Product development and consumer research


Guðmundur Stefánsson

Director of Research Groups

Create your product advantage

Matís assists companies and entrepreneurs in all stages of product development, from the concept stage to production processes and consumer research. Matís emphasizes working closely with customers on product development and provides a variety of expert assistance that can be used to solve specific tasks. Consumer research is useful for manufacturers in predicting consumer reception, in order to market the product correctly and thus increase the chances of the product's success.

Food workshop

Matís operates a food factory in Reykjavík, where producers can rent facilities for a variety of food processing and receive assistance with product development. The food factory is suitable for small producers who are establishing themselves in the market.

Product food

The properties and quality of a raw material or product that is under development or production often need to be assessed. Measurements, such as microorganisms and various substances, are selected as needed to ensure safety or to assess whether the product meets the requirements for quality, nutritional value or ingredients. Sensory evaluation is used to assess the properties of the product's odor, appearance, taste and texture.

Shelf life

Shelf life depends on the quality and safety of the food. Requirements for shelf life assessments from independent parties have increased and Matís undertakes such assessments. Along with sensory evaluation, microbial and chemical measurements are used as needed to assess the shelf life of food.

Nutritional value

Matís assists in calculating the nutritional value of food.

Consumer surveys

Consumer surveys are used to examine consumers' tastes, behaviors, and attitudes with the goal of developing new products, refining products, and / or finding target groups. Matís conducts consumer surveys of all shapes and sizes. Good storage and packaging facilities for food are available, which ensures the quality of the product during the study.

Focus groups

Focus group work provides detailed results for a small group of consumers and is used, for example, to obtain a product evaluation, packaging and product image. It is also often used to find scope for new products on the market.

Opinion polls

Consumer behavior is largely based on consumers' experiences and attitudes towards products, product groups and services. Matís conducts surveys with the aim of analyzing consumer attitudes that can be very useful in marketing and to find scope for new products on the market.

Market analysis and due diligence

Matís assists companies in market analysis for food and biotechnology products. We also assess the reliability of processing processes and technology in the food processing and biotechnology industry, assist in the establishment of business models and provide advice on obtaining operating and operating licenses.

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