
The Laurentic Forum workshop was a success

On Thursday 19 May, the Laurentic Forum hosted a workshop on the utilization of seaweed in the Arctic. The meeting was very interesting in all respects and was attended by about 100 people, from all over the world.

Recordings of the meeting can now be accessed on the event's website here:

The meeting briefly reviewed the state of affairs regarding the utilization of algae worldwide, as well as in Canada (Newfoundland & Labrador), Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland and Norway.

The agenda of the meeting was as follows:

  • Keith Hutchings from Canadian Center for Fisheries Innovation: Welcome
  • Paul Dobbins from WWF: Seaweed Farming as a Nature Based Solution- Opportunities and Challenges from WWF's Perspective
  • Kate Burns from Islander Rathlin Kelp: Farmed Kelp, What Market?
  • Olavur Gregersen from Ocean Rainforest Faroe Islands: Scaling up Kelp Farming in the North Atlantic
  • Anne Marit Bjørnflaten from Oceanfood AS North Norway: Macroalgae: A New and Sustainable Aquaculture Industry with Huge Potential in the Arctic
  • Jónas R. Viðarsson from Matís Iceland: Seaweed Production on the Rise in Iceland
  • Cyr Courtourier from the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University in Newfoundland: Future Prospects for Seaweed Farming Across Canada in a Subarctic Environment
  • Q&A

Learn more about the event or the Laurentic Forum


Matís 2021's annual report is available on the web

Matís' annual report for the year 2021 is available on the web.

The report is divided into the following sections and can be viewed in its entirety by clicking here.


Sustainable food production - Innovation is the key!

This week, Nýsköpunarvikan or Iceland Innovation Week has been celebrated all over the city. Tomorrow, Friday 20 May, there will be numerous presentations on the agenda related to innovation in the food sector and Matís' presentation will be: Sustainable food production - Innovation is the key! among them.

The event takes place in Gróska idea house in Vatnsmýri, in the hall Fenjamýri on the first floor and starts at 13: 30-15: 00.

Participation in the event is free. welcome!

The event consists of 5 short and fun presentations that deal in one way or another with innovation and sustainability in food production.

The program is as follows:

  • Is innovation good? Sensory evaluation and consumer research. - Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir
  • Opportunities for innovation in Icelandic vegetables - Eva Margrét Jónudóttir and Ólafur Reykdal
  • What do the protein donations of the future look like? -Margrét Geirsdóttir
  • One person's waste, another person's gold? Sustainable fertilizer production in Iceland -Jónas Baldursson and Eva Margrét Jónudóttir
  • How to talk to children about sustainability and climate change? -Katrín Hulda Gunnarsdóttir

More about the lecture:

Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir is a real genius in everything to do with sensory evaluation and consumer research, as she intends to educate guests about what these things entail in her talk at Innovation Week; Is innovation good?
Interested parties can also get their sensory skills tested!
"It does not matter if a new product on the market is harmful, free of all the world's flavors and colors, organic and sustainable. If it tastes or smells very bad, it will not do well "

Ólafur Reykdal is a real ball of experience when it comes to researching Icelandic vegetables and grains and Eva Margrét has been doing food research for years!
They will have a very lively talk at Innovation Week where Kahoot will be involved and discuss the countless opportunities that lie in innovation in the vegetable sector!

Margrét Geirsdóttir, a biochemist and general life artist, is currently working hard on the NextGen Proteins project on the protein source of the future together with Birgur Erni Smárason, project manager. She's going to cover what's news about insect protein and spirulina research and even allow guests to taste unconventional proteins!

Jónas Baldursson and Eva Margrét have been working on researching poop and shit for the last few seasons! Of course, it would be more beautiful to talk about organic waste and they do in general.
They are going to show a video in Tik-Tok style about their project on Sustainable Fertilizer Production during Innovation Week. The message is especially relevant at the moment as conditions in the world are making it difficult for everyone to transport fertilizer between countries.

Katrín Hulda and Justine Vanhalst know all about how best and most ingenious it is to educate children and young people about difficult issues such as climate change and sustainability. This winter, they have been working on two different projects with children all over the country and even beyond the country, where they have activated them to put on entrepreneurial glasses and face real challenges - and find real solutions!
Their talk at Innovation Week is about the results of these projects.

Follow the event page on facebook here: Innovation Week: Sustainable food production - Innovation is the key!


