The United Nations International Day for Food Waste was last September 29. On that day, the Environmental Agency presented the results of a new study on the extent of food waste in Iceland, but this was the first time that food waste has been measured in the entire food value chain according to the European Union's standard methodology. The Environmental Agency's coverage can be found here: Food waste in Icelandic households is below the European average.
It turned out that food waste per population in Iceland was about 160 kg in one year. About half came from primary production and about 40% from households. The results for food waste overall were quite similar to other European countries. However, it is not possible to stop there because the goal for the future is to greatly reduce food waste.
The Icelandic government has set ambitious goals to reduce food waste by 30% by 2025 and by 50% by 2030. The measurements currently available will be used as a baseline for these goals.
At Matís, many projects have been carried out that can help reduce food waste. In a project on the value chain of vegetables measurements were made of the storage conditions and suggestions were made to reduce the wastage of vegetables. Matís has been involved in increasing the full processing of seafood in Iceland and elsewhere in the world, and is currently working on projects that can added value from by-products of vegetable production and meat production. Food packaging has been the subject of much discussion, not least problems regarding packaging plastic and its recycling, but you can read about these issues in Matís's report. Packaging can be important for the preservation of food quality, but deterioration of food quality due to deficiencies in packaging and handling can lead to food waste.
In addition to these projects, there are many others underway at Matís that contribute in one way or another to the better utilization of food and by-products of food processing, the promotion of the circular economy and sustainability thinking. Matís' project can be viewed here:
The seaweed covers the rock at this beach in Iceland
In September of this year, a meeting was held in the SusKelpFood project in Bergen, Norway. The project is about developing innovative solutions in the production of safe, nutritious and tasty raw materials from kelp for food.
Among the things developed in the project are new processing methods, such as drying and fermentation, of kelp (Saccharina latissima) and marine kernel (Alaria esculenta) to reduce energy consumption in production and increase the quality of final products. All aspects of the value chain will be studied from primary production to ready-to-eat food products. The food company Orkla, which among other things produces TORO products, is participating in the project and will develop new products for the food market that contain kelp.
The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway, but Matís' role in the project is to measure the odorants in the ingredients and their sensory assessment, which is used to describe the appearance, smell, taste and texture of food products.
The status of the project was reviewed at the meeting, but Matís presented the results of measurements with an electronic nose and an electronic tongue that were carried out in Israel, and which provide indications of the taste and smell of the ingredients without actually tasting them. The results of those measurements, together with sensory evaluation, indicate that production methods can have a great influence on the smell and taste of the kelp.
AG Fisk conference and workshop, October 11th, 2023 | Grand Hotel Reykjavík | Live stream
On October 11, 2023, a conference and workshop on aquaculture was held with an emphasis on the utilization of side streams and sustainable feed production.
The conference was organized by AG Fisk, but it is a forum for consultation on fisheries issues that operates across all the Nordic countries for the directive of the Nordic Council of Ministers, which Iceland led in 2023.
Below you can see the program of the event. If you click on the selected lectures, slide presentations will appear.
Opening words – Birgir Örn Smárason, Research group leader, Matís
Welcome address From the Ministry of Food, Fisheries and Agriculture – Jón Thrándur Stefánsson
In the past few weeks, numerous farmed salmon have been caught in many parts of the country, which indicates that farmed salmon in salmon fishing rivers has become quite widespread in Iceland. Fish farming has been practiced in this country for decades to increase the number of fish in rivers. That culture is based on fishing for hatchery fish from the respective rivers and rearing the fry in hatcheries.
It is important to ensure that farmed salmon do not find their way into these farms, as this can greatly increase the genetic mix in rivers. In many cases, salmonids are easily recognized by their appearance, eg damaged fins and destroyed gill bars. It can be much more difficult to recognize salmon that have escaped early in the breeding process, as the traditional visual characteristics are not as obvious. Visual evaluation is not sufficiently reliable to remove fish originating from aquaculture. Genetic analyzes are therefore necessary to ensure that fish used for fish farming are wild. Matís has been carrying out genetic analysis of salmon for years, both for basic research but also to trace the origin of salmon caught in rivers.
The genetic analyzes that Matís offers are based on 14 genetic markers, the so-called Salsea set. These genetic boundaries are extremely sensitive and have been used to assess the population structure of Icelandic salmon. The genetic boundaries have also proven to be useful for tracing salmon caught as bycatch in pelagic fisheries off Iceland to rivers in Europe and Iceland. The genotyping kit is also sensitive enough to distinguish between farmed and wild salmon and can detect first-generation hybrids. A first generation hybrid is the offspring of wild salmon and farmed fish.
Matís offers fishing partners genetic analysis of fish to be used in fish farming.
Those interested are advised to contact Dr. Sæmund Sveinsson, specialist in genetics.
