
Icelandic youth were a hit at a youth dinner in Denmark

At the end of May was held Young people's dinner meeting, Ungdommens madmøde, in Denmark. At the dinner, the students of the Matvælaskóli Menntaskólin in Kópavogur presented Icelandic food to other Nordic students in food subjects and about 150 Danish elementary school students.

It is an understatement to say that the Icelandic students, Markús Eðvarð Karlsson, Svanfríður Elín Bjarnadóttir and Sölvi Hermannsson, did a great job and the Icelandic dishes were very well received. The recipes and presentation were made under the guidance of Dóra Svavarsdóttir, chef and teacher.

The presentation of the Icelandic youth was part of a workshop called Nordic kitchen where young people from the Nordic countries presented food from their countries. In addition to the Nordic kitchen workshop, there were workshops that included taste training and inspiration for healthy meals and snacks.

The aim of the food meeting was to encourage a sustainable food culture among the foodies of the future and to create connections between young people and professionals. The idea was to create opportunities and interest in the next generation of consumers to eat and cook foods that are both healthy and good for themselves and the world they live in.

The conference was held in parallel with the workshops Food at school in a Nordic light. How can food contribute to health, learning and well-being in schools? and analyzed there Dr. Ellen Alma Tryggvadóttir from the University of Iceland, from the experience of school meals in Iceland.

The event Youth madmøde was part of a larger food event Madens folkemøde which has been held annually for the past decade and aims to create a forum for conversation about Danish food culture and the food system. There is a particularly interesting event on the way that is worth visiting and even recording in this country. 

Matís took part in planning Youth madmøde but the event was sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers through New Nordic food the project.


Nordic network project on the distribution and abundance of seal populations in the North Atlantic, and their socio-economic impact on the fishing industry and other stakeholders

The research & networking project Nordic Seals, or "Nordic network on seal populations in the North Atlantic and adjacent waters", led by Matís, recently came to an end. The project was supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers' working group on Nordic cooperation in fisheries and aquaculture AG fisk.The main goal of the project was to establish a network of stakeholders involved in research on seal populations, and those affected by seals in the area. Thereby facilitating and promoting an active conversation between key stakeholders regarding the distribution and socio-economic impacts of seals on the environment and communities in the North Atlantic, including on fisheries and aquaculture.

Seal hunting was an important industry in many parts of the Nordic countries for centuries, as sealers from Norway, Finland, Greenland, Denmark, Iceland, Russia, and Canada hunted hundreds of thousands of seals every year. This industry came under severe criticism in the 1970s and 1980s, when animal welfare began to take a bigger place in the discussion about the exploitation of wild animals. By the turn of the century, seal hunting had become politically unacceptable, which affected the markets for the products and led to the eventual end of commercial seal hunting. Seal hunting in the N-Atlantic has now been almost non-existent for over two decades. But what effect has this change in the exploitation of seal populations had on the ecosystems and the socio-economic landscape of those affected by changes in the size and distribution of seal populations?

Since the Nordic Seals network was established in 2021, it has collected, analysed and shared information about seal populations in the Nordic regions, and their impact on the ecosystem and human society, for example by:

  • collecting information on seal populations and their distribution in the N-Atlantic, Arctic and adjacent water (e.g. North Sea, Baltic Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, etc.),
  • analysing the possible impact of seal populations on the ecosystem, and studying ongoing initiatives to quantify and assess those impacts,
  • analysing the effects of seal populations on the Nordic fishing industry,
  • studying available alternatives to control seal populations, including sustainable utilisation,
  • identifying and exploring potential products and markets for seal products, while considering barriers such as animal welfare, policy and political correctness, food safety and toxins.

The main results of the aforementioned work can now be seen in the recently published report, which can be accessed here.

Other important products of the project are the following:

In the abstract of the final report of the project it is stated that:

As several seal populations have grown in the North Atlantic, Arctic, and adjacent waters, they have become a controversial topic with fishermen and other stakeholders within seafood value chains who claim that they negatively affect commercial fish stocks, catch, product quality and economic viability of the fisheries. Many scientists and conservationists have on the other hand pointed out the lack of understanding of the functioning of seals in the ecosystem. Although seals are known to feed on commercial fish species, research on their effect on fish size and age distribution of prey populations, as well as stock size, is incomplete. More knowledge on the role and effects of seals in the ecosystem is therefore needed. As some seal populations still suffer from hunting that took place in the past, decisions on seal management must be well founded. Bycatch of seals is today the main threat to seal populations in many areas, which must be taken seriously.

