Effects of additives and different salting methods on the utilization and quality of farmed cod products / Effects of additives and different salting methods on yield and quality of farmed cod products
The aim of the experiments was to examine the effect of salting methods and brine composition on the utilization and quality of products processed from farmed cod before freezing to death. Fillets were either injected or injected and pickled. The brine was of different salinity, in addition to which the use of polyphosphate and a mixture of citrate and ascorbate was examined. Changes in utilization, water content, water resistance and quality were monitored over a 9-month period in frost. The results of the project show that it is possible to increase salt uptake and weight changes of fillets by changing processing processes even though the fish has not died of freezing. There was a definite difference in efficacy symptoms in the first 3 months depending on whether the fillets were only injected or injected and pickled. With longer storage, the difference between the groups decreased. At the beginning of storage, factors that characterize fresh products were prominent, but as the storage period progressed, factors such as cold storage odor, freezing taste, craving and tableware odor became more prominent. The use of phosphate and a mixture of citrate and ascorbate appeared to be able to reduce the development to some extent according to the results for TBARS, but the effect was not found in color measurements or sensory evaluation.
The aim of experiments was to investigate the effects of different salting methods and brine composition on yield and quality of products, processed from pre ‐ rigor farmed cod. Fillets were either injected or injected and brined. Different brine concentrations were used, as well as polyphosphates and a mixture of citrate and ascorbate. Changes in yield, water content, water retention and quality of the products were followed over 9 months period of frozen storage. Results show that it is possible to increase the salt uptake and weight changes of the fillets by altering processing procedures for the pre ‐ rigor fish. The curing characteristics of the products depended on salting methods, ie if the fillets were only injected or injected and brine salted before freezing, especially during the first 3 months. Longer storage time reduced the difference between the groups. At the beginning of the storage, freshness characteristics were strong but during storage attributes like frozen odor and taste, rancid taste and dish cloth odor become predominant. Oxidation was reduced by use of phosphate and the mixture of citrate and ascorbate, as indicated by lower TBARS ‐ values. However, the effect was neither detected in results from color measurements nor sensory analysis.
Report closed until 01.01.2015