The Microbial Analytical Service Laboratory of Matís was recently visited by a Quality Assessor from NYSDOH (New York State Department of Health). Visits such as these allow the laboratory to maintain its accredited methods for analysing potable water intended for sale in America.
The Matís Microbial Analytical Service Lab remain the only laboratory in Iceland to fulfil the requirements of the NELAC standard used by NYSDOH. The lab also complies with the ÍST EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard and is accredited by Swedac (Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity).
The NYSDOH assessor visited Matís on the 8th and 9th of March and thoroughly assessed the lab‘s quality system as a whole, as well as assessing the NELAC accredited methods. As previously stated the methods in question are used to analyse potable water.
Assessments such as these are regarded as excellent opportunities to grow and improve, and the staff of Analytical Services are always eager to polish the quality system and take the services they provide to their customers to the next level.

For a list of the accredited methods and services the Microbial Analytical Service Lab of Matís provides click here.