Depredations and damage to fishing gear and fish farms caused by some species of seals is well documented. The exact ecological and economic impact of these is however largely unknown. There are ongoing initiatives that aim to fill in these knowledge gaps, but results are largely lacking. The issue of nematode roundworms that are parasites causing quality defects in commercial fisheries, which seals play a major role in distributing as hosts, has been a concern for fishermen. Controlling seal populations was in the past believed to be important to limit nematode distribution and therefore considered vital to safeguard the economic viability of the seafood industries in the North Atlantic.

Research show that the seal species in the N-Atlantic and adjacent waters need to eat a biomass corresponding to 4-6% of their body weight per day to sustain themselves. The number of seals in the area has now reached about 14 million individuals, and therefore it is likely that their consumption of biomass is about three times that of human fisheries in the area. But as mentioned before, knowledge of the effects of seals on the ecosystem and commercial fish species is incomplete.

Seals have a long history as an important food source. Seal meat is nutritious and full of important amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. But they also contain food safety threats, such as nematode ringworm parasites, and bioaccumulated trace elements. The import bans on seal products imposed by the US and EU have made any kind of trade in seal products difficult. But as some seal populations grow in certain areas, the question on potential utilisation becomes more pressing. To answer that question there is a need for more research to better understand the role of seals in the ecosystem, and on how to produce sustainable, safe and stable food or feed ingredients from seals.


Sustainable high-quality foods from macroalgae

The SEAFOODTURE project kick-off meeting took place on May 13, 2024 at the Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL) in Madrid, Spain. The project aims to use macroalgae biomass for the development of sustainable, high-quality food. The project is funded by the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP).

There were 10 partners from 8 countries who attended the kick-off meeting of the project which took place on 13 May 2024 at the Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL) in Madrid, Spain.

This is a three-year project that includes 9 work packages in which the following partners participate:

  • Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Spain
  • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain
  • Tarsus Üniversitesi (Tarsus), Turkey
  • Porto-Muiños, Spain
  • Sapienza Università di Roma (Sapienza), Italy
  • Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Portugal
  • Innovate Food Technology LTD. T/A Innovate Solutions, Ireland
  • Matís, Iceland
  • SINTEF Ocean, Norway
  • Thang / Tartu Ülikool (Tartu), Estonia

The project's project page is accessible here.

The website of the project can be found here.


Easterners interested in climate issues

On June 5, Matís, together with Austurbrú, held a workshop organized by the European project NATALIE in Reyðarfjörður. At the end of last year, the European project began NATALIE, which Matís and East Bridge are participants in. The main focus of the project is to develop so-called nature-based solutions (NBS). These solutions are intended to respond to the problems caused by climate change. These include the increased risk of landslides, rising sea levels, algae blooms and more.

The goal of the workshop was to introduce the project to the main stakeholders in the area and get their perspective on the possibilities offered by the project. In the case of NATALIE, the stakeholders are all those who have to deal with some kind of challenges related to climate change, and it is therefore a diverse group that comes to the project. There were 11 participants in the workshop and they came from municipalities, companies and institutions in the region. The project NATALIE was introduced to the participants and group work then took place according to the project's standard work method. Work was done on climate challenges, possible nature-based solutions and obstacles that could stand in the way of their implementation. A key point is to get the perspective of stakeholders before starting to implement nature-based solutions. They are experts when it comes to the problems the area is facing and can therefore contribute knowledge that is not obvious to outsiders, for example about the status of operations, proposed solutions and the importance of certain infrastructure.

The workshop went well and it was gratifying to see how active the participants were and willing to contribute so that NATALIE's goals are achieved. The region's economic operators are already aware of the climate-related challenges facing the East and want to increase the region's resilience in relation to them. This great interest in climate and environmental issues among stakeholders in East Iceland is valuable for the NATALIE project, and Matís and Austurbrú look forward to further cooperation.

NATALIE is a five-year project and there are a total of 43 participants, from all over Europe, from Romania to Iceland. The challenges these regions face are different, but they all have one thing in common to do with the water cycle. The project is extensive, but Matís is in charge of research area 7 (i.e. Case study 7) which covers the Arctic. Matís and Austurbrú will, in good cooperation with stakeholders in the region, participate in the development of new NBS solutions in the region. The solutions are developed in collaboration with experts at Exeter University and the Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT).

The project NATALIE is financed by the Horizon Europe program of the European Union under grant N° 101112859.


Kick-off meeting in the BioProtect project

On the 22nd-23rd In May, the opening meeting of the European research and innovation project took place in Copenhagen BioProtect, which is led by Matís and the Norwegian Marine Research Institute. The project will last for the next 4 years, bringing together 18 companies and institutions from around Europe with the aim of developing solutions to deal with climate change and the human threat to marine biodiversity. The project has received 8 million euros of support from Horizon Europe Europe's framework program for research and innovation and is therefore among the largest projects that Icelandic parties have managed within the framework programs of Europe.

