of the excellence of business ideas

See introductory video.

More information and registration can be found here.


Innovative solutions at MAKEathon to increase the value of extra raw materials from the Icelandic fisheries sector

From September 10th to 18th, Matís held MAKEathon innovation competition in Iceland. The competition is divided into two workshops; on the one hand in the Westfjords, more specifically in Bolungarvík, and on the other hand in Reykjavík, Akureyri and Neskaupsstaður. The latter workshop took place online.

MAKEathon in Iceland is part of the European project MAKE-it! and is sponsored by EIT FOOD. This means that eleven parties across Europe are holding MAKEathon in their home country, where food production is examined separately.

MAKEathon is an innovation competition that focuses on creating something by hand to meet a specific challenge or problem. MAKEathon in Iceland aimed to find solutions to increase the value of raw materials from the fishing industry in order to make processing more sustainable.

There were a total of 50 participants and they formed 10 teams. Nineteen partners, companies and educational institutions, participated in the project. 

Snacks from side products

Participants in the Westfjords met in Bolungarvík, but they all came from the University Center of the Westfjords. The students had already been screened for COVID-19 and all infection control rules were followed. The teams in Bolungarvík were given salmon bones to work with and had access to an industrial kitchen in the Deep where the event took place. Gunnar Þórðarsson, project manager at Matís and Gunnar Ólafsson at Djúpinur made sure that everything went according to plan and enjoyed the support of Arctic Fish, Eðalfisk and Vestfjarðastofa. Þórarinn Gunnarsson from Fablab Ísafjörður also helped with the product development. The jury consisted of Jón Páll Hreinsson, mayor of Bolungarvík, Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir and Þórkatla Soffía Ólafsdóttir from Vestfjarðastofa. The team SOS - Salmon on Seaweed won the competition with an innovative snack that resembles pepperoni except the difference is that the SOS product is made from fish. The group's idea was considered both progressive and credible. 

Eco-friendly growing paper

MAKEathon in Reykjavík, Akureyri and Neskaupstaður, on the other hand, took place online, where 21 participants met at a Zoom teleconference. Participants received cod bones and fish skin, as well as a special toolbox to work on the prototype. They were also invited to visit Fablab in Reykjavík or Akureyri to learn about how to develop a prototype.

MAKEathon in Iceland ended on the 18th of September. Kristján Skarphéðinsson, Director General of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, took part in the closing ceremony and spoke about the importance of sustainable resource utilization, innovation and entrepreneurship in the fisheries sector. He then announced the winner of the competition which the jury, appointed by Sunna Halla Einarsdóttir (Icelandic Startups), Rannveiga Björnsdóttir (University of Akureyri) and Benedikt Stefánsson (Egersund), chose after much thought.

The winner of the competition was the team Otoseed, which is made up of individuals from different backgrounds, with diverse backgrounds, but they did not know each other before the competition. The winning team presented a solution that uses not only by-products from the fishing industry, but also other types of surplus, for example from coffee. This is a special paper that contains by-products from fish from which seeds can be grown. You can view their project on the team's website here.

We hope to repeat the game and we encourage interested partners who are interested in holding MAKEathon with us in the future to contact us.


Sustainability will be the oxygen for the tourism of the future

During this week's Innovation Week, Íslenski Ferðaklasinn, in collaboration with Matarauð Íslands, Matís and Hacking Hekla, will host events that will, among other things, connect opportunities in food production and tourism in the Nordic countries, how we work together to increase quality, safety and co-operation across on industries, countries and value chains.

It will also look at the development of sustainability for tourism and its connection to the United Nations Global Goals, which were carried out during the summer months with support from the Student Innovation Fund.

The presentation will be on on Thursday at 10:00 and it will take place online.

More information about the event can be found here.


Possibilities of thermophilic microorganisms in Icelandic hot springs

Recently, a detailed discussion appeared on the web media Euronews about the Virus-X project led by Matís. A video accompanies the discussion and there is a chat with Arnþór Ævarsson, the project manager of the project.

The basic objective of VIRUS-X is to isolate the genetic material of thermophilic viruses directly from natural samples. This is done by sequencing their genome, identifying interesting genes and producing the relevant gene products, primarily enzymes, for further examination and utilization.

The review can be found here.


Do you have an idea for a project for the Food Fund?

The price for applications for the newly established has opened Food Fund which supports the development and innovation of food production and processing.

Do you have a project idea that you would like to submit to the fund and need a partner to work with? Matís' role is to support value creation and the production of wholesome products through research and innovation. Matís employees have extensive experience of formulating project ideas in research funds and can therefore support entrepreneurs and companies in succeeding with their ideas.

If you are interested in working with Matís on the formulation and implementation of a project, we encourage you to contact us.

Click here to contact us!