
Processing in small fishing vessels




Gunnar Þórðarson, Albert Högnason, Óðinn Gestsson

Supported by:

Technology Development Fund


Gunnar Þórðarson

Regional Manager

Processing in small fishing vessels

Proper bleeding of catfish can have a significant impact on the quality of the products produced. It has been shown that there can be a big difference in the quality of well-drained fish and bad-blooded fish, and this effect can be observed after freezing of products. In this project, equipment was developed that could be used in small boats, but would ensure that all fish caught on the line receive the same treatment and sufficient time in heavy sea changes during bloodshed. A total of three trips were made with Gesti ÍS, a 10 ton liner made from Suðureyri and made by Fiskvinnsla Íslandssaga. In the last move, a new device, Rotex equipment from 3X Technology, was tested. The result is promising and the crew agreed that the equipment met all their requirements and the result clearly indicates that the quality of landed catch has improved. The ice scraper in the tanks in which the fish is stored until it is processed is clean and clear, but not mixed with blood and contaminated waste from the fish's stomach.

Proper bleeding of cod ‐ fish may have a significant impact on product quality. It has been shown that proper bleeding of fish can have a great difference on product quality, even after the products have been frozen. This project was to design equipments which could be used in small fishing vessels, and would ensure that all long ‐ line catch would receive equal handling regarding to bleeding processes. Three trips were made on Gestur IS, which is a 10 tons long ‐ line fishing vessel operated from Sudureyri and run by Icelandic Saga. The third and last of this test trips, a new equipment from 3X Technology, Rotex mechanism, was tested. The result looks promising and the crew agreed that the machine meets all their requirements and the result gives a clear indication of increased quality of the catch. The slush ice in the fish tubs are kept tide and clean, and devoid of blood water and other smutch from the bleeding operation, often contaminated by guts.

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Processing qualities of different potato strains




Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson, Jónatan Hermannsson, Þórdís Anna Kristjánsdóttir, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Irek Klonowski

Supported by:

Adaptation Fund of the Horticultural Farmers' Association


Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson

Research Group Leader

Processing qualities of different potato strains

4 varieties were bred, Annabelle, Milva, Salome and Gullauga. The cultivation took place on Korpa in typical peatlands and Annabelle and Gullauga had a better harvest than the other varieties, in addition to which Gullauga had the highest dry matter content. The varieties came out very differently from the production episode that was carried out at Sölufélagið. Salóme's utilization was by far the best, Gullauga had deep eyes that reduced the utilization, part of Milva was damaged and was sorted out and Önnubelle's shape prevented good utilization. In the consumer survey, participants identified smaller differences between potato varieties than they did in the last survey, and the participants' tastes were different. In general, the Gullauga potatoes came out best in the consumer survey, although the differences between varieties were only significant in appearance. All varieties still appear to be processable after storage at 5.7 ° C for up to 200 days after recording, although some varieties have begun to germinate, albeit to varying degrees. In terms of processing, Milva, Salome and Gullauga all came out well in terms of utilization, but the judging group was most impressed by Gullaugar's taste quality.

Four different strains of potato were tested in processing of precooked potatoes. The strain Salome had best yield, but the strain Gullauga was best liked by consumers, which is in contrast with previous results. All four strains still qualified for processing after storage for almost 200 days at 5.7 ° C, although some strains had started sprouting. The strains Milva, Salome and Gullauga all had good yield, however, group of sensory panelist liked the flavor of Gullauga. 

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Processing of nephrops lobster claw meat




Vigfús Ásbjörnsson, Óli Þór Hilmarsson, Guðjón Þorkelsson

Supported by:

AVS Fisheries Research Fund


Óli Þór Hilmarsson

Project Manager

Processing of nephrops lobster claw meat

The project was about the utilization of previously unused raw materials from seafood, which is lobster meat. The project involved both the processing of lobster claw marrow and the processing of marrow products. Processing processes were defined using utilization factors and raw materials were studied. The processing properties of the marlin were studied and tested in two products. Estimated margins were measured to assess the feasibility of complete processing of lobster marrow products. Efforts will be made to make full use of all the raw materials that come from lobster clones so that value creation is maximized in the processing of food related to lobster claws from lobster claws.

A process for isolating mince from nephrops lobster claws was developed and the product tested for microbial, chemical and sensory quality. The mince was tested in two ready to eat products. Production cost, yield and gross margin were calculated in order to determine the feasibility of starting up an industrial scale production of the mince as well as for production of ready to eat products.  

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Seasonal variation of fatty acid composition of cod flesh




Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, Jónas R. Viðarsson, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

Fisheries Project Fund

Seasonal variation of fatty acid composition of cod flesh

The report summarizes the results of measurements of the chemical content of the liver and cod muscles according to the season and fishing area. The results indicate that seasonal fluctuations in muscle fat content are relatively small. Another issue is the liver, its fat content was found to be lowest in the latter part of winter and in spring. At the same time, the water content was highest. Changes in the chemical composition of the liver were thought to be related to the fluctuations in the behavioral patterns and physical activity of the fish around spawning.

The report summarizes the results from measurements on chemical composition of liver and muscle of cod as affected by fishing grounds and seasonal variation. The results indicate that seasonal fluctuations in fat content of the muscle are relatively low. On the contrary, fat and water content in liver, varied with season. The fat content was lowest late winter and in spring. At the same time, the highest water content in liver was observed. These changes were explained by changes in behavior and physiological functional of the fish in relation to the reproductive cycle.