Exciting program at the North Atlantic Seafood Forum

Since 2005, the North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF) has been an annual event where executives and stakeholders in fisheries and aquaculture meet in Bergen to learn about key innovations and compare books. In fact, the event was canceled in 2020 due to Covid, and last year, NASF was run as an online event.

This time, NASF will be held on June 21-23 and will be a so-called "hybrid" event., where it is expected that about 800 people will attend Bergen in person and that up to 1,500 people will participate via the internet. The program is particularly exciting this time as a total of over 160 lectures will be given in 27 seminars.

Do not miss this event!

Since 2005, managers and stakeholders in the fisheries and aquaculture industry have flocked to Bergen every year to attend the NASF conference. The target group of this three-day conference has traditionally been managers in the fisheries, aquaculture and related industries, ie. equipment manufacturers, marketing companies, banks, insurance companies, carriers, consulting companies, etc. Although the cost of participation has been significant, between 800 and 1,000 people have attended the event each year, which shows how important this conference is for the target group. Last year, NASF was transferred to the Internet, thanks to COVID, and it was considered a great success. Therefore, NASF will be held this year as a "hybrid" event. This year's program is particularly exciting and has been published on

If there is a big link to the program, the following seminars attract special attention:

  • Global aquaculture summit
  • The post covid consumer by McKinsey
  • Aquaculture feed summit
  • Aquaculture & salmon market and production
  • Global whitefish summit
  • Global seafood transport summit
  • International shrimp summit
  • Land based fish farming
  • Pelagic industry summit

As often before, Icelandic companies and individuals play an important role in the program. First of all, Marel and Benchmark Genetics / Stofnfiskur are among the main sponsors of the conference. The following Icelanders or parties connected to Iceland will be on the list of speakers:

  • Mikael Tal Grétarsson - Iclandair Cargo
  • Björn Hembre - Icelandic Salmon / Arnarlax
  • Guðmundur Gíslason - Ice Fish Farm / Fiskeldi Austfjarðar
  • Kjartan Ólafsson - Icelandic Salmon / Arnarlax

Participation in NASF in recent years has not been widespread, as the registration fee alone has been close to 200,000. kr. in addition, travel and accommodation in Bergen costs money. Nevertheless, fewer have found out than want to, as this is a unique opportunity to meet all the main managers in the fisheries and aquaculture industry in one place.

Now, however, the entire program will also be accessible online, where, among other things, it will be possible to organize online meetings with other participants. The conference fee for those who want to participate in person in Bergen is 1,490 EUR and for those who want to participate online, the fee is 490 EUR. Registration is required but you can also contact Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís to negotiate a discount if companies want to register multiple participants. You can also contact Jónas for more information about NASF22.

There is still a possibility to become a sponsor of NASF22, in addition to which there is still an opportunity for innovation and technology companies to find out about the "New horizon & technology" part of the conference. Further information on sponsorship and NH&T can be found here.


The British Ambassador visits Matís

The British Ambassador to Iceland Dr. Bryony Mathew, together with a beautiful group, visited Matís on the 10th of May. It was accompanied by representatives of the Grimsby Seafood Cluster, the Humber Institute, the Grimsby Fish Mecharnt Association and the University of Lincoln's National Center for Food Manufacturing. Representatives of the Agricultural University and the Farmers' Association were also invited to the meeting.

The aim of the visit was to discuss possible co-operation between companies and institutions in both countries in the field of food production and related industries. The Grimsby and Humber area is the cradle of fisheries in the UK and the University of Lincoln is one of the leading institutions in that country in the field of research and innovation in agriculture and food processing.

The United Kingdom, and in particular the Grimsby area, has for centuries been dependent on imports of fish from Icelandic waters, and at the same time the area has played a major role in the export of seafood from Iceland. The long and successful co-operation between the nations is of great importance to the countries' authorities, and they see an opportunity in fostering further co-operation on a broad basis. Therefore, the governments of the countries have signed declaration of intent on increased co-operation in the field of fisheries. Among the issues discussed at the meeting were opportunities and challenges in following up on the declaration of intent.

Lincoln University operates a kind of "technical park"For research and development of food. The technology park has an extremely strong infrastructure and expertise in most areas of food production. In this connection, we can mention, for example, automation (robotics) in agriculture and other food processing. The meeting created an extremely good discussion between the participants, which will no doubt be followed up in the coming months.

We thank Dr. Bryony Mathew and his entourage warmly welcome.


Potatoes are always a surprise!