On Thursday, September 21, the Matís staff took a step forward and went on an autumn trip east of the mountain. The day was sunny and beautiful and Ölfus looked his best.
The group's first stop was Rádhús Ölfuss in Þorlákshöfn. There, Kolbrún Hrafnkelsdóttir and Rúnar Þórarinsson welcomed us with coffee and donuts and introduced the group to the Ölfus Cluster, Grænan iðngarð, the activities of First Water and Jarðlífs and other exciting things going on in this rapidly growing municipality. It's safe to say that there was enough!
After the presentation, there was a field trip to the area of First Water, which is a closed land-based plant that is currently undergoing rapid development. It was impressive to walk around the area, which is huge and full of possibilities. Rúnar guided the group and showed how the structure has been in recent months and what the plans are for the coming seasons.
After a walk around the area, we stopped at the restaurant Hafinu Bláa, located at the Ölfusár estuary between Eyrarbakki and Þorlákshavn. Delicious lobster soup and freshly baked bread were served there and the group could enjoy the view and the mild weather in this pleasant place.
From there the path went up to Hellisheidi, in the house of Orku Náttúrunn and VAXA. Kristinn Hafliðason, or Kiddi in VAXA as he is fondly called, told about the structure and operations of the company, which reuses water and energy from the Hellisheiðar power plant in order to cultivate microalgae and produce sustainable food from them. The group got to walk around the production hall, which is a very pleasant experience because the whole area is bathed in purple light in which the microalgae thrive.
The group ended the day by having a cup of coffee at Hellisheði and heading back to Reykjavík.
Matís' staff would like to express their thanks for the wonderful reception in Ölfus.
Last September 13, a Nordic conference was held on the environmental impact of the fishing industry and the energy exchange in the sector. The conference was organized by AG Fisk, but it is a consultation forum on fisheries issues that operates across all the Nordic countries for the directive of the Nordic Council of Ministers, which Iceland leads in 2023.
Jónas R. Viðarsson, manager of value creation at Matís, chaired the event on behalf of AG-Fisk. Many of the Nordic countries' leading experts on the issue gave talks, as well as Svandís Svavarsdóttir, Minister of Food, gave an opening speech. The conference was held in English.
The conference was recorded in its entirety and the recordings are available in the players below.
In collaboration with the University of Cambridge, SAMS (Scottish association for Marine Science), Fraunhofer and the Culture Collection of algae & protozoa, Matís offers courses in algae biotechnology. The courses are part of The EIT-food project Algae Biotechnology
The aim of these courses is to provide basic training and education in algae biotechnology. The cultivation of algae, their growth and biotechnology in laboratories and in experimental facilities will be discussed. Participants will get an insight into the world of experience of experts from both an industrial and an entrepreneurial perspective. This can help participants to start or improve their own activities related to algae.
Courses are offered both online and in person and will ensure the development and strengthening of a network for all participants from around the world.
The course is open to anyone with a BA, MSc or PhD degree or significant experience in the aquaculture sector or the food system, especially people from countries within the EU and EIT Food related countries.
Three ways to participate in the course:
A 3-day online course (28 -30 November 2023) followed by a 5-day on-site course (15 – 19 April 2024) at the University of Cambridge, Algal Innovation Centre, UK. (30 available places)
Only 3-day online course (November 28-30, 2023) (60 available places)
Only a 5-day on-site course (15 – 19 April 2024) at the University of Cambridge, Algal Innovation Centre, UK. (30 available places)
More information about the course as well as registration information can be found on the project's website here: Algae Biotechnology
A lot has been done in Matís genetics laboratory in recent days with analyzes of supposed farmed salmon that have been caught in a number of rivers in recent weeks.
Matís has recently received salmon samples from the Norwegian Marine Research Institute for genetic research. In Matís' laboratory, genetic material is isolated and so-called delayed sequence analysis is performed. The Norwegian Marine Research Institute's experts then use the results to check whether the salmon is wild or farmed. If it turns out to be of fish origin, the genetic data is used to trace the origin of the fish. It is important to maintain knowledge, equipment and skills in order to be able to carry out these analyzes in this country. It ensures short transmission paths as well as promotes safer and faster analysis of samples. Finally, it can be mentioned that Matís and the Norwegian Marine Research Institute are jointly working on the development of a set of genetic parameters to assess genetic admixture from farmed salmon in Icelandic stocks.
Over the years, Matís has worked on many research projects on the genetics of Icelandic salmon. Research has shown, among other things, that populations in Icelandic rivers are diverse and that there are great genetic differences between and within watersheds.
Matís has done a project on utilization rate and chemical content of lamb meat and by-products for Íslenskt lamb ehf. and Hafliði Halldórsson is in charge, but the project is funded by the Food Fund.