This initial meeting was attended by about 40 key representatives of the participants, together with representatives of the European Union and external advisors. There was a particularly positive atmosphere at the meeting, where everyone involved is excited about the upcoming projects, and among other things, used the meeting to plan the work that will take place in the coming semesters.

Sophie Jensen emphasized the importance of collaboration in BioProtecgt and that all participants meet the expected responsibilities so that the project delivers the desired results
Sophie Jensen from Matís and Julian Burgos from Hafró lead the project

In the main role at the meeting were Sophie Jensen from Matís, who manages the project (e. coordinator), and Julian Burgos from Hafró, who is the scientific leader of the project (e. scientific manager), but together they form an excellent management team for this interesting and necessary project.

Christophe Pamoulie, Hafró's research director, reviews the organization's role in BioProtect.
Sæmundur Sveinsson and Cecile Dargentolle from Matís ensured that there were no technical problems, as well as keeping detailed meeting minutes.
Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís has the role in BioProtect to ensure that all formal requirements of Horizon Europe are met (e. Administrative manager) etc. regarding contracts, intellectual property, registration of work contributions and costs, etc.
A peaceful group of key participants in BioProtect who participated in the project's kick-off meeting


Matís' vegetable book provides information about vegetables from harvest to consumer


Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

Matís' vegetable book is now available to everyone on Matís' website. This web book provides accessible information about vegetables, from harvest to the time the vegetables reach the consumer's table. The importance of domestic vegetable production for food security, the healthiness of vegetables, proper storage conditions, packaging of vegetables and how to reduce waste of vegetables are discussed. Emphasis is placed on short, concise text, and additional information can be retrieved by clicking on links in the text.

The project was funded by Þróunrfé garðyrkju, which is managed by the Ministry of Food. The goals of the project were to increase knowledge about the best treatment of vegetables and thus increase the quality of vegetables on the market and promote less waste. It is also hoped that consumer interest in Icelandic vegetables and their healthiness will increase.

At Matís, many projects on vegetables have been carried out. Particular attention has been drawn to results on vegetable by-products, packaging of vegetables and the health effects of packaging materials. You can now access the results of the projects through the vegetable book. There is reason to point out that it is possible to obtain information on the best storage conditions for the various types of vegetables, but there has been a lack of such information. Finally, it can be pointed out that the new Nordic nutritional recommendations emphasize the consumption of vegetables.   


What will be for dinner? – Matís' seminar on the future of food production

Next Friday, on May 31, Matís' seminar on the future of food production will take place. The seminar is entitled "What's for dinner?" and runs from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm in Harpa's Norðurløsasal.

There, the latest in the field of food research will be in focus, along with challenges and opportunities in food production in the future. Among the speakers will be Bente Torstensen, director of NOFIMA (food research in Norway), Dirk Carrez, director of the Biobased Industries Consortium and Ólavur Gregersen from Ocean Rainforest, the latter being a Faroese pioneer in the use of algae in food, feed and packaging. He has set up a massive algae factory and is a world leader in research and development on the utilization of seaweed. This activity has attracted a lot of attention around the world, as this industry could play a key role in replacing traditional plastic packaging with biodegradable plastic and also in contributing to increased food safety worldwide.

Matís' experts will also present their research, for example in relation to side products in vegetable farming, the development of Icelanders' fish consumption, fresh protein, food systems in cities to name a few. Then representatives from, among others, SFS, the farmers' association and the University of Iceland will sit on a panel and answer questions about the impact of food research on the food industry and society.

Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir, Minister of Food, will open the forum and the moderator will be Bergur Ebbi. Below is the agenda of the seminar and the registration link. Those who register here will also be sent a link to the stream, but the forum will also be streamed on

The forum's Facebook page

Recordings, speakers' slides and photos from the seminar are available here:

What will be for dinner? Matís' seminar on the future of food production


Matís' summer festival will be on June 5

You are all warmly welcome to Matís' summer festival on June 5 next at 16:00 - 18:00 at Vínlandsleið 12.

It will be real fun for the whole family, as Stjörnu Sævar will visit the area, face painting for the children and exciting science stations for young and old.

Here you can see the event on Facebook.


Doctoral defense in Chemistry – Rebecca Sim

Next Monday, May 27, Rebecca Sim will defend her doctoral thesis in chemistry at the University of Iceland. The thesis is entitled Distribution of hydrophilic and lipophilic arsenic compounds among macroalgae.

