

Workshop on Catch Quality and Pricing in the Nordic Region


Sæmundur Elíasson

Project Manager

Thursday November 7th 2024. Held in Ríma conference room in Harpa, Austurbakka 2, 101 Reykjavík. Supported by Nordic Council of Ministers – Working Group for Fisheries (AG-Fisk).

Workshop description:

The workshop is held to discuss and investigate factors that affect catch quality and pricing, how they interconnect and differ between the Nordic countries. This includes discussions on quality characteristics, how quality parameters currently are and should be measured, regulation frameworks and what affects pricing and market situations. The outcome of the workshop will outline the strengths of different strategies that relate to catch quality within the Nordic region and explore if there are opportunities to implement different methods between regions to achieve higher overall catch quality and value.

Revised suggestions for topics in the workshop agenda are:

  • Price and catch value: What affects the prices? Are they reflected correctly by quality parameters?
  • Quality characteristics: What are the most important quality parameters (handling factors, fish size, condition factor,...)? How do we measure the catch quality parameters? Suggestions for standardization of quality assessment?
  • Fishing methods: How do different fishing strategies and methods affect catch quality?
  • Regulations and legal matters: How do regulations vary between the Nordic countries? How does the regulation work across the countries and are there lessons to be transferred?
  • Market aspects: How do prices differ between direct sales vs auction markets and Vertically integrated company's vs fish market.

Program draft:

9:30 – 12:00 Workshop presentations and discussion

9:30 Opening and short introduction from Jónas R. Viðarsson, Matís

9:45 -10:45

  • Catch quality parameters and fishing gear, Sæmundur Elíasson from Matís and the University of Akureyri.
  • Price and catch value – Norway vs. Denmark market, Sector Sogn-Grundvåg from Nofima
  • Fishmarket perspectives on price and quality, Bjarni R. Heimisson from the Icelandic fishmarkets

10:45 Coffee break

11:00 -12:00

  • Can ecolabels tune a supply chain? The case of MSC certified haddock from Norway, Julia Bronnmann, University of Southern Denmark.
  • Pricing and markets, from the University of Akureyri
  • Direct sales vs. Auction and Vertical integration, from the University of Iceland/Akureyri

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch and networking with the Icelandic Seafood Conference

13:30 – 15:00 Group discussion and analysis

15:30 Round up

16:00 Refreshments with the Seafood Conference

19:00 Dinner