
Nýtingarstuðlar bolfisktegunda




Ásbjörn Jónsson, Jónas R. Viðarsson, Sigurjón Árnason

Supported by:

Unnið fyrir Fiskistofu


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

Þessi skýrsla var unnin fyrir Fiskistofu. Markmiðið var að taka saman upplýsingar varðandi slóghlutfall, vinnslunýtingu og verkunarnýtingu fyrir eftirfarandi bolfisktegundir: þorskur, ýsa, ufsi, steinbítur, keila og langa.

Slóghlutfall og nýtingarstuðlar fyrir bolfisk eru mjög mismunandi eftir árstímum, stærð fisks, veiðisvæðum, hráefnisgæðum, afurðum o.s.frv.

Að jafnaði er slóghlutfall og nýtingarstuðlar bolfisks í hámarki í aðdraganda og yfir hrygningartímabil.

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Genetic diversity, growth, maturity and migration, in catfish (Anarhichas lupus L.) / Genetic diversity, growth, maturity and migration, of the Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus L.)




Ásgeir Gunnarsson, Christophe Pampoulie, Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir, Anna K. Daníelsdóttir, Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson

Supported by:

The Icelandic Fisheries Research Fund


Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir

Project Manager

Genetic diversity, growth, maturity and migration, in catfish (Anarhichas lupus L.) / Genetic diversity, growth, maturity and migration, of the Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus L.)

In this study, the genotype, sexual maturity and growth of catfish from the Westfjords and Eastfjords were investigated. The genotype study used 16 genetic markers and the Rhodopsin gene. Despite the fact that catfish is a local fish and there is little drift on its eggs and larvae, no differences in its genotype were found between regions or years with the genetic markers that were studied. The genetic studies showed a reduction in the population size of catfish in Iceland. In the warm seas out of the Westfjords, catfish grow faster and reach sexual maturity younger and smaller than catfish in the colder seas out of the Eastfjords. The results were examined on the basis of catfish biology, the length of time that catfish has been distinguished between areas around Iceland and the value of the study for sustainable fishing.

The stock structure of the Atlantic wolffish was investigated at Icelandic fishing grounds from two areas with different temperature regimes, using 16 microsatellite loci and the Rhodopsin gene. Growth and maturity was also examined. Despite the potential of the Atlantic wolffish to exhibit genetic structure (lack of eggs / larval dispersal and adults are sedentary), the genetic tests applied in this study did not detect significant genetic differentiation among the samples analyzed. However, the results on genetic diversity revealed a significant decrease in population size (bottleneck effect). Atlantic wolffish grows faster and matures at a younger age and smaller size in the warmer sea west of Iceland than in the colder sea east of Iceland. These results are discussed in terms of biological characteristics of Atlantic wolffish, recent isolation of populations and their application to sustainable fisheries management issues.

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Catfish. Catch, markets, utilization and chemical content / Atlantic wolffish. Icelandic catch volumes, markets, yield and chemical content




Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir

Catfish. Catch, markets, utilization and chemical content / Atlantic wolffish. Icelandic catch volumes, markets, yield and chemical content

The report is a brief overview of the state of the knowledge available today on the catch volume, life pattern, utilization and chemical content of catfish caught in Iceland. The Marine Research Institute has been working on research into the distribution and life pattern of catfish in the sea around Iceland. Statistics Iceland's statistics show developments in, among other things, fishing and the disposal of catfish catches. Knowledge of the variability in the processing properties and chemical content of the fish is limited and nothing was found about the stability of catfish products during storage. The research based on utilization and chemical content is based on older data from IFL (now Matís ohf) from around 1980. They show that, as with other species, the condition of the fish is highly dependent on the time of spawning and the time of year. What makes catfish different from more common species such as cod is that it loses teeth during spawning and guards its eggs which inhibits food acquisition.

This report is a broad literature review about catch volumes, reproduction, yield and chemical content of Atlantic wolffish caught in Icelandic waters. The Icelandic Marine Institute has investigated the distribution, growth, maturity and fecundity of the fish and the Icelandic Statistics collects and produces statistics on fish catch, manufactured products and exports. Information about the variability in yield and chemical content of wolffish are limited and knowledge about the stability and degradation process of wolffish products is limited.

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