Older News News from Matís Search Search Search Clear Year Year Reset Matís leitar að starfsmanni á sviði efnamælingaMatís og samstarfsaðilar tryggja sér 2,5 milljarða króna í styrki frá rammaáætlun Evrópu um rannsóknir og nýsköpunMatís leitar að fagstjóra örverumælingaCourse on food handling for canteen and kitchen staffMatís is looking for an ambitious specialist in food microbiologyE. coli STEC in ground beef – Source of foodborne infection confirmed by whole-sequencing of MatísThe importance of research infrastructure for the development of the bioeconomyNatalie's annual meeting in Gran CanariaHow do we make the food system of the future more sustainable?Doctoral defense in food science – Anna Þóra HrólfsdóttirA new database on microorganisms in food and production environmentsWorkshop on Catch Quality and Pricing in the Nordic RegionSkir as biological cultural heritage: What is your experience with skir?Increased Nordic cooperation needed in the lobster fishing to ensure sustainability and profitability of the industryThe Minister of Food visits Matís in HvanneyriThe European project BIO2REG invites you to a workshop on bioeconomy 123…120121Next
Matís og samstarfsaðilar tryggja sér 2,5 milljarða króna í styrki frá rammaáætlun Evrópu um rannsóknir og nýsköpun
Increased Nordic cooperation needed in the lobster fishing to ensure sustainability and profitability of the industry