
Process control for fishing, processing and processing of salted fish. Effects of different salting methods on the effect of flat fish




Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir, María Guðjónsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

AVS, Rannís Technology Development Fund


Þóra Valsdóttir

Project Manager

Process control for fishing, processing and processing of salted fish. Effects of different salting methods on the effect of flat fish

Flat cod was processed according to different salting processes in order to assess the effect of pre-salting (injection, pickling and brine salting) and the composition of the injection brine (salt, phosphate, fish protein) on the action properties. Pre-salting improved efficiency and overall utilization at all stages, depending on efficacy, dehydration and drying. Brine was better than brine salting but had the most effect of spraying (followed by brine). All groups were post-salted after pre-salting. Products with added proteins came out best in the quality assessment, ie. higher percentage went in SPIG I than in other groups. Effects on microbial growth and degradation (TVN, TMA, TBA) were not significant. Efficacy characteristics assessed by sensory evaluation were similarly similar for all groups, regardless of the salting method.

Different pre-salting methods (injection, brine salting, pickle salting) were used as the initial step in heavy salting of cod. The effects of brine composition (salt, phosphate, fish proteins) were evaluated. Pre-salting increased yield and quality, brine salting was more effective than pickle salting, but the best results were obtained by injection (followed by brine salting. Dry salted was used as the main salting step for all groups. Higher ratio of products with added proteins were graded as the best class (SPIG I). Effects on microbial growth or formation of degradation compounds (TVN, TMA, TBA) were not significant.Sensory analysis showed that curing characteristics (taste, odor, appearance, texture) were not affected by the salting procedure.

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Food health claims: Deadline for submission extended

It has been decided to extend the deadline for submitting answers in a survey of attitudes towards health claims on food until the end of next month. There was a software failure that made it difficult for some participants to answer the questions. Now the software is up and running, so participants can submit answers.

This is a pan-Nordic survey, the aim of which is to examine consumers' attitudes towards health claims and how they understand different health claims on food. The results of the survey will be presented in all countries, as well as food companies, consumer organizations and authorities.

European regulations on food health claims are in the pipeline and the results of the survey will be used to influence its content. There is a growing trend for food to be labeled with so-called health claims. There may be claims about the nutritional content of foods, such as low-fat, cholesterol-free, low-calorie, and the effects of consuming individual foods on the health of consumers.



Matís advertises for staff

Matís is advertising for staff for five positions in Reykjavík and Akureyri due to extensive activity. There is an advertisement for a specialist in sensory evaluation, a librarian, a laboratory assistant, a project manager and a specialist in pesticide measurements.

Applications can be sent to The application deadline is July 1.

You can view the job advertisement here.


Method developed for cod genetic analysis

Prokaria, Matís' biotechnology department (Matvælarannsókir Íslands) has succeeded in developing a method that can be used for genetic analysis of cod. Such a method is extremely important for the traceability of offspring to parents in breeding work, due to stock analyzes in stock ecology research, source analyzes or due to possible product defects. Prokaria is working to protect the discovery with a patent.

The aim of the project was to develop a new genetic marker for cod that could be put together in a so-called genetic marker set. It is considered necessary to have about 10 genetic markers in parental analyzes and preferably about 20 genetic markers in stock and source analyzes. In the project, part of the cod's genome was sequenced. Areas with a special enrichment method developed by Prokaria were selected.


Matís' biotechnology department developed two diagnostic kits, one with 9 genetic markers and the other with 10 genetic markers, which have been tested on a number of cod samples. The MRI's geneticists have also conducted experiments and analyzes on the two genetic markers that are ready.


In addition, there are many useful genetic markers in Matís that are not included in the diagnostic kit but can be used as individual genetic markers. Matís has already started utilizing the diagnostic kits and many companies, Icelandic and foreign, have taken advantage of the services that the company offers in cod genetic analysis. In addition to creating practical equipment for research on cod, the project has provided training for students at the upper secondary level and a scientific article has been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.


Icelanders are active participants in sustainability

Demands for sustainability in the fisheries sector are constantly increasing, and it is therefore important that Icelandic companies take an active part in development in this field. At Matís' international workshop, which took place in Sauðárkrókur, it was stated that there are many opportunities for sustainable development in the fisheries sector, but it is necessary for Icelanders to remain vigilant so that they have the opportunity to be at the forefront of discussions on such issues internationally.

Sustainable development is the development that enables people to meet their needs without reducing the possibilities for future generations to do the same. At an international working meeting of Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands) and Faroese and Icelandic representatives related to the fisheries sector, a broad consensus was reached on the importance of maintaining sustainability in terms of fishing, processing and transport in foreign markets.

Gísli Svan Einarsson, director of Versins-Vísindagarður in Skagafjörður, Sveinn Margeirsson, Matís, and Ólavur Gregersen, project manager of Sustainable Food Information.

The workshop is part of a West Nordic project, led by Matís, called "Sustainable Food Information". The project aims to make it easier for companies in the food industry, such as fisheries companies, to demonstrate sustainability. Particular attention is paid to the traceability of marine products, from the target to the consumer, which is the basis for demonstrating sustainable fishing.


"Demands for sustainability in the fisheries sector and traceability are constantly increasing, not least abroad," says Sveinn Margeirsson, department manager at Matís. "Awareness of environmental issues has increased and the market's demands are that it can be demonstrated that marine products are produced without over-exploiting resources and that ways are sought to minimize pollution," says Sveinn.