The doctoral defense will take place in the Celebration Hall of the University of Iceland's Main Building at 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Opponents will be Dr. Barbro Kollander, senior scientist at the Swedish Food Agency and Dr. Kristmann Gíslason, professional manager of the chemical analysis group at the Icelandic Marine Research Institute. The supervisor is Ásta Heiðrún Pétursdóttir, PhD in chemical analysis and expert at Matís.

The doctoral committee also includes Dr. Guðmundur Haraldsson professor emeritus, dr. Jörg Feldmann, head of the Trace Element Speciation Laboratory (TESLA) at the University of Graz in Austria, and Dr. Karl Gunnarsson, biologist at the Icelandic Marine Research Institute.

The director of defense is Dr. Einar Örn Sveinbjörnsson, dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Iceland.

Rebecca is from North-East Scotland but moved to Iceland in 2020 to study for a PhD. She completed a BSc in Chemistry at the University of Glasgow and an MSc in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Aberdeen. Rebecca currently works as an expert in Matís' chemical analysis group.

The following is an abstract of the essay:
Algae can absorb large amounts of the element arsenic from the sea in the form of inorganic arsenic, which is a known carcinogen. In the algae, arsenic is also detected in the form of diverse organic compounds of arsenic, for example arsenosaccharides and arsenolipids, but organic arsenic species have been considered harmless. However, recent research on arsenolipids has shown that they can be as cytotoxic as inorganic arsenic, and it is possible that arsenosugars have long-term negative effects with regular consumption. There is a lot of mystery about the origin of arsenolipids, but the starting point of their production is believed to take place in algae. Algae are becoming more and more popular in the West. More information on these compounds is urgently needed to fully assess the risks associated with their consumption and to ensure that appropriate regulations are established regarding their maximum levels in food. Samples of red, green and brown algae were collected near Grindavík and Kjalarnes. The samples were thoroughly analyzed for heavy metals and an arsenic analysis was carried out to obtain information on the chemical form of the arsenic. The speciation of arsenolipids is complex and was carried out in selected samples with mass spectrometry HPLC-ICP-M/ESI-MS/MS and HPLC-qToF-MS. In addition, brown macroalgae were divided into biological fractions to determine whether the distribution of arsenic species is uniform throughout the seaweed. Limited information is available globally on algal arsenolipids, so this extensive profiling of them in different species of algae will help elucidate how these enigmatic organic arsenic compounds are formed and where they are stored. The data can also be used for risk assessment of arsenic species in seaweed for human consumption and can therefore influence future food safety legislation.


The BioProtect project draws attention to Matís' meeting with the EU ambassador

Matís recently received an invitation to visit the premises of the European Union delegation and present Matís' projects that have received funding from the EU, with a special emphasis on the project BioProtect, which recently received funding from the Horizon Europe program.

The EU ambassador, Lucie Samcová-Hall Allen, and the staff of the delegation welcomed the group made up of Matís' project managers and department heads together with Julian Burgos, a marine ecologist at the Norwegian Marine Research Institute who is the scientific leader of the BioProtect project.

During the visit, there was an opportunity to discuss the diverse research and innovation projects that have been funded by the European Union and that Matís has worked on over the years. Lucie also told about the delegation's main projects and the development of their work in Iceland in recent years.

However, the main focus of the visit was the presentation of the research project BioProtect, which officially started yesterday, on May 1, 2024. Sophie Jensen, project manager at Matís leads the project and Julian Burgos is its scientific leader, and they presented their plans for the work of the next four years.

The project is about developing methodologies and technical solutions to facilitate decision-making about resource utilization or the protection of ocean areas. Emphasis is placed on good cooperation with economic partners, which are, for example, shipping companies and fisheries associations, local authorities and especially fishing communities, national and international governments, nature conservation organizations, researchers, policy makers and experts.

The biological diversity of the sea will be monitored so that it will be possible to account for its status and predict possible changes. There will also be extensive mapping of the use and impact of humans on individual sea areas and species in the sea. An action plan for the prioritization of conservation and restoration measures will also be prepared, as well as an assessment of the ecological, social and economic effects of these conservation measures in five ocean areas, ie by Iceland, Norway, Ireland, Portugal and the Azores.

Ísey Dísa Hávarsdóttir, communication specialist at Matís, Lucie Samcová-Hall Allen, EU ambassador to Iceland, Sophie Jensen, project manager of BioProtect, Jónas R. Viðarsson, department manager at Matís, Julian Burgos, scientific leader of BioProtect and Samuel Ulfgard, deputy EU ambassador to Iceland .

We thank you very much for the wonderful welcome and hope for continued good relations with the EU delegation in Iceland.