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Utilization of slag with regard to environmental impact




Ragnheiður Sveinþórsdóttir, Hólmfríður Hartmannsdóttir, Ólafur Ögmundarson

Supported by:

Fisheries Project Fund

Utilization of slag with regard to environmental impact

The aim of the project was to investigate whether the marine environment is utilizing the slag that fishing vessels throw into the sea when fish are gutted on board, also to investigate whether the slag can be utilized profitably and whether it has a more positive effect on nature. The results are that the amount of slag that was released in the experiment anywhere during the experiment and therefore the project fulfilled its goals. However, more research is needed in this area to be able to estimate how much the ocean can absorb without causing problems with organic eutrophication.

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Matís invites students to visit

Tomorrow, Friday 2 March at 16-18, Matís invites university students to visit Vínlandsleið 12 in Grafarholt.

University students and those who intend to pursue a master's or doctoral program can familiarize themselves with Matís 'activities and how the studies can be linked to fun and demanding projects at Matís and Matís' partners.

The advertisement for the homecoming can be found here.


The collaboration between Náttúrustofan and Matís brings new ideas

The collaboration between Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði and Matís for research on the environmental issues of the coastal sea has undoubtedly resulted in new thoughts and approaches, according to Þorleif Eiríksson, director of Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði.

Þorleifur says in a conversation with Útvegsblaðið that the collaboration shows the possibilities inherent in cluster collaboration such as the Icelandic Ocean Cluster.

The research collaboration between Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði and Matís has ranged from observations of optimal locations for aquaculture to what happens to organic residues such as eutrophication of bottom and sea. The collaboration began when Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði came to Matís' research regarding experiments with using light to delay the maturation of cod. Náttúrustofan also participated in Matís' study of the environmental aspects of aquaculture that the company worked on with aquaculture companies in the Westfjords.

Due to the collaboration, Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði has been able to increasingly develop various theories that can be generalized! from. The research has also produced results that are more useful to aquaculture than narrow service research. "Since then, our collaboration has enabled Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði to move to pure academic basic research on the environmental issues of coastal waters in addition to consulting and service research for individual companies. Among other things, we have conducted research on what happens to organic excesses that are released into the environment and their impact on the marine environment. That project has developed into our largest collaborative project, "says Þorleifur to Útvegsblaðið.

New ideas and approaches have emerged as a result of the collaboration. "When it comes to our projects, the main thing is to work on research that promotes environmentally friendly aquaculture. The research has since developed into larger projects where we are trying to understand these environmental issues in a larger whole. We were completing a basic research project we call “Biosphere Life! a. "This is a basic study of the tolerance limits of Icelandic fjords for organic pollution."

According to Þorleif, other research has been carried out in collaboration with Matís, for example on the development of breeding pens and what attachments are attached to the pens. Náttúrustofa Vestfjarði, in collaboration with Matís, is working on examining the combination of cod and mussels, but it is too early to report those results.

This news is published on Bæjarinn Besta's website, (asta (at)


How is your company doing regarding microbiological standards?

In December 2011, Matvælastofnun issued a draft guideline on microbiological criteria based on the provisions of European Regulation (EC / 2073/2005), which has entered into force in Iceland.

It is clear that the guidelines are asking for increased sampling in food production at most food companies in order to verify that the methods used to prevent dangers are yielding the desired results.

Matís runs the largest accredited food laboratory in the country and works with numerous food companies, large and small, around the country. We offer measurements according to the needs of individual companies and can also provide advice and assistance with sampling and the preparation of sampling plans.

Please contact Franklín Georgsson at 422-5000 or 858-5040 or at

Matís employs experts with extensive experience and knowledge in all areas of food production. We can therefore also offer food companies comprehensive services and advice tailored to the needs of each customer. These include services regarding:

  • Interpretation of measurement results with respect to regulatory criteria
  • Consulting and assistance with the installation and maintenance of quality manuals and quality systems
  • Advice on food processing, hazard analysis of processing and minimization of risk during processing and distribution
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection measures and ways to improve

We invite companies to contact Margeir Gissurarson at tel. 422-5000 or 858-5093, but you can also send inquiries to the e-mail address


University Day 2012! New emphases in the master's program in food science

During the university day, Icelanders are invited to visit the country's universities and see and see with their own eyes and ears what is on offer in the schools. The program includes countless events, presentations and events that show science in a colorful and vibrant light.

The University of Iceland offers presentations on numerous study programs. For example, there will be presentations on food science, nutrition and a new master's program in food science. Matís is a participant along with others in the new master's program in food science.

Further information about the new master's program can be found here.

During the university day, visitors can get acquainted with the university's diverse range of courses, both undergraduate and graduate studies, activities and services, visit laboratories, equipment, facilities and premises. There will be scientists and students from all departments of the school answering questions about everything between heaven and earth - or as close as possible. Student counselors give good advice and the multifaceted services and colorful social life that is available to students at the University of Iceland will be introduced.

The University of Iceland presents all studies in Main building, Háskólatorg, Askja and will also have science exhibitions in University Cinema. Háskólabíó will also feature the University of Akureyri, Hólar University, Hólar, the Agricultural University of Iceland, the Iceland Academy of the Arts, Keilir and Nordic universities with a presentation of their studies.

There will also be the nationally famous The bombing rate of the University of Iceland with colorful displays and University of Iceland Science Center will be opened in the lobby of Háskólabíós in a formal way.

Reykjavík University will present its study programs in Nauthólsvík, but the Iceland Academy of the Arts will also be there at the University Cinema.

home page University Day.


Matís Annual Report 2011

Matís 2011 annual report has now been published. Special emphasis was placed on international co-operation in a recent report. of the year

The report can be accessed here.