
Íslenskt matkorn - Gæði, inhald og viðhör / Icelandic cereal grain crops for food - Quality, chemical composition and consumer view




Ólafur Reykdal, Þóra Valsdóttir, Þórdís Anna Kristjánsdóttir, Jón Þór Pétursson, Jónatan Hermannsson

Supported by:

Agricultural Productivity Fund, Agricultural University of Iceland


Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

Íslenskt matkorn - Gæði, inhald og viðhör / Icelandic cereal grain crops for food - Quality, chemical composition and consumer view

From 2009 to 2011, Matís and the Agricultural University of Iceland carried out a project on domestic grain for food production. The project was intended to promote the increased use of domestic cereals in food. For this purpose, quality requirements for barley were compiled and material on internal control was compiled for grain farmers' manuals. Chemical measurements of domestic cereals were also carried out, product development from cereals was supported and consumers' attitudes towards domestic barley were examined. Quality requirements for food barley and barley for brewing are set out and are intended to be a reference in business. A general text on the internal control of cereal growers can be localized for individual farms. According to chemical measurements, the starch in the domestic grain was not significantly different from that measured in imported grain. There was a lot of fiber in the domestic grain. The concentration of heavy metals in grain after the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull was very low.

A project on the use of Icelandic grain crops for food production was carried out at Matis and the Agricultural University of Iceland in 2009 to 2011. The purpose of the project was to support the increasing use of domestic cereal grain crops for food production. To enable this, quality requirements were developed for barley and a handbook on internal control was written for barley processing at a farm. Proximates and inorganic elements were measured, product development was supported and finally the view of consumers towards Icelandic barley was studied. Quality requirements for barley to be used for food and alcoholic drinks were developed as a frame of reference for businesses. The text for internal control can be adapted for individual farms. The starch in Icelandic grain crops was similar to that of imported crops. The Icelandic grain crops were rich in dietary fiber. The concentrations of heavy metals in the Icelandic crops after the Eyjafjallajökull eruption were very low.

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Processing of dried silver for human consumption. Gæðþættir og gæðaviðmið / Processing of dried dulse for consumption. Quality parameters and requirements.




Þóra Valsdóttir, Karl Gunnarsson

Supported by:



Þóra Valsdóttir

Project Manager

Processing of dried silver for human consumption. Gæðþættir og gæðaviðmið / Processing of dried dulse for consumption. Quality parameters and requirements.

Many things need to be considered when catching and processing salt and other algae for human consumption. There are different requirements and criteria among processors, buyers and consumers regarding how sales should be and what their desired quality is. This report gathers information on official requirements and known standards for the processing of dried human food for human consumption, which processors and purchasers can use to set product and quality standards for these products. Despite the fact that it is a traditional product, much work remains to be done to gain adequate knowledge of many aspects of the production of dried silver and how to best manage it (such as the storage of fresh ingredients). Guidelines for the processing of dried silver will therefore continue to evolve and change as knowledge advances.

Many things need to be considered when collecting and processing dulse and other seaweed for human consumption. Requirements on how dried dulse should be and their required quality, vary between buyers and consumers. Information was collected on official requirements and known paradigms on the processing of dried dulse. Despite being a traditional product, extended knowledge on the influence of different processing parameters on the properties of dried dulse and how they can be controlled, is needed. Instructions on processing of dried dulse will therefore continue to develop as knowledge on the matter extends.

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