Due to progress in breeding in recent years, there was a lack of data on the utilization of lamb meat. Utilization rate for lamb was found by deboning the number of lamb carcasses. The carcasses were divided into meat, fat, bones and tendons. In this way, the meat industry receives data for planning and cost and margin calculations.
Extensive chemical analyzes have been carried out on lamb meat, offal and selected organs. Emphasis was placed on the measurements of protein and fat, which determine the energy value, but measurements of water, the total amount of minerals and selected vitamins and heavy metals are also carried out.
Among the interesting results, it can be mentioned that B12 vitamin was found in sufficient quantities to be able to publish information about it under nutrition labels. Measurements were not only made of nutrients, but also of heavy metals, which are considered undesirable substances. The amount of heavy metals in the lamb was not measurable.
Figure 1: Julija Igorsdóttir at the ICP-mass spectrometer used for measuring heavy metals.
Picture 2: Svanhildur Hauksdóttir weighs out a sample of lamb's liver to measure the water content.
"It is really possible to develop food products for people and feed for animals that contain these ingredients. Products that are, as a result, in many cases a healthier and more environmentally friendly option." This is what Birgir Örn Smárason, professional manager at Matís says, but for the past four years he has led a large collaborative project where alternative proteins have been the research topic. The project is now coming to an end and a harvest festival is ahead when the final conference will be held in Bremerhaven on September 7 and 8.
The NextGenProteins project is a collaborative project of 21 parties from 10 European countries, but Birgir Örn led it and other Matís staff worked on various aspects of it. The main objective of the project was to develop, optimize and optimize the production of three sustainably produced neoproteins, and verify their use in various foods and feeds.
"In short, it can be said that all the objectives of the project have been achieved. Of course, there will be some small changes in focus over the course of the project due to new ideas or results, but overall the plan was a complete success and everything that was supposed to be delivered was delivered."
The new proteins examined in the project are insect protein derived from by-products of food production, single-cell protein which is a yeast mass that thrives on the sugars of forestry products, and microalgae grown largely on CO2 emissions from geothermal power generation. We worked with a number of companies on the development of feed and food, which were then tested by consumers and in feed trials. The production of these proteins is, by most comparisons, sustainable and environmentally friendly, with a much lower carbon footprint and requiring less water and land use.
"We also demonstrated ways to work with consumers and gain their consent, and presented strategic proposals to simplify and change government regulations and policies towards a more sustainable food system."
Good cooperation in challenging times
The past four years have in many ways been particularly challenging for collaborative projects between different parties and different research groups between countries, as the pandemic put a damper on things. Birgir says that the cooperation has been incredibly successful. It was possible to use the technology during meetings, but the project's relatives had to exercise their patience while waiting for the results of various measurements due to the closures at the laboratories.
"despite all this, it can be said that the project went as planned, and it is therefore best to thank a strong group of participants who have all worked hard to achieve the project's goals. We can also mention a good group within Matís who has led the project forward."
Kick-off meeting of the project
Greenish chickens
Various interesting and unexpected things can be revealed during pioneering research work like this, and Birgir recalls the challenges that arose when developing foods and feeds with microalgae protein. "The green color in microalgae is so strong that even in small amounts it takes over everything. In one experiment where chickens were to be fed feed containing microalgae protein, the feathers turned green!” With increased research work, it was later possible to develop ways to reduce or remove the color and dampen the taste, making it easier to develop food products and feed.
Great interest in the issue and a follow-up project in the making
According to Birgis, further research is needed and there is a lot of interest in the issue. The results of the project need to be worked on, showing how it is possible to scale up the production of new proteins and bring them to market with the approval of consumers and the government. Furthermore, work needs to be started to introduce neoproteins to consumers, show their advantages and explain the production process and why this can be a healthier and more sustainable option. The foundation for such work was laid in the project, which will be useful in the future.
Sensory evaluation of products with neoproteins
"Matís has been working on projects related to new proteins and sustainable food systems for a long time and has joined the group of leading people who conduct such research. We will of course build on this and continue this journey. Our goal is to have a positive effect on food production as a whole, regardless of whether we look at Iceland or Europe, with sustainability as a guiding principle for the good of all".
The final conference of the project will take place on September 7 and 8, and it will be a sort of harvest festival. Birgir says he is most excited to meet the group again. The project went through all the waves of Covid which meant that we could not meet for more than 2 years which is very unusual for such a collaborative project and uncomfortable for many. "It will therefore be nice to be able to celebrate the success with all the participants of the project and discuss the next steps".
We encourage those who are interested to follow the results of the project, which will gradually appear on its website and even sign up for the final conference. It is possible to watch the conference online.
Margrét Geirsdóttir and Birgir prepare a talk about NGP at Innovation Week 2022Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson and Birgir at the opening meeting of NGP
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