
Successful focus session completed

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In May, Matís' annual meeting for the year 2020 took place, followed by a series of focus meetings that provided further insight into certain parts of the company's operations. The series of meetings meant that one morning meeting was held for a specific sector or branch of the economy, which Matís provides support to, and parties there and interested parties were invited to a meeting.

The focus series consisted of 8 meetings that took place through teleconferencing equipment. All the meetings were well attended and in most cases lively discussions were created on various issues related to the subject. Experts from Matís, representatives from large and small companies in the food industry in Iceland, entrepreneurs and the general public had the opportunity to discuss together what is on the top of the agenda in each issue.

The first meeting took place on 14 May and was the topic of discussion The carbon footprint of demersal fish products and the adaptation of the fisheries sector to the effects of climate change. In the next two weeks, meetings were held where the topics were: research and innovation for future aquaculture, pelagic industry now and in the future, value chain of vegetables, research and innovation in meat production and meat processing, dairy products now and in the future and future emphases and possibilities for collaboration in biotechnology and biomaterials in Iceland.

The last meeting that took place was held in collaboration with Ministry of Industry and Innovation and Innovation Week. The meeting was entitled Sprouts and product development - how can Matís help? At that meeting, special consideration was given to how Matís can assist entrepreneurs in the innovation process, from concept work to the market. Dagný Hermannsdóttir from the company Súrkál for gourmets and Óskar Ericsson from Himbrimi Gin are pioneers who have innovated in food production and they told about their experience of collaboration with Matís but both have produced products that have been very successful.

Matís would like to thank all participants for their co-operation and also for the attention the series received. The aim is to make a joint meeting like this an annual event at the company.

All the focus meetings, as well as Matís 'annual meeting for the year 2020, can be found here on Matís' website but also at Youtube channel of the company.