"Icelanders are in many ways well positioned and have an advantage over many other nations when it comes to traceability. The next step is to use traceability to demonstrate sustainability in the fisheries sector. That is why it is important for Icelanders to remain vigilant and ensure that they remain at the forefront of discussions on such issues in the future. "

Upper picture: Gísli Svan Einarsson, director of Versins-Vísindagarður in Skagafjörður, Sveinn Margeirsson, Matís, and Ólavur Gregersen, project manager of Sustainable Food Information.


Urgent message to participants in the consumer survey!

As many of Matís' "acquaintances" know, a survey of attitudes towards health claims on food is now underway, with around 2,500 people taking part. Due to a software bug, the website that participants will have to answer questions is temporarily disabled, but it is hoped that the website will be up and running in the next 1-2 days.

About the survey.
A similar survey is conducted simultaneously by consumers in all the Nordic countries and the purpose is to examine consumers' attitudes towards health claims and how they understand different health claims. The results of the survey will be presented to stakeholders in all countries, as well as food companies, consumer organizations and the authorities.

There is currently a European regulation on health claims in food and the results of the survey will be used to influence its content.
There is a growing trend for food to be labeled with so-called health claims. There may be claims about the nutritional content of foods such as low fat, cholesterol free, low in calories and about the effect of consuming individual foods on consumer health for example lowering cholesterol, protecting dental health and so on.

Participants NOTE! Please be patient and do not lose heart over this failure - Try again in 1-2 days!


Increasing demands on sustainability

There are ever-increasing demands that seafood sellers base their fishing on sustainability, says Óli Kristján Ármannsson's article in the latest The market, the business paper of Fréttablaðið. There is an interview with Svein Margeirsson, department manager at Matís, who says that sustainability may be a ticket to more expensive retail chains abroad. This is especially important for the fishing industry when a possible reduction in cod fishing is imminent.

A conference on sustainability in the fisheries sector will take place in Sauðárkrókur on 14 June. It is part of a West Nordic project called "Sustainable Food Information", which aims to make it easier for companies in the food industry, such as fisheries companies, to demonstrate sustainability in fishing, processing and sales. Matvælarannsóknir Íslands (Matís) is in charge of organizing the conference, according to an article in the Market.


"In that town, people say sustainability has become a particularly important concept in the fisheries sector in light of the ever-increasing demands of sellers, retail chains and consumers that marine resources are not wasted and that pollution from fishing, processing and transport of marine products is kept to a minimum. In order to demonstrate sustainability, however, it must be possible to trace the process that is taking place in the food industry, "says the Market article.

Icelanders are at the forefront

Sveinn Margeirsson, head of department in a field called new technology and markets at Matís ohf., Says that much good has been done in that regard in this country. "We're really good at traceability here," he says, "but by being able to trace the process, we get accurate information about the product. Sellers who have a "quality product" are said to be able to differentiate themselves better from others in the market. "

Fish table

Sveinn says: "It is firstly about the consumer being able to know where the product comes from, but it is the factor that most people know, and secondly about being able to trace exactly which way the product went. If we take the example of lamb meat, the path from farmer to consumer would be through slaughter, meat processing, distribution and trade.

Peer-reviewed articles

Flavorants from Seafood Byproducts. Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing: Health, Meat, Milk, Poultry, Seafood, and Vegetables

Link to book

Peer-reviewed articles

The „Fish & Chips“ project: Microarrays as a standard tool for identification of marine organisms in biodiversity and ecosystem research

DNA microarrays are currently in use almost exclusively as research tools for gene expression analysis and their application for the identification of organisms is still in its infancy, only documented by a few studies on mammals, bacteria, and viruses. The "Fish & Chips" project aims to demonstrate that DNA chips can be a new innovative tool for the identification of marine animals and phytoplankton. To achieve this goal, fishes, invertebrates, and phytoplankton were sampled in European seas and taxonomically classified. Fragments of their mitochondrial 16S, cyt b, and COI genes and from the nuclear 18S genes were sequenced and served as molecular markers to enable probe design for the microarrays. An on-line data base containing the sequences and all relevant information of the samples has been implemented. A first prototype of a “ Fish Chip „, Is based on more than 400 sequences from the 16S rRNA gene belonging to 46 species. A second microarray prototype serves to identify flatfishes from the North Sea based on COI-and 16S sequences from 70 individuals of 17 fish species. A “ Phytoplankton Chip Is now available with probes for all microalgal classes and many toxic species, as well as a “ Invertebrate Chip „. The results show that this approach is feasible.

Link to article

Peer-reviewed articles

A hot water drill with built-in sterilization: Design, testing and performance

A hot water drilling system designed to penetrate to subglacial lakes with a minimum risk of biological contamination has been built and tested. The system uses a heat exchanger to melt snow in a plastic container and the meltwater is pumped through filters and a UV sterilization unit before entering a high pressure pump and heater. The drill hose is made of synthetic rubber and reinforced with high-tensile steel braids. The drill stem is made of stainless steel and is fitted with an exchangeable nozzle. The flow rate of the drilling water at full load is 450 l / hr. The drilling speed set by a winch can be varied between 1.5 mm / s and 1.5 cm / s. In tests of the sterilization efficiency of the system using snow and tap water spiked with bacteria, reduction of cell counts and attenuation of colony forming units to undetectable levels in the drilling water has been achieved. Calculations of heat loss in the drilling hose indicate that the temperature at the drill stem drops from 90 degrees C at the surface to 33 degrees C at 300 m depth; the typical thickness of ice-cover above subglacial lakes in the Vatnajokull ice cap, Iceland. Assuming a drilling speed of 25 m / hr the drill can produce a 300 m deep borehole with a minimum diameter close to 10 cm in 12 hours.

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