
The effects of skin cream containing seaweed extract on skin




Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir & Halla Halldórsdóttir


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Project Manager

Bubble seaweed extract (Fucus vesiculosus) has been extensively studied and the bioactive properties of the extract have been demonstrated in in vitro research on human skin cells. The aim of the study described in this report was to investigate the effect of a lotion containing bioactive substances from bubble seaweed on human skin. in vivo.

A double-blind intervention study was conducted, with two comparable groups of people between the ages of 40 and 60, who used either a lotion containing the bioactive seaweed extract or a cream containing all the same ingredients except the extract (control). The effects of the creams on skin properties were measured three times over a twelve week period. The first measurement was performed at the beginning (before the use of the cream started), then after six weeks of daily use (morning and evening) of the cream and at the end of the intervention after 12 weeks. The skin of the participants was measured with the Dermalab Series Clinique Combo from Cortex technology, which collected data on, among other things, skin elasticity, moisture and collagen strength.

Skin elasticity increased over time in both groups. The increase was more pronounced in the group that used the cream with bubble seaweed extract. Two parameters were measured by ultrasonic skin imaging: collagen concentration and skin thickness. Collagen concentrations did not increase in the participants' skin during the study, and no detectable differences were found in the participants' skin thickness over time. However, the skin was thicker in the group that used the cream with bubble seaweed extract than the control group in the third measurement. Moisture in the participants' skin increased between the first and second measurement, but decreased again slightly from the second to the third measurement. The results showed that the use of the creams increases the moisture in the skin, but other factors also have an effect, such as the humidity in the atmosphere. The skin moisture of the group using the bubble seaweed extract cream tended to be higher compared to the control group at the third measurement.

The conclusion of the study is that the lotion that contained the extract of bubble seaweed had a positive effect on the skin of the participants. However, the results were also positive in the group using the control cream, and often the difference between the two groups was not significant. In cases where the difference between the groups was significant, it was in favor of the bubble seaweed cream.

Fucus vesiculosus extract has been extensively studied, and has shown to possess remarkable bioactive properties on human skin cells in vitro. The aim of this work was to study the effects of skin cream containing the bioactive seaweed Fucus vesiculosus extract on human skin in vivo.

This was done via double blind intervention study, with two comparable groups of people in the age range 40 to 60, who used either a skin cream containing the bioactive seaweed extract, or a cream containing all the same ingredients aside from the extract (control) , or a placebo. The effects of the creams on skin parameters were measured three times over a period of twelve weeks. The skin of the participants was measured with a Dermalab Series Clinique Combo from Cortex technology, which gathered data about eg skin elasticity, hydration, and collagen intensity, at baseline, after six weeks and 12 weeks of daily use (mornings and evenings) of the cream.

Elasticity increased over time for both groups. The increase was more noticeable in the group using the cream with the Fucus vesiculosus extract. Two parameters were measured using ultrasonic skin imaging: collagen intensity and skin thickness. The collagen intensity did not increase in the skin of the participants during the study and no differences in thickness of the skin of the participants were seen over time. However, the skin was thicker for the group using the cream with the Fucus vesiculosus extract than the placebo group in the third measurement. The hydration increased in the skin of the participants from the first to the second measurement but decreased again slightly from the second to third measurement. It can be concluded that using the creams increases hydration in the skin but other factors have an impact too, such as the hydration level in the atmosphere. A trend was seen for more hydration in the group using the cream with the Fucus vesiculosus extract compared to the placebo group in the third measurement.

In conclusion, the skin cream containing the bioactive seaweed extract had a positive impact on the skin of the participants. However, the group using the placebo cream also experienced positive results, and often the differences between the two groups were not significant. When significant differences were observed, they favored the bioactive cream.

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Seaweed supplementation to mitigate methane (CH4) emissions by cattle (SeaCH4NGE-PLUS)




Matís: Ásta H Pétursdóttir, Brynja Einarsdóttir, Elísabet Eik Guðmundsdóttir, Natasa Desnica, Rebecca Sim. University of Hohenheim: Susanne Kuenzel, Markus Rodehutscord, Natascha Titze, Katharina Wild.

Supported by:

Climate Fund, Rannís


Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir

Project Manager

This report contains the main experimental results of the SeaCH4NGE-PLUS project. In short, screening of the chemical content showed approx. 20 algae species collected in Iceland in 2020 and 2021, not bromoform-rich seaweed, but bromoform-rich seaweed can have a methane-reducing effect when given to cattle. Samples of brown algae were often high in phenol content, indicating a high fluorotannin content that has been linked to moderate methane reduction. Studies on Asparagopsis algae. indicated that these samples could have a short shelf life, but the effect was smaller than expected. Fermentation can have a small positive effect on methane production (ie slightly reduce production), but the extraction of the florotannin did not have a decisive effect on methane production. This report is closed until 31.12.2023.

