
Comparison of transport modes and packaging methods for fresh fish products - storage life study and life cycle assessment




Björn Margeirsson, Birgir Örn Smárason, Gunnar Þórðarson, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Eyjólfur Reynisson, Óðinn Gestsson, Emilía Martinsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

AtVest (Atvinnuþróunarfélag Vestfjarði)


Birgir Örn Smárason

Research Group Leader

Comparison of transport modes and packaging methods for fresh fish products - storage life study and life cycle assessment

There is a great benefit in improved control of the value chain of exports of fresh fish knuckles for distribution in retail chains in the UK. Improved packaging methods could increase the shelf life of a product, which is fundamental to this business. With an airtight container, it would be possible to transport the product in a sludge tank with a low temperature (down to -1 ° C), which would both reduce the transport cost significantly and could also extend the shelf life of the product. The method also provides the option of packaging with consumer information, which makes further packaging abroad unnecessary. In air transport, it would be possible to pack all goods in a 12 kg foam box instead of 3 kg, as is most common today, thus saving significant transport costs. Temperature measurements, sensory evaluation, chemical and microbial measurements and life cycle analysis were used to compare different packaging solutions for sea and air transport. Fresh haddock pieces in vacuum-packed containers in a container with slush ice, which were stored at a typical temperature in container transport, turned out to have a shelf life of 3-4 days longer than the other experimental groups, probably mainly due to better temperature control. Consistency between the results of sensory evaluation and microbiological measurements was generally good. The lowest environmental impact of all groups was the pot group with sea-transported, vacuum-packed packaging, but this design could be further improved with regard to the mixing of the ice scraper and fish temperature control and thus the shelf life.

The aim of the project was to compare alternative packaging methods of fresh fish loins to the traditional packaging. Comparison was made between packages in terms of temperature control and product storage life by simulating air and sea transport from Iceland to UK in air climate chambers. The evaluation was made by the sensory panel and microbialand chemical analysis by the Matís laboratory in Reykjavík. Furthermore, the environmental impact of the aforementioned transport modes and packaging methods was assessed by means of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). About 70–75% of Iceland's exports of fresh fillets and loins are transported by air and the rest by container ships. Increased knowledge on the advantages and disadvantages of the packages used for this fresh fish export will facilitate the selection of packages and improve the quality and storage life of the products. By using vacuum-packaging it is possible to use 12 kg packages in air freight instead of the traditional 3– 5 kg packages; but the market is increasingly demanding smaller individual packages. Sea transported larger packages use less space in shipping, lowering freight cost and environmental impact. Vacuum packed haddock loins immersed in slurry ice in a fish tub stored at sea transport temperature conditions proved to have a 3–4 day longer storage life than all the other experimental groups, probably mainly because of better temperature control. Good agreement was obtained between the sensory- and microbial evaluation. Finally, the sea transport-tub-group was found to be the most environmentally friendly and could be improved with regard to product temperature control and thereby storage life.

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Comparison of insulation of tanks with experiments and heat transfer models




Björn Margeirsson

Supported by:

Promens Dalvík ehf, Matís ohf

Comparison of insulation of tanks with experiments and heat transfer models

The aim of the project was to investigate the insulation value of three types of fish tanks. The pots were either insulated with polyethylene or polyurethane foam and of two sizes, 400 and 460 L. In two experiments, the temperature rise of water in the pots was monitored with a time with the initial temperature of the water approx. 4 ° C and ambient temperature approx. 18-20 ° C. The increase in temperature was also assessed using computerized heat transfer (CFD) models. The effect of forced airflow around the pot (forced heat transfer) was assessed by comparison with the heat condition in free heat transfer (in heat). The study showed that there is a considerable difference in the insulation of different pots and the pots came out differently depending on whether it was free or forced heat transfer. The results of measurements and heat transfer models for calm pots were well matched, but the model for wind pots needs to be improved. In further research into the insulation value of the pots, frozen fish should be used instead of water to further mimic the actual situation.

The aim of the project was to investigate the insulation capability of three types of fishing tubs. The tubs were either insulated with polyethylene or polyurethane foam and of two sizes; 400 and 460 L. In two experiments water temperature inside the tubs was monitored with initial water temperature ca. 4 ° C and ambient temperature ca. 18-20 ° C. The water temperature was also simulated in computational fluid dynamics models (CFD models). Influence of forcing air flow around the tubs (forced convection) was evaluated by comparison to free convection. Considerable difference was found between insulation capabilities of the different fishing tubs. Forced convection had different effects on different tub types. A good congruity was between experimental and CFD results for tubs in no wind, but some improvements should be done for the CFD model for tubs in wind (forced convection). In further research on insulation capability of the tubs iced fish should be used instead of water in order to resemble practical situations.

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