On Tuesday, June 6, Matís' successful seminar on the future of food production in Iceland took place in Harpa's Norðurlósasal. A recording of the seminar is now available below.

Photographs: Anton Brink
Photographs: Anton Brink
Parties working in the field of fish farming in Iceland were invited to the workshop. There were four lectures about the project, the abbreviation ÖAF, the sludge, its chemical composition and challenges related to the use of the raw materials sludge and other by-products from fish farming. After the lectures, there was group work where the participants of the workshop worked on the subject and reviewed the opportunities as well as challenges related to the future possibilities of aquaculture sludge and other by-products from aquaculture.
The workshop was well attended, but the participants numbered more than 20 people, and there were good discussions among the participants about the subject they work with every day. Part of the project "Microorganisms for the enrichment of fish farm sludge" is to work with the results from the workshop ie. ideas and experiences of the participants.
One of the results of the workshop is that there are many uses for the sludge as well as other side products from fish farming, such as the use of the raw material as fertilizer and soil improver for agriculture. But alongside those opportunities are challenges related to regulation and making the raw material viable for use based on economics. The efficiency is twofold ie. collection and handling of the raw material at the companies so that it becomes a sought-after product.
The project is one part of a large puzzle to promote the circular economy and is funded by the Circular Economy Fund.
Anna Berg Samúelsdóttir
Matís' expert in the field of sustainability and fire.
The focus will be on sludge from aquaculture and research in that context. The workshop is organized by the project Microorganisms for aquaculture sludge enrichment which is led by Matís and worked in collaboration with Sjávarklasan and Samherja fish farm.
Do you want to participate in a study on the effects of substances from seaweed on the signs of aging in healthy skin?
The study includes a comparison of elasticity, moisture and sebum in the face before and after about 12 weeks of using a face cream. Half of the participants will receive a cream with ingredients from seaweed, while the other half will receive the same cream without ingredients from seaweed. After the study ends, two 20,000 ISK will be drawn from the group of participants. cash prize.
You can participate if you are:
What do you need to do?
How do you register?
The research is part of the MINERVA project, which aims to increase and improve the utilization of sustainably produced macroalgae and develop new valuable products from them. The project is funded by ERA-NET Cofund Blue Bioeconomy and is a joint project of companies, universities and research companies in Ireland, Iceland and Sweden.
More information is sent if there is an interest in participating.
It will be real fun for the whole family, as Stjörnu Sævar will visit the area, face painting for the children and exciting science stations for young and old.
Click on the image below to go to the event on Facebook.
See the photos from the summer festival:
The project NextGenProteins, which Matís is working on, has organized a photo competition for students aged 8-10 (3rd-4th grade of elementary school). The subject of the competition is the food of the future, but the kids are encouraged to let their minds wander and put down on paper how they envision the food of the future. You can send a drawing, painting or other graphic design. The maximum size of photos is A3 and they must be sent to Matís by letter.
Main information:
Great work!
By participating in the competition, consent is given for the publication of the images on the media of the project. When submitting photos, the name of the participant and the name of the photo must be included.
For more information, please contact Katrín Hulda Gunnarsdóttir, an expert at Matís, at the email address: katrinh@matis.is
Board of Directors:
Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson
June 6, 2023 – from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
Harpa's Northern Lights Hall
It is clear that the future of food production in Iceland includes great challenges but also great opportunities. We need to ensure that there is enough safe and healthy food for everyone. We need to reduce the negative environmental impact of food production and promote sustainable use of land and sea so that the resources can continue to serve future generations.
The doctoral defense takes place in festival hall of the UI's main building and starts at 1:00 p.m.
Dr. Heidi Nielsen, Research Director of Nofima in Tromsö, Norway
Dr. Ida-Johanne Jensen, assistant professor at NTNU/UiT in Trondheim, Norway.
Supervising teacher and instructor:
The supervising teacher was María Guðjónsdóttir and the instructor was Sigurjón Arason, professor and chief engineer at Matís.
Doctoral committee: Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir, professor and Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir, professor.
Dr. María Guðjónsdóttir, professor and dean of the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, presides over the ceremony.
More information can be found by clicking here.
Many interesting topics were discussed at the meeting. Guðjón Þorkelsson, strategic expert at Matís, gave the talk: Does fat explosion make a difference to the taste of Icelandic lamb? and Sæmundur Sveinsson, professional manager at Matís, had the talk: The search for the genetic factors of bow crisis - Status of the project and future prospects.
We encourage those interested to watch the professional meeting in its entirety on the Youtube channel of the Icelandic Farmers' Association, by clicking here.
The message: The search for the genetic factors of bow crisis - Status of the project and future prospects starts at 1:43:00
The message: Does fat explosion make a difference to the taste of Icelandic lamb? starts at 2:07:00
Cover photo: Lbhí