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Seaweed that improves feed for dairy cows




Ásta Heiðrún Pétursdóttir, Corentin Beaumal, Gunnar Ríkharðsson, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir

Supported by:

Agricultural Productivity Fund, Student Innovation Fund


Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir

Project Manager

The aim was to investigate whether it would be possible to increase the usefulness of dairy cows by seaweed feeding and to examine the chemical content and quality of the milk. Also whether it would be possible to use seaweed as a mineral source, for example for organic feed that could lead to a new product such as high-fat milk and therefore encourage innovation in
cattle breeding. The results showed that seaweed administration could have a positive effect
on milk production as the groups receiving seaweed showed a slight increase in milk production compared to the control group,
but the change was not significant. The results of the collection samples showed that the trace composition changed. Seaweed supplementation could be, for example
an interesting option for farmers who are interested in or already engaged
organic production but interest in organic farming is increasing among cattle breeders.

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Ecological impact on bioactive chemicals in brown seaweeds and their utilization




Rósa Jónsdóttir, Ásta Heiðrún Pétursdóttir, Halldór Benediktsson, Hilma B. Eiðsdóttir, Karl Gunnarsson, Jóna Freysdóttir

Supported by:

Fisheries Project Fund


Rósa Jónsdóttir

Research Group Leader

Ecological impact on bioactive chemicals in brown seaweeds and their utilization

The aim of the project was to investigate the effects of environmental factors on the amount and bioactivity of polyphenols and polysaccharides in seaweed and kelp. The aim was to increase knowledge of the ecology and chemistry of these species for more efficient isolation of biological substances, their further analysis and utilization for bioactivity measurements. Samples of seaweed, marine core, pimples and claw seaweed were taken at three locations in the country; in the northern part of Reykjanes, in Breiðafjörður and Eskifjörður, a total of six times a year, from March to June, in August and October. A method was developed to isolate fucoidan and laminaran polysaccharides from bubble seaweed and claw seaweed. Total polyphenols were measured in all samples but bioactivity in selected samples. In addition, heavy metals and iodine were measured in selected samples. The amount of polyphenols was high in smallpox and seaweed, but low in marine nuclei and gillnets. Antioxidant activity, measured as ORAC and in the cellular system, was high in the samples containing high levels of polyphenols. Seaweed and seaweed showed anti-inflammatory activity. The results of the project significantly increase knowledge in the field of utilization of seaweed and kelp. They are useful in the development of seaweed processing for human consumption that is currently underway.

The aim of the project was to study the effect of environmental factors on polyphenols and polysaccharides in seaweed. Thereby be able to better recognize the ecology and chemistry of these species for more efficient isolation of the biochemical, their further analysis and utilization in bioactive measurements. Samples of Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta, Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus were collected at three different locations, Reykjanes, Breiðafjörður and Eskifjörður, from March to October, in total six times. Method to isolate fucoidan and laminaran polysaccharides was developed. Total polyphenol content (TPC) was measured in all samples and bioactivity in selected samples. In addition, contaminants and iodine were analyzed in selected samples. The TPC was high in F. vesiculosus and A. nodosum but rather low in A. esculenta and S. latissima. The antioxidant acitivty, measured as ORAC value and in cells, was high in samples containing high amount of TPC. F. vesiculosus and A. esculenta had anti-inflammatory properties. The results of the project have increased the knowledge about the utilization of seaweed in Iceland substantially.

Report closed until 31.12.2017

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New bioactive skin care products




Hörður G. Kristinsson, Rósa Jónsdóttir

Supported by:

AVS (V 012‐12)

New bioactive skin care products

In recent years, methods have been developed to isolate bioactive substances from seaweed and they have been successfully developed into traditional face creams. The goal of this project was to create a new skin product that contains these new powerful bioactive ingredients with targeted activity against the aging of the skin. The project completed the development of a new product, a powerful eye cream that is specially designed to work on the skin around the eyes and contains bioactive substances made from Icelandic seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) along with other very powerful and active selected ingredients, eye cream that has have been fairly well received and are considered to have good activity.  

In the past years, new methods to isolate bioactive ingredients from seaweed have been developed and used for cosmetic day cream with good results. In this project a new cosmetic product was developed. This product is a bioactive ultra rich eye cream that is designed and developed to aid in the maintenance of the skin around the eyes. Among its carefully selected and effective constituents are bioactive ingredients, which are extracted from Fucus vesiculosus harvested on the clean shores of Iceland. The product has received good remarks and got positive remarks.

Report closed until 01.11.2016

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