More potatoes are produced than other vegetables in Iceland. The harvest over the past five years has been in the range of 6 to 9 thousand tons. It would be possible to increase potato production in Iceland significantly and it would be a good contribution to increased food security as it is possible to store potatoes for a long time.

The popularity of potatoes has declined somewhat in recent years, not least among the younger generation. The healthy image of potatoes may not have been as strong as for the colorful vegetables. Tomatoes, broccoli, red peppers and other vegetables are well known to contain vitamins and other nutrients such as antioxidants. At Matís, measurements have been made of antioxidants and antioxidant activity in vegetables, including potatoes.

Surprisingly, more antioxidants were found in potatoes than in various colorful vegetables.

The project Improved quality, shelf life and less waste in the value chain of Icelandic vegetables was carried out at Matís in 2021 with a grant from the Food Fund. Chemical measurements of potatoes revealed that their carbohydrate content was often lower than for foreign potatoes. Bændablaðið 12 May 2022 discusses potatoes from farmers in Þórustaðir in Eyjafjörður, but potatoes from them were for research in the project. Some potato varieties had a much lower carbohydrate content than is common abroad. Low carbohydrate content also means that the calories are lower than in more carbohydrate-rich potatoes.

Most potato varieties provide fewer calories than cooked pasta and the potatoes have the antioxidants and vitamins in addition to the pasta.

The Office of the Medical Director of Health recommends that people eat five servings of vegetables and fruit a day. Potatoes are excluded in these portions, but perhaps there is a reason to change that. You can read about the results of the project in Matís' report Improved quality, shelf life and less waste in the value chain of Icelandic vegetables - Matís (


Workshop on the utilization of kelp / algae in the North Atlantic

On Thursday 19 May, the Laurentic Forum will take place for two hours. a workshop on seaweed utilization in the Arctic, which starts at 12:00 Icelandic time.

The state of algae utilization worldwide, as well as in Canada (Newfoundland & Labrador), Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland and Norway, will be briefly reviewed. Opportunities for collaboration and possible funding in research funds related to this article will be presented, and finally discussions will take place.

More information and registration website of Laurentic Froum


  • Paul Dobbins, Senior Director of Impact Investing and Ecosystems Services, Aquaculture, World Wildlife Federation
  • Jónas R. Viðarsson, Director of Division of Value Creation, Matis Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D
  • Kate Burns, Founder and CEO, Islander Rathlin Kelp
  • Olavur Gregersen, Managing Director, Ocean Rainforest Faroe Islands
  • Anne Marit Bjørnflaten, Co-owner, Oceanfood AS North Norway
  • Cyr Courtourier, Aquaculture Scientist, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
  • Stein Arne Ranes, Senior Advisor, Department of Industry and Economic Development, Troms and Finnmark County Council
  • Moderator - Keith Hutchings, Executive Director of the Canadian Center for Fisheries Innovation   

The Laurentic Forum is a network of companies and institutions in the North Atlantic that aims to increase cooperation in the field of research, innovation and job creation in the blue economy within the region, with a special emphasis on "broken settlements".

On behalf of Iceland, Matís, Sjávarklasinn, Byggðastofnun and Þekkingarsetur Vestmannaeyja are members of the steering committee of Laurentic Forum.

Learn more about the event or the Laurentic Forum


Matís with involvement in project selection in Sierra Leone


Margeir Gissurarson

Strategic Scientist

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently preparing for an increase in bilateral development cooperation with the government of Sierra Leone. The main goal of the collaboration is to work on new projects in the field of fisheries and the blue economy.

A delegation consisting of representatives of four fisheries agencies in Iceland as well as representatives of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs went to Sierra Leone at the end of March last year to examine the involvement of Icelandic experts in projects that can support the positive development of fisheries and the blue economy in that country. 

Matís' representative on this trip was Oddur Már Gunnarsson, but in addition there were representatives from the Marine Research Institute, the Directorate of Fisheries and the GRÓ Fisheries School. The delegation met with the country's Minister of Fisheries as well as other representatives of the Ministry, other agencies and companies and representatives of partner countries involved in fisheries in Sierra Leone.

The group also visited landing sites for coastal fishing boats and gained an insight into the life of fishing communities, where fish are handled, processed and marketed. About 70% of landed catch in Sierra Leone comes from coastal fishing.

Following this trip, work will be done with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on further implementation of projects where Icelandic ingenuity and knowledge can be used in the development of fisheries and the blue economy in Sierra Leone.


How will local foods be used in tourism in 2040?

If locals are proud of the cultural heritage, emphasize the traditions and customs of food culture as well as being guided by the uniqueness of food in different regions, food-related tourism in the Nordic countries has good conditions to increase in the future.   

The food tradition is a large part of the image of a country and a nation, as it reflects culture and history and is marked by the times and nature of each country. The dining experience is an integral part of the tourist experience wherever they go.

In the Nordic countries, there has been a great awareness of the value of regional cuisine in terms of innovation, development and consumption for locals as well as foreign visitors. At the same time, there is an increasing emphasis on sustainability in food production as well as tourism, so that a balance between growth and protection is maintained.

The Nordic Food in Tourism project has just been completed. The aim was to examine how tourists and other visitors talk about or perceive Nordic food, highlight the importance of local food in sustainable tourism and gain insight into how climate change, consumption changes and other variables can shape the future of food in tourism. The aim was to raise awareness of future challenges and opportunities related to tourism assessment and to provide strategic guidance in support of future action and Nordic policy-making that is also in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Food is a powerful marketing force in tourism. Nature, culture, clean energy and bustling human life are attractive resources and Iceland has everything to offer to integrate these four into the marketing of food in tourism. There is a need for a targeted publicity policy that aims to create interest and demand for food-related entertainment and local consumption, but also to respond to the interest and demand that already exists. There is a need to strengthen community awareness of the uniqueness of the food production we live in, knowledge of our food heritage and opportunities for the future.

Building a destination that intends to establish itself as a sought-after food destination in Europe requires strong cooperation and organizational power in order for the message to be strong. Service and quality need to be monitored in marketing and infrastructure needs to be ready to live up to promises and expectations.

It is important to look at the food value chain where the quality of the raw material is the basis, but consumer satisfaction and experience dominate demand.

It is important here that consumers and primary producers listen to each other to promote the development that the market calls for, with sustainability in mind. It is important to promote development and innovation in the light of underutilized resources and food policy aimed at minimizing waste. It is necessary to consider future scenarios, organization and collaboration.

The Nordic food in Tourism project was one of the three Presidency projects of the Nordic Council of Ministers under the auspices of sustainable tourism in the north. The Ministry of Culture and Commerce (formerly the Ministry of Industry and Innovation) led the project in collaboration with the Icelandic Travel Cluster and Matís. Nordic partners came from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Åland and Finland, as well as an expert group from universities and the business community. The results of the project are based on data analysis, methods of futurology, interviews with experts and the results of a workshop with stakeholders.

The results are published in two reports, one focusing on the future vision and strategic guidance in relation to tourism assessment in the Nordic countries and the other in Iceland:

We encourage people to take advantage of these results, as they provide inspiration for further collaboration, development, investment and innovation in food tourism with sustainability in mind. The reports and further information can be found on the project website;


Innovation competition at Nesskóli

On April 26 and 27, the third and final MAKEathon of the Green Entrepreneurs of the Future project will take place, at Nesskóli in Neskaupstaður. MAKEathon Árskóli and Grunnskóli Bolungarvíkur have already done with great results. The MAKEathon project is an innovation competition that lasts for two days.

In this MAKEathoni, 24 students in 8th grade Viktoría Gilsdóttir participate. They work together in teams competing to solve a challenge that will be found during their visits to fisheries companies in the area. The challenge will be environmental and climate change. They try to create a kind of prototype, among other things in collaboration with FabLab Austurland under the guidance of Móses Helgi Halldórsson. 

Since this autumn, students have been taught about climate change, sustainability and innovation, among other things. All GFF material will be made available after the project is completed.

The Green Entrepreneurs of the Future project started in schools in September 2021 and MAKEathonin is their final part. The national competition between the three schools will take place in May and its results will be announced in Innovation Week (at Matís' presentation on 20 May).

The television station N4 has been recording about the project all winter, so they will be filmed on site. The show will be shown on the television station this autumn and the project will be presented there.

Green Entrepreneurs of the Future is an educational project intended for the oldest grades of primary school. The aim is to educate students about the effects of climate change on the ocean and its ecosystem, sustainability and innovation in an innovative and fun way. The project is funded by the Climate Fund and is managed by Matís. Other participants are the three schools, FabLab workshops in each location, Cambridge University, Climate-KIC and the Deep Entrepreneurship Center.

For more information, please contact the project manager of the project: Schools that want to participate are especially encouraged to get in touch.

(media can be contacted by phone: 762 0266).

Here you can follow the